Sex, Booze & Promiscuity Reality TV’s Effect on Mass Audiences Erika Austin Courtney Bonoyer Michael Falco Amanda Frontiero Because reality shows are targeted at college and high school students, are such shows popular among Castleton students? An interesting issue to explore is whether the values displayed on these shows are imitated by students. Research Questions Are young men and women becoming more self-centered and promiscuous because of media representations that they see on reality shows? Research Questions Does the gender of a student impact the values he/she displays? Are these values affected by social institutions like the mass media? Rationale Bandura’s Observational Learning theory states that people imitate those they see on the media, especially if those portrayed are seen as socially successful. Young women on reality TV shows who dress and act provocatively seem to get the guys. Young men who are belligerent and irresponsible tend to be the popular ones. Men are portrayed in these shows as in charge and women as frivolous and childish. Individuals who betray other people tend to win the contests. Intoxication has no negative consequences on these shows. Sleeping with random people one has just met is depicted as being cool. Condoms and birth control are never mentioned on these shows. Cheating on one’s partner is normalized and seen as socially acceptable. Hypothesis Based on our rationales, we hypothesize that people who watch reality TV are more likely to be promiscuous, self-centered and display risky behavior than those who don’t watch such shows. Method of Study We surveyed 100 students at Castleton State College at random. The surveys asked about respondents’ demographics. We also asked several questions to measure their competitiveness, acceptance of promiscuity and the riskiness of their sexual and partying behaviors. Results It is okay to cheat on a partner if it is only once Those Who Don't Watch Reality TV 2% Those Who Watch Reality TV 0% 3% 4% 10% 17% 10% Completely Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 54% Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 23% 77% Males 3% 5% Females 2% 5% 15% 4% 7% Completely Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree 72% Completely Disagree 24% 63% Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree It is okay to tell on a friend given that we live in a cut throat world Those Who Watch Reality TV 3% Those Who Don't Watch Reality TV 8% 0% 20% 42% 13% 4% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Completely Agree 49% Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree Males 0% 8% Completely Disagree 34% 27% Females 2% 8% 12% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree 54% 30% Completely Agree 44% 19% Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree Completely Disagree 23% It is okay to have sex with people who you are not dating Those Who Watch Reality TV 3% Those Who Don't Watch Reality TV 23% 19% 23% Completely Agree 32% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree 23% Somewhat Disagree 17% Completely Disagree 32% 17% Males Females 17% 19% 31% 36% Completely Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree 3% Somewhat Disagree 19% 25% Completely Disagree 15% 15% Completely Disagree 11% 20% Completely Disagree It is okay to be drunk and sleep with someone not your partner Those Who Watch Reality TV Those Who Don't Watch Reality TV 7% 10% 10% 3% 12% Completely Agree 48% 19% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree Somewhat Disagree 15% 63% Completely Disagree 13% Females Males 4% 12% 7% 17% Completely Agree 10% 15% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree 56% 4% Completely Disagree 7% 68% Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree It is okay to have sex without protection with casual partners Those Who Watch Reality TV Those Who Don't Watch Reality TV 0% 3% 3% 9% 16% Completely Agree 46% 16% 15% Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree Completely Disagree 73% 19% Females Males 2% 0% 12% 10% 8% 10% Completely Agree Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree 59% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree 17% Completely Disagree 18% 64% Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree It is okay to appear naked on TV if it can win you big money Those Who Watch Reality TV Those Who Don't Watch Reality TV 13% 15% 3% 29% Completely Agree 33% Completely Agree 15% Somewhat Agree 26% Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree Completely Disagree 21% 16% 29% Males 25% Females 8% 25% 6% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree 10% 13% 27% Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree 14% 48% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree Completely Disagree 24% It is okay to betray a friend to win big money Those Who Don't Watch Reality TV Those Who Watch Reality TV 0% 17% 8% 8% 53% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 11% Completely Agree 9% Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree 58% 14% 22% Males 5% Completely Disagree Females 0% 13% 5% 61% Somewhat Agree 16% Completely Agree 8% 10% Completely Agree Somewhat Agree 12% Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Completely Disagree 70% Completely Disagree Flaws in the Study Our question to determine whether participants watched reality television was misleading and participants seemed confused. Many said they did not watch reality TV but were able to identify their content. We finally determined that respondents watched reality television if they answered the questions regarding the content of the shows. Conclusion We found that more people who didn’t watch reality television strongly disagreed with promiscuity and competitive values than those why did watch these shows. On the issue of sexual promiscuity there was a difference of at least 30% between people who watched Reality TV and those who did not. Conclusion Our study concluded that people who watch reality shows are more likely to accept values and sexual behaviors depicted on reality shows than students who don’t watch these shows. However, our results were not statistically significant.