The New Deal Comes Under Attack • Opposition to the New Deal grew among some parts of the population. • Liberal critics argued that the New Deal did not go far enough to help the poor & to reform the nation’s economic system. • Conservative critics argued that FDR spent too much on direct relief & used New Deal policies to control business & socialize the economy. Supreme Court Reacts New Deal • Two Supreme Court decisions opposed the New Deal. • 1935, the Court struck down the NIRA as unconstitutional, declaring that the law gave the legislature powers to the executive branch when dealing with industry. • 1936, the Court struck down the AAA on the grounds that agriculture is a local matter & should be regulated by the states rather than the federal government. • FDR upset by the rulings & feared that further Court decisions might dismantle the New Deal, in 1937 he proposed that Congress reorganize the Federal Judiciary & allow him to appoint six new Supreme Court Justices. • FDR’s goal was to make the Court more sympathetic to his New Deal programs. • Many in press & public became outraged (charged him with “court packing”) at FDR’s attempt to increase his power & threaten the separation of powers. • Later, rulings of the Court began to shift in Roosevelt’s favor as justices retired & FDR appointed his supporters (7 new Justices 1937-1941) New Opportunities for Women • FDR named several women to important official positions. • Frances Perkins, became the first female Cabinet member (Sec of Labor). She played a major role in crafting the Social Security Legislation & crafting of labor legislation. • In making the appointments, FDR appealed to a new voting base = Female voters. • New Deal laws yielded mixed results for women. • Women earned lower wages then men in the New Deal work programs & the CCC only hired men. • However, women in the workforce did increase in the 1930’s, especially married working women (up 15%). African Americans • FDR had a mixed record when it came to civil rights. • He created “Black Cabinet” of influential African Americans to advise him on racial issues. • Eleanor Roosevelt played a critical role in opening doors for African Americans. • However, FDR never fully committed to civil rights for African Americans. • He was afraid of upsetting Southern whites, an important segment of voters. • He refused to support a federal anti-lynching law & an end to poll taxes, two key goals of the civil rights movement. • He allowed AA’s to benefit from New Deal programs but favored white workers for providing direct relief & jobs. • AA’s also received lower wages than whites & were segregated from whites. • Many AA’s did support FDR & New Deal and abandoned their traditional allegiance to the Republican Party. • Many AA’s saw FDR as their best hope. Mexican Americans • Tended to support the New Deal, though received fewer benefits than African Americans. • Large # of Mexican Americans came to U.S. in 1920’s & settled mainly in the Southwest. Most worked as farm laborers which wasn’t an occupation that was protected by the Govt. • Wages remained low & tried to unionize, but were met with resistance & violence. Native Americans • In 1924, Native Americans received full citizenship by law & later strongly supported the New Deal. • FDR’s administration with the assistance of John Collier (NA activist) created the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. • Act strengthened Native Americans land claims by prohibiting the Govt from taking unclaimed reservation lands & selling them to people other than Native Americans. • 1934 Act was able to restore some reservation lands & tribal ownership.