FY08 Warrior Tasks & Battle Drills

FY08 Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills
Qualify with individual assigned weapon
Operate M240B MG
Operate M249 MG
Operate M2 Cal. 50 MG
Employ Claymore Mine and hand grenades
Engage targets with weapon using a night vision sight
Engage targets with weapon using an aiming light
 Perform voice communications (SITREP/SPOTREP/9-Line)
 Use visual signaling techniques
Urban Operations
 Perform movement techniques during an urban operation
 Engage targets during an urban operation
 Determine location on ground (terrain association/map/GPS)
 Navigate from one point to another (dismounted)
 Move over, through, or around obstacles
Total Warrior Tasks: 32
Total Battle Drills: 12
NOTE: All Tasks and Supporting Tasks are
Defined in in STP 21-1-SMCT (Chapter 4)
As of 25 FEB 08
Move under direct fire
React to indirect fire (dismounted & mounted)
React to direct fire (dismounted & mounted)
React to unexploded ordnance hazard
React to man-to-man contact (combatives)
React to chemical or biological attack/hazard
Decontaminate yourself & individual equipment using
chemical decon kit
Maintain weapons and equipment
Select temporary fighting position
Certify as a Combat Lifesaver
Improvised explosive device (IED) defeat
Assess and Respond to Threats (Escalation of Force)
Understand Personnel Recovery Responsibility
Maintain Situational Awareness / Every Soldier as a sensor
Perform field sanitation & preventive medicine field craft
Maintain Battle-Focused Physical and Mental Readiness
Perform Detainee Ops at Point of Capture
Perform Sniper Countermeasures
Battle Drills
React to contact (visual, IED, direct fire [includes RPG])
React to indirect fire
React to chemical attack
Break contact
Dismount a vehicle
React to ambush (near)
React to ambush (far)
Evacuate a casualty (dismounted and mounted)
Establish security at a halt
Checkpoint entry operations
React to Vehicle Roll-Over
Enter and Clear a Room