You are not alone - We want to help! Please call and let us help you. SOS Survivor Outreach Services The mission of SOS is to provide assistance to the Families of the Fallen. We do this by using a caring, comprehensive approach to deliver services to those touched by the loss of a Soldier. For assistance, or more information, please call the SOS Coordinator at 501-212-4055 or 501-212-4122 Here to help you cope with your loss Survivor Outreach Services Additional Resources SOS Support Coordinator Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors 1-800-959-TAPS (8277) Support Coordinators offer long-term support to Survivors by: Military OneSource 1-800-342-9647 Providing assistance in obtaining life skills and supportive counseling; Developing survivor peer groups; Briefing the community and Military Leadership. We work closely with Casualty Assistance Officers and Casualty Area Commands to ensure Survivors receive necessary services. SOS is designed to: • Ensure survivors receive all benefits to which they are entitled • Encourage our survivors to remain an integral part of the Army family for as long as they desire • Ensure the Army fulfills its covenant with survivors through sustainment of a comprehensive effort within Army casualty and Family programs • Extend support to Families by maximizing cooperation between government and non-government agencies VA Bereavement Counseling 501-324-6395 (Little Rock) 479-582-7152 (Fayetteville) 901-544-0173 (Memphis) Military Family Life Consultants 501-215-0895 (West Arkansas) 870-530-7294 (East Arkansas) Army Benefit Information Gold Star Organizations