Energy and Transformation of Energy

Energy and
Transformation of Energy
Energy Definition
• The ability to do work.
• How do we use energy?
• Energy comes from heat,
chemicals, electricity, fossil
fuel, and the food you eat.
I. Types of Energy
A. Chemical
• Definition: is energy contained
inside substances.
• Released during chemical
• Examples of chemical energy are:
gasoline, coal, and oil
• By breaking chemical bonds
energy is released for use.
Types of Energy
B. Solar Energy
• Definition: Energy that comes
from the Sun.
• Examples: visible light, ultraviolet
light, and heat energy.
Types of Energy
C. Electrical Energy
Definition: energy from the
movement of electrically charged
Power plants produced electrical
energy from other energy sources
such as coal (chemical), oil
(chemical), wind (mechanical),
and nuclear power (nuclear).
Types of Energy
D. Mechanical Energy
- Definition: is the energy an
object has because of motion.
Kinetic Energy : energy of
Potential Energy: energy of
Types of Energy
• E. Thermal Energy
• Definition: Energy resulting from
the motion of particles. Thermal
energy is a form of kinetic energy
and is transferred as heat.
Transformation of
• Definition: This states that energy
can change from one form to
another, but it cannot be created
or destroyed.
• Important: When energy is used, it
does not disappear……it simply
changes to another form.
Heat Energy Transfer
• This type of energy can be transferred from
one object to another when there is a
temperature difference between them.
• Movement of this energy moves from hot to
• The reason a hot chocolate mug feels
warm to your hand is because the heat is
moving from the hot mug to your colder
hand. Some of the heat also moves to the
air (hot to cold).
Energy Transformation
• Explain how energy transformation
occurs when you turn on a
• Chemical Energy (batteries). When
you turn on the switch Chemical
Energy transforms into Electrical
Energy. Electrical Energy is then
transformed to Light Energy. Light
Energy is transformed into Heat
Energy (thermal)
• Definition: is a disturbance that
transfers energy from one place
to another.
• Examples: (Mechanical Waves)
earthquake waves, sound
waves, water waves.
Electromagnetic waves (x-rays,
light, and radio waves)
Mechanical Waves
• Some kinds of waves travel through
• The energy is transferred by waves
is carried from its source by
• The waves travel through material or
a medium.
• Medium can be a gas, liquid or solid.
• Waves that require a medium are
called mechanical waves.
Electromagnetic Waves
• Not all waves need a medium to
transfer energy.
• Visible light, infrared light,
microwaves, radio waves, ultraviolet
light, x-rays, and gamma rays can
travel through empty space.
• These are called Electromagnetic
• Def: is a disturbance caused by an
electric field and a magnetic field
changing and moving together.