2. The Kingdom Is At Hand

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
In this series we shall study
– Plans, Prophecies, and Expectations
– The Kingdom Is At Hand!
The Kingdom’s Nature
The Kingdom Comes
The Kingdom’s Citizens
The Kingdom’s Laws
The Kingdom’s Rewards
The Kingdom’s Defenders
The Kingdom’s Future
The Kingdom’s Alternative
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom Is At Hand!
• Outline
– Time frame
– The phrase “at hand”
– How John and Jesus preached the kingdom
– The kingdom did not come before Jesus’ death
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom Is At Hand!
• Time frame: historical considerations
– John’s ministry began in 15th year of Tiberius (Lk. 3:1-2)
– Jesus “about 30” years old when He began preaching (Lk. 3:23)
– Three Passovers ≈ 3 year ministry (John 2:13; 6:4; 11:55)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom Is At Hand!
• The phrase “at hand”
– Greek verb eggizu, “to approach, to draw near”
– Same word in 2 Timothy 4:6
– It was imminent, within reach, close & getting closer…
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom Is At Hand!
• How did John the Baptizer preach the kingdom?
He preached fulfillment of prophecies (John 1:23)
He preached repentance (Mt. 3:8)
He preached baptism (Mt. 3:6,11; Jn. 3:23-25)
He preached faith in Christ (Mt. 3:11; John 1:29-35; 3:36)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom Is At Hand!
• How did Jesus preach the kingdom?
He preached fulfillment of prophecies (Lk. 4:16-21)
He preached repentance (Mt. 4:17)
He preached baptism (Mt. 28:19; Mk. 16:16; John 3:3-5,22)
He preached faith in Christ (Mt. 16:16-18; 22:41-45; Jn
3:16; 4:25-26; 14:1)
• John and Jesus preached same things Peter
preached in Acts 2! Except that…
• John and Jesus preached it as drawing near
• Peter and the apostles preached it as present (Acts 8:12;
14:22; 19:8; 28:23,31; et al.)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom Is At Hand!
• The kingdom did not come before Jesus’ death
Jesus taught disciples to pray “Thy kingdom come” (Mt. 6:10)
John the Baptizer was not in the kingdom (Mt. 11:11-14)
John the Baptizer died before it came (Mt. 14:10)
Jesus said “I will build…” (Mt. 16:18)
Jesus said some alive then would see it come (Mt. 16:28)
Taking the Lord’s Supper anew in kingdom (Mk. 14:25; Lk. 22:16)
The thief said, “…when you come into your kingdom” (Lk. 23:42)
Joseph of Arimathea still waiting for the kingdom (Mk. 15:43)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom Is At Hand!
• Review
– During the days of John and Jesus
– The kingdom was drawing near
– John and Jesus preached the fulfillment of prophecies,
repentance, baptism, and faith in the Christ
– The kingdom did not come before Jesus’ death…
• But it would surely come soon, as we will see in a future
• Next week: The Nature of the Kingdom
The Gospel of the Kingdom
• The gates of the kingdom are open now and all are
invited to enter
• God has done His part to make the kingdom
accessible to you today
• Will you do your part to enter it?
• Obey the Gospel: believe, repent, confess, be
baptized, and God will add you to it! (Acts 2:38,47)
• If you previously entered but have since departed,
will you repent and return?
Hear , believe, and
obey the Gospel today!