Operations Management National Cranberry - Lecture 5 (Chapter 5) Dr. Ursula G. Kraus 1/12 Review • • • • Flow Time Analysis Capacity Analysis Kristen’s Cookie Company Resource Pools 2/12 Review: Process Flow Measures Flow Time (T): The average time a job spends in the process Inventory (I): The average number of jobs accumulated in the process Throughput, or Flow Rate (R): The average rate at which jobs flow through a process Little’s Law I = RxT Source: Managing Business Process Flows (1999) 3/12 Agenda • National Cranberry Coop • The Effect of Variability 5/12 Critical Assumptions from National Cranberry Truck arrivals are constant, evenly spaced over the 11 (12) hour period The mix between wet and dry berries is constant at 70/30 No variation in processing time at the individual processing stages 6/12 Agenda • National Cranberry Coop • The Effect of Variability 7/12 Post Office: Why Do Queues form? • Average inter-arrival time is 4 minutes • Average processing time 3 minutes We are processing customers faster than they arrive so what's the problem? Source: Managing Business Process Flows (1999) 8/12 Post Office: Customer processing Customer # Time Time Source: Prof. K. Gue, Winter 03 9/12 Post Office: With constant processing time Customer # Time Time Source: Prof. K. Gue, Winter 03 10/12 Post Office: … and constant interarrival time Customer # Time Time Source: Prof. K. Gue, Winter 03 11/12 Reasons Why Queues form Call # Variability: – interarrival times – processing times – server availability 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 TIME (System) Utilization: = throughput/capacity Inventory (# of calls in system) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Source: Managing Business Process Flows (1999) 20 40 60 TIME 80 100 12/12