Natural Climate Variability


Natural Climate Variability

Spring 2012, Lecture 10


Discovery of an Ice Age

Louis Agassiz, a Swiss-

American scientist and physician, was the first to recognize evidence for an ice age

Trained in medicine and natural history, he was the first to propose, in 1837, that earth had been subjected to a past ice age

1807 - 1873


Louis Agassiz

Agassiz moved to the United States in 1846

He became professor of zoology and geology at Harvard University, and founded the

Museum of Comparative Zoology

He became interested in the last glacial advance in North America, and studied it for the remainder of his life


Ice Ages

Ice ages - are times when the entire Earth experiences notably colder climatic conditions

During an ice age

The polar regions are cold

There are large differences in temperature from the equator to the pole

Large, continental-size glaciers or ice sheets can cover enormous regions of the earth


Previous Ice Ages

The climate history of earth is under active investagation

Two Precambrian ice ages are known

2000 MYBP

600 MYBP

Late Paleozoic ice age, about 250 MYBP

Pleistocene ice age






Plate Tectonics and Climate

Glaciers can only form on land

As plates move, evidence for a cold climate, in the form of glaciation, exists primarily when land masses are present at high latitudes

Movement of land masses also alters the oceanic circulation pattern, a vital factor in determining climate conditions


Pleistocene Glaciation

Began about 1.6 MYBP

There were at least 4 glacial advances

Climate cooled 5-10ºC during glacial episodes, warming in between

Last episode peaked 18,000 years ago, ice covering about 30% of the earth’s surface


North American Ice Cover

Figure shows the extent of ice cover from

18,000 to 8000 years ago

White is ice, blue is glacial meltwater lakes


Climate Questions

What causes the onset of glacial conditions?

What caused the alternation of glacial and interglacial conditions during the Pleistocene?


Natural Variability

• The earth’s climate has a fairly large natural variability

Before we examine how much man is changing climate, we need to understand what contributes to natural variability

• We also need to remember what causes earth’s seasons


What Causes Earth’s Seasons


Orbital Influence on Climate

• The earth’s orbit around the sun, modified by its interaction with other bodies in the solar system, and rotation around its own axis, influence climate


Milutin Milankovitch

Milutin Milankovitch was a

Serbian astrophysicist best known for developing one of the most significant theories relating

Earth motions and long-term climate change

He attended the Vienna Institute of Technology and graduated in

1904 with a doctorate in technical sciences



Milankovitch Theory

After five years of work as a civil engineer, he accepted a faculty position in applied mathematics at the University of Belgrade in 1909, a position he held for the remainder of his life

During WWI, he was interned by the Austro-

Hungarian army

While interned in Budapest, he was allowed use of the library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


First Publication

By the end of the war he published, in 1920, a paper whose translated title is “Mathematical theory of thermal phenomena caused by solar radiation”

He dedicated his career to developing a mathematical theory of climate based on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation received by the


This idea is now known as the Milankovitch Theory


Orbital Variations

Milankovitch proposed on theory of climate modification based on variations in incoming solar radiation, caused by orbital variations o Eccentricity o Obliquity o Precession



Eccentricity is the shape of the Earth's orbit around the


Orbital shape ranges between more and less elliptical

(0 to 5% ellipticity) – the drawing actually exaggerates the effect for clarity


Cause of Eccentricity

Eccentricity if caused by perturbations of earth’s orbit due to other bodies

Venus, the closest planet to earth, has the largest effect

Jupiter, because it is so massive, has a sizable effect

Eccentricity shows peaks every 95,000 years, but superimposed on those are larger peaks at

125,000 and 400,000 years


Eccentricity Effects

These oscillations, from more elliptic to less elliptic, are of prime importance to glaciation

The oscillation alters the distance from the

Earth to the Sun, thus changing the distance the Sun's short wave radiation must travel to reach Earth

This reduces or increases the amount of radiation received at the Earth's surface in different seasons


Solar Energy Received by Earth

At present, a difference of only about 3 percent occurs between aphelion (farthest point) and perihelion (closest point)

The present eccentricity is near the minimum possible, so heating is almost uniform around the globe

This 3 percent difference in distance means that Earth experiences a 6 percent increase in received solar energy in January than in July


