LANDFORM & WATER FEATURES Continents: How many continents are there? What are their names? What was the name of the 1 gigantic continent believed to exist before the “big bang”? Map of the World 11 4 1 9 8 5 12 3 10 2 6 7 Continents: North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Antarctica Isthmus- a narrow piece of land that connects two larger pieces of land Major Landforms: The earth has 4 major types of land forms. Mountains: Largest in height, 2 steep sides, minimum of 1000 feet in elevation Hills: Gradually rounded. Plateaus: Higher than surrounding land and usually has a cliff (kind of looks like a table top) Only has 1 steep side. Plains: Flat areas with very little relief (or elevation). Costal plains have even less elevation than Interior plains. Secondary Landforms: Peninsula: A continent that is surrounded by water on 3 sides. Archipelago: A group of closely scattered islands. Continental Shelf: Underwater extension of a continent. Water Features: Oceans: How many oceans are there in the world? How many can you name? Which one is closest to you from where you are sitting now? Oceans: Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic Pacific Ocean is the largest. Seas, Gulfs, & Bays: They are smaller than oceans but still salt water. Mediterranean Sea is the earth’s largest. Salt water can not be consumed. It is very difficult to turn saltwater into freshwater. Lakes, Streams,& Rivers Most lakes, streams, and rivers contain freshwater. Lakes do not have fast flowing water. Streams- small body of water flowing through land. Rivers- a number of streams combined form a river. Early settlements were along Lakes and rivers to tap into the freshwater source. Brackish- where freshwater meets saltwater (the mix of the two) Ex. Where the Mississippi meets the Gulf of Mexico Earth’s Highs and Lows Earth’s Highs The highest part on the earth is Mt. Everest in Nepal (Asia) which is about 29,000 ft. above sea level. Earth’s Lows The lowest point is the Dead Sea in Israel which is about 1,300 ft. below sea level. The dead sea is 9X saltier than any body of water in the world. Marine life can not survive. People become very buoyant (floatable) in the dead sea. Earth’s Depths The deepest part of the earth is the Mariana Trench off the coast of Japan in the Pacific Ocean which is about 36,000 ft. below sea level.