Commentary on Divine Liturgy: The Offertory

Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• Introduction
• The Preparation :Altar Preparation, Prayer before
and after Preparation,Getting Dressed,The
Canonical Hours,Hand Washing,The Creed
• Choosing and Baptizing the Lamb
• Procession of the Lamb
• The Thanksgiving
• Prayer of the Offertory
• The Absolutions
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• Priest’s Prayer of Preparation:
Lord, Who knows the hearts of all, Who is
Holy and Who rests in the midst of the
saints; Who alone is without sin and Who is
mighty to forgive sins; You , O Lord, Who
knows my unworthiness, my unfitness, and
my unmeetness, unto this, Your holy
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• Priest’s Prayer after Preparation:
After preparing the altar, the priest recites
another prayer giving thanks to God Who
granted him the honor to serve the holy
Altar, confessing his sins as well as the
people’s sins, and that God accept His
Son’s Sacrifice on their behalf
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• The Canonical Hours
+ Sundays and Non-fast days
+ Wednesday and Friday on regular fasting
+ Holy Lent
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• Hand Washing
+Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean
(Ps 51:7)
+Make me hear joy and gladness (Ps 51:8)
+I will wash my hands in innocence, so I will
go about Your Altar, O Lord…(Ps 26: 6-7)
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• Choosing the Lamb
+The bread is round…
+ May the Lord choose a lamb without
+ While signing the cross sign: Sacrifice of
Glory, Sacrifice of blessing, Sacrifice of
Abraham, Sacrifice of Isaac, Sacrifice of
Jacob, Sacrifice of Melchizadek
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• Baptizing the Lamb :With wet right finger
sign of cross from top to bottom, then
around from left to right, symbolizing the
baptism of Christ by St. John, while
praying: Let our sacrifice be accepted
before You Lord for the forgiveness of my
sins, and the ignorance of Your people…
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• Procession of the Lamb
• The Thanksgiving
• The Prayer of the Offertory:
Master Lord Jesus Christ, the Co-eternal, the Word
of the unblemished Father, Who is of one essence
with Him and the Holy Spirit; For You are the
Living Bread which came down from heaven, and
did afore time make Yourself a Lamb without
spot, for the life of the world; we ask and entreat
Your goodness, O Lover of mankind; …
Commentary on Divine Liturgy:
The Offertory
• The Absolutions:
+The Absolution of the Son (Master, Lord
Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son…)
+ The Absolution of the Ministers (May Your
servants, ministers of this day…)