Blessed: comes from the Latin word Beatitudo meaning

Beatitude: comes from the Latin word Beatitudo
meaning blessed or happiness.
When Jesus states “Blessed are those who…” He is
really saying “happy are those who…”.
In the Old Testament or Hebrew Scripture,
beatitudes were also given. These were often
statements of common sense that were intended to provide direction in life.
( ie. Find Wisdom and you will find happiness” Proverbs 3:13)
Jesus gives us eight beatitudes in His Sermon on the Mount found in the
Gospel of Matthew.
Jesus’ beatitudes direct us in a way where we normally wouldn’t expect to
find happiness. However, this happiness that Jesus speaks of ultimately will
lead us to eternal life.
Jesus’ Beatitudes will lead us to the happiness of true and lasting friendship
with others and with God.
The Eight Beatitudes
Blessed are the _______________, for theirs is the __________ __________________.
This beatitude does not mean that only the poor will enter the Kingdom of heaven or
that wealth is evil. However, it calls all people to adopt a spirit of detachment from
material goods in order to focus on God and the needs of others.
Blessed are those who ___________, for they shall be _________________.
Christ calls us to embrace suffering, just as He did through His life and death on the
Blessed are the ___________for they shall ____________________.
Christ calls us to be meek and humble and not to seek worldly power and honour.
Through this, one can focus on others and God.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for _________________, for they will
Christ tries to explain to us that we can never be satisfied with anything from this world
and that it is only when we seek God and righteousness will we experience true
Blessed are ____________________________, for they shall _______________.
Christ calls us to be merciful and loving to everyone just as God shines His love and
mercy on us. God is love.
Blessed are the _____________________, for they shall be called _________________.
When one’s heart is pure and centered only on God one is able to please and become
closer to Him.
Blessed are the _____________, for they shall be called __________________________.
As the Creator of all things and people, God deeply desires for all people to be united in
peace. When this is achieved one may call themselves a child of God in the fullest sense.
Blessed are those who are __________________ for righteousness sake, for theirs is the
Although we all desire to be honoured and respected, a detachment from this desire
allows us to follow Christ’s example and try to do the right thing even when it is most