
You manage to disrupt the invasive species’ reproductive
cycle, reducing the speed at which it can spread. Remove
one die from the invasive species dice pool for the remainder
of the game.
One technique for controlling the invasive sea lamprey in the
great lakes involves releasing sterilized males into the
population to interfere with normal reproduction.
You manage to develop a species specific
herbicide/pesticide. Remove the invasive species from any
one county you wish (note: this county can still be re-invaded
One control method for invasive sea lampreys uses specific
chemicals to kill sea lamprey larvae.
You manage to develop a species specific
herbicide/pesticide. Remove the invasive species from any
two counties you wish (note: these counties can still be reinvaded later).
In California, one control method for invasive yellow starthistle
involves the application several herbicides.
You manage to develop a species specific
herbicide/pesticide. Remove the invasive species from any
three counties you wish (note: these counties can still be reinvaded later).
Herbicides are sprayed on invasive garlic mustard in early
spring or late fall when other plants have not yet appeared or
have already died.
You manage to develop a species specific
herbicide/pesticide. Remove the invasive species from any
four counties you wish (note: these counties can still be reinvaded later).
Chemicals such as chlorine are used to remove the invasive
zebra mussels from water intake pipes.
You manage to develop a species specific
herbicide/pesticide. Remove the invasive species from any
five counties you wish (note: these counties can still be reinvaded later).
One method of eliminating Asian carp uses a chemical toxin
known as Rotenone which can kill fish.
You have released a predator to kill the invasive species.
Choose an invaded county to release the predator in. The
invader is automatically removed from that county. Roll three
dice, any neighboring counties with values less than the sum
of the dice are cleared of invaders (these counties can never
be re-invaded).
In several states invasive purple loosestrife has been
controlled by releasing leaf-feeding beetles that eat the purple
You create a physical barrier to block the spread of the
invasive species. Choose any three adjacent counties that
have not yet been invaded. These counties can now never
be invaded for the rest of the game.
Barriers are constructed in streams and rivers to block the
entry of invasive sea lamprey.
You manage to organize community members to physically
remove the invasive species from the area. Roll one die,
whatever you roll you can remove the invasive from that
many counties.
In many communities people will actively pull up the invasive
garlic mustard as a means of controlling its spread.
Poor seasonal weather conditions have slowed the spread of
the invasive species. The total for the invasive species next
dice throw is reduced by 5.
You manage to create several non-physical barriers (eg.
electric barriers) to limit the spread of the invasive species.
Choose any three counties and permanently raise their value
by 5.
Electric barriers produce an electric field which is
uncomfortable to the invasive Asian carp.
You are researching a virus that you think may successfully
reduce the invasive species population. If you collect the
other research card you can release the virus. Count up the
number of invaded counties, remove the invasive species
from half of these counties (Rounding down. Note: these
counties can be re-invaded)
In Australia, a virus has been used to reduce the population of
the invasive European rabbit.
You are researching a virus that you think may successfully
reduce the invasive species population. If you collect the
other research card you can release the virus. Count up the
number of invaded counties, remove the invasive species
from half of these counties (Rounding down. Note: these
counties can be re-invaded)
In Australia, a virus has been used to reduce the population of
the invasive European rabbit.
Humans accidentally carry the invasive species to a new
location. The invasive species may choose any one county
on the map and automatically invade.
Zebra mussels were accidentally transported from Europe into
the great lakes in the ballast water of ships.
Favorable seasonal weather allows the invasive species to
spread more rapidly this year. Add 5 to the invasive species’
next dice throw.
New adaptations in the invasive species allow them to
recover from previous control methods. If the invasive
species dice pool was previously reduced it is now returned
to three dice.
The Brazilian water hyacinth is a flower that relies on
pollinators to help it cross-pollinate in its native habitat. In the
Caribbean Islands, where it is invasive, there aren’t enough
good pollinators, so it has adapted to become a self-pollinator.
New local laws change human land use patterns creating a
disturbance that makes it easier for the invasive species to
spread. If the invasive species dice pool was previously
reduced it is now returned to three dice.
Many invasive species are able to spread very rapidly through
disturbed habitat, such as new roads or building sites.
Warmer weather due to climate
change has created more mild habitats
in the upper peninsula. The value of
all counties in the upper peninsula is
permanently reduced by 3.
Climate change has increased the length of summer,
allowing the invasive species to complete its life cycle more
rapidly, and spread more quickly. Add 1 to all dice throws
made by the invasive species for the remainder of the game.
Global climate change has allowed the musk thistle, an
invasive species in Eastern North America, to increase it’s
height, allowing the seeds to disperse further.
The local DNR has declared an open hunting season on the
invasive species. Choose any four invaded counties, for each
county the invasive species must roll one die, if a 5 or 6 is
rolled the invasive remains, if a lower number is rolled the
invasive is removed from that county. (Note: these counties
can be re-invaded)
To help control the spread of the invasive Burmese python in
Florida, the state has created a python hunting season.
You manage to infect the invasive species population with a
parasite that slows their spread. For the remainder of the game,
all dice throws by the invasive species are reduced by 3.
A newly proposed method for controlling the spread of cane
toads in Australia involves using a parasitic lung worm which
physically slows the toads’ movement.
You are able to set up several monitoring stations in different
counties to track the spread of the invasive species which
allows you to more precisely target your control methods.
Choose 4 counties and permanently raise their value by 3.
In Australia, monitoring stations have been set up to listen for
the call of the invasive cane toad as a means of tracking the
spread of the toads.
The invasive species is released by humans into a new
habitat after being kept as a pet. The invasive species may
choose any one county on the map and automatically invade.
The Burmese python has become invasive in Florida as a
result of pet owners releasing the snakes into the wild once
they become too big to keep.
Local governments have put several laws in place that make
it more difficult for humans to accidentally spread the
invasive species. Choose three counties and permanently
raise their value by 3.
To help prevent the spread of the invasive emerald ash borer
throughout the Eastern U.S., bans have been put in place that
restrict the transport of firewood.
You manage to convince the local community to begin eating
the invasive species to slow its population growth. Choose
any three invaded counties, for each county the invasive
species must roll one die, if a 5 or 6 is rolled the invasive
remains, if a lower number is rolled the invasive is removed
from that county.
There has been a push to convince people to take up eating
Asian carp as a means to limit their population growth.