At Maximum Eccentricity

When the Earth's orbit is most elliptical the amount of solar energy received at the perihelion would be in the range of 20 to 30 percent more than at aphelion

Continually altering the amounts of received solar energy around the globe will result in large changes in the Earth's climate and glacial regimes



(Axial Tilt)

• Refers to the tilt of the earth’s axis

The present value is 23.44°, but the value can range from 22.1° to 24.5°

• The obliquity largely accounts for the earth’s annual seasons

The period of the obliquity is 41,000 years


Minimum Axial Tilt

When the axial tilt is at a minimum, the variation between seasons is reduced

Winter is warmer, summer is cooler

However, reduced tilt means solar radiation is less evenly distributed between equatorial and polar regions


Response to Minimum Tilt

As a reaction to a smaller degree of axial tilt, it is hypothesized that ice sheets would grow

Warmer winter mean which warmer air, which holds more moisture

More moisture in the air would lead to a greater amount of snowfall

Cooler summer temperatures would result in less melting of the winter's snow accumulation



Precession is the Earth's slow wobble as it spins on axis

This top-like wobble, or precession, has a periodicity of 23,000 years


Precession Video

Top precessing in the bowl of a spoon


Where is Earth’s Axis Pointing?

This means the axis points to different places in the sky over a 23,800 year period

The precession of Earth wobbles from pointing at Polaris (North Star) to pointing at the star


When this shift to the axis pointing at Vega occurs, Vega would then be considered the

North Star


Affect of

When the axis is tilted towards

Vega the positions of the

Northern Hemisphere winter and summer solstices will coincide with the aphelion and perihelion, respectively.


This means that the

Northern Hemisphere will experience winter when the

Earth is furthest from the

Sun and summer when the

Earth is closest to the Sun

• This coincidence will result in greater seasonal contrasts

At present, the Earth is at perihelion very close to the winter solstice – perihelion is currently January 3


Length of Winter and Summer

The sun is not the center of the ellipse

This means that it takes the earth longer to travel from the vernal equinox to the autumnal equinox than from the autumnal to the vernal equinox

Northern Hemisphere winter now is shorter than the Southern Hemisphere winter

In 12,900 years, the North will have longer winters and shorter summers


Antarctic Ice Sheet

In whichever hemisphere winter is longer, snow will be more likely to accumulate, leading to ice sheet growth

This was first suggested in 1842 by Frenchman

Joseph Alphonse Adhémar

He used the massive ice sheet in Antarctica as evidence, since the Southern Hemisphere currently has longer winter and shorter summer


James Croll

Scotsman James Croll combined the eccentricity of the orbit and the precession and in the 1860s and 1870s presented his ideas on the effects of the cycles and how they might influence climate, especially the colder winters when they correspond with the aphelion

For this reason, Milankovitch cycles are sometimes called Croll-Milankovitch cycles


Milankovitch Hypothesis

Milankovitch combined all three cycles in a mathematical formulation that predicted their combined effect on climate fluctuations of the


For this reason, he usually gets all the credit

The three factors have almost no effect on the total amount of solar energy reaching the earth



The effect of the various cycles is to change the contrast between seasons 34

Effects of the

Milankovitch Hypothesis

Milder winters in high latitudes lead to climate warming, and greater snowfall

Cooler summers would reduce snowmelt

Combined, this might trigger ice formation, and lead to ice sheet formation

Coupled with positive feedbacks, like the icealbedo effect, this could trigger an ice age


Glacial to Interglacial and Return

As orbital cycles progress, the Milankovitch forcing will change, and climate will start to warm

Positive feedbacks will amplify the warming

This can explain the alternating glacialinterglacial effects seen in the Pleistocene


Acceptance of the

Milankovitch Hypothesis

Milankovitch enjoyed a considerable reputation as the result of his paper

• He drew a curve of insolation at the earth’s surface as part of his paper

Insolation refers to the amount of solar energy received at a given point on earth’s surface


Final Acceptance

In 1924, the great meteorologist and climatologist Wladimir Köppen, together with his son-in-law Alfred Wegener, introduced the curve in their work, entitled Climates of the geological past

This led to wide-spread acceptance of

Milankovitch’s ideas

