Explorers Multiple Choice - 2005

1.____________________Early European explorers
who came to the New World were looking for a
northwest passage in order to
A.prove the world was round
B.improve trade with Native American Indians
C.explore the Great Lakes
D. find a shorter route to Asia
• Answer D
2.__________________Which development led to
the other three?
Africans were brought to the Americas as
B.Native American Indian populations were
destroyed by disease.
C.New types of foods were shared by Europeans and
D. European nations sent explorers to the Americas.
Answer: D
3. The printing press, the astrolabe, and the Mercator
projection were technological advances that
contributed to the
A. exploration and overseas expansion of the
colonial empires
B. unification of Germany and Italy in the late
C. growth of industry in Latin America during the
late 1900’s
D. spread of Islam in the 700’s and 800’s
Answer: A
4.__________________Which is a primary source
for evidence that Columbus sailed to find a new
route to the Indies in 1492?
a letter from the current ambassador from
Spain describing the voyage
B.a painting showing Columbus landing in the New
C.a diary entry written by a crew member
a television show about the explorations of
Answer: C
5.__________________Which of the items listed
below did the Native Americans want to receive in
trade from the European colonists?
metal pots and tools, beads, woolen blankets,
and beaver pelts
B.metal pots and tools, beads, woolen blankets, and
C. beads, woolen blankets, feathers, and guns
D. metal pots and tools, beads, woolen blankets, and
Answer: D
6.______________________In the 1400's,
Europeans were able to begin exploring for
new trade routes to Asia because of
A. increases in religious toleration in
B. a decline in the power of absolute power
C. advances in navigation and shipbuilding
D. the unification of Europe into one country
Answer: C
7. ___________________The theory that Native
American Indians migrated across a land bridge
from Asia to settle in North America is based on
political studies
B.diaries written during the migration
C.archaeological discoveries
modern short stories written by Native
American Indians
Answer: C
8.______________________John Cabot, Giovanni
daVerrazano, Jacques Cartier, Henry Hudson, and
Samuel de Champlain were all
fur traders
governors of the colony
early explorers
Answer: D
9.___________________One of the primary goals of
the European explorers was to find the Northwest
Passage. This search lead to many new discoveries
and claims. What was the Northwest Passage?
A lake filled with gold
B.A parcel of land in the northwest part of America
C.A water route through North America to Asia
D. A sunken ship filled with silks and spices
Answer: C
10.___________________The first Europeans
to arrive in the New World were most
interested in receiving what item in trade
with the Native Americans?
A. Gold
B. Corn
C. Wampum
D. Beaver pelts
Answer: D
11. Which of the following is a NEGATIVE effect of
European exploration of the New World on the
native people?
They profited from the fur trade.
They lost many of their cultural traditions.
They contracted diseases from Europeans.
Both B and C
All of the above
Answer: D
12. ________________Who controlled trade
to the far east?
A. Spanish
B. Columbus
C. Moslem nations
D. Chinese
Answer: C
13. _______________Which explorer brought
back information about the Far East?
A. Christopher Columbus
B. Bartholomew Dias
C. Francisco Pizzaro
D. Maro Polo
Answer: D
14. ______________Which group of people
were forced to work as slaves in the new
Spanish colonies?
A. Native Americans
White Europeans
C. Enslaved Africans
D. Both A and C
Answer: D
15. Which of the
following civilization
is shown in the
Answer: C
16.___________________In Latin America, the
Maya and the Aztec civilizations were similar in
that they
A. showed little evidence of urbanization
B. lacked a strong central government
C. developed complex mathematical and calendar
D. used military weapons superior to those of
Answer: C
17.___________________A study of the Maya,
Aztec, and Inca civilizations of Latin America
would show that these civilizations
A. developed advanced and complex societies before
the arrival of the Europeans
B. established extensive trade with Pacific Rim
C. were strongly influenced by their contact with
Asian and African civilizations
D. were relatively large, but not well organized
Answer: A
18. Which was an immediate result of the European
Age of Exploration?
A. Islamic culture spread across Africa and Asia
B. European influence spread to the Western
C. independence movements developed in Asia and
D. military dictatorships were established throughout
Answer: B
19. Which of these events during the Age of
Exploration was a cause of the other three?
A. Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas from
one continent to another
B. European diseases had an adverse effect on the
native populations of new territories
C. warfare increased as European nations competed
for land and power
D. advances in learning and technology made long
ocean voyages possible
Answer: D
20. The Native American population of Mexico in
1492 has been estimated at 25 million; the
population in 1608 has been estimated at 1.7
million. This decrease in population was mainly
a result of
A. crop failures brought on by poor weather
B. emigration of Native Americans to Europe and
C. wars between various native groups
D. diseases introduced by the Spanish
Answer: D
21. In Latin America during the early period of
Spanish colonialism, the deaths of large numbers
of the native people led to
A. a decline in Spanish immigration to the Americas
B. removal of most Spanish troops from the
C. the importation of slaves from Africa
D. improved health care in the colonies
Answer: C
22. One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able
to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires rapid is
A. these empires had no standing’
B. armies
B. the Spanish had better weapons than the Aztecs
and Incas did
C. the Spanish greatly outnumbered the Aztecs and
D. the Aztecs and Incas joined together to fight the
Answer: B