Land and Water Use Lakes & Oceans By: Lina Alvenda & Kori Dickie 5th period Lakes Most are located in Northern hemisphere Found in mountainous areas, rift zones, or along the courses of mature rivers Higher altitudes 3 zones- littoral zone, open-water zone, deep-water benthic zone Examples of lakes: Eutrophic lakes, Oligotrophic lakes, natural lakes, artificial lakes Oceans Covers 71% of Earth’s surface It’s temp affects climate and wind patterns About 97 percent of all water on earth is in our oceans Oceanic evaporation is the primary source for precipitation Ninety percent of all volcanic activity occurs in the oceans Oceanic Zones Aphotic Benthic Disphotic Neritic Oceanic Pelagic Photic (Euphotic) 1. Water vapor returning to the liquid state is called A) Evaporation B)Transpiration C) Boiling D) Condensation E) Vaporization 2. The temperature at which air becomes saturated and produces liquid is called A) the saturation point B) the dew point C) the condensation point D) Relative humidity E) Absolute humidity 3. The primary use of freshwater is for A) industry B) Domestic use C) fishing D) Agriculture E) landscaping 4. A mixture of freshwater and saltwater is known as A) brackish water B) gray water C) black water D) connate water E) lentic water 5. A country that would represent large per capita water use would be A) China B) India C) Israel D) United states E) Iceland Answers 1) D. 2) B. 3) D. 4) A. 5) D. External links fm More info? FUN FACT The volume of the Earth's moon is the same as the volume of the Pacific Ocean