

Themes of Classical Greece

 Early Greeks – origins and influence of geography

 Cultural and Scientific Advancements

 Athens VS Sparta – different cultures within Greece

 Conflicts

 Legacy

Origins of

Classical Greek



 The roots of Greek culture are based on the interactions of the Mycenaean, Minoan, and Dorian cultures.


 The seeds of much of

Western cultural heritage were planted during this time period.

Influence of


Looking at the map, how do you think geography played a role in the development of

Classical Greek



 Mountainous peninsula that juts out into the Mediterranean Sea

 2000 islands in the Ionian and

Aegean Seas

 Greece was surrounded by water

Geography – Importance of the Sea

 Dependant on the seas

 Rarely had to travel more than 85 miles to get to the coast

 Important travel and trade routes – enabled the Greeks to get much needed natural resources that they lacked (i.e. timber, metals, and farmland)

 Enabled the Greeks to become the most skilled seafarers of the time

Geography – Difficulties of the Land

Greece is roughly 75% rugged mountains

Mountains acts as natural borders between regions within Greece - led to the development of small communities rather than a single government

Travel overland was difficult

Stony landscape – very little was suitable for farming

There were small fertile valleys for small scale farming, but the Greek landscape could never support a very large population – never reached more than a few million people

Landscape encouraged the Greeks to colonize elsewhere

Geography - Climate

 Moderate climate (48 in the

Winter; 80 in the Summer) supported an outdoor lifestyle

 Huge influence on culture – outdoor public events

Notes on Greek Geography

 Surrounded by water – travel and trade

 Rugged terrain – isolated villages and limited farming

 Warm climate

 Limitations forced Greeks to expand empire

Mycenaeans – The First Greeks

 Indo-Europeans that migrated to Greece in

2000 BCE

 Main city was in


 Civilization flourished from 1600-1100 BCE

 Dominated Greece through conquest – warring aristocracy

Mycenaean Culture

Written language

Elaborate burial rituals

Crops – grain, olives and grapes

Huge textile industry

Art – jewelry, frescoes, architecture, advanced weapons

Mycenaean Civilization Notes

 From Mycenae, Southern


 Dominated Greece 1600-

1100 BCE

 Militant

Minoans – Other Early Greeks

 Occupied the island of Crete and came into contact with the Mycenaeans around 1500


 Influenced the Mycenaeans

 Seaborne trade

 Much more “civilized” than the Mycenaeans

 Language, art, architecture, technology

Minoan Notes



Influenced Greek religion, art, politics and literature

Mycenaeans and Minoans - Notes

Set the groundwork for modern Western civilizations

And then came the Dorians…

After the collapse of the Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations, the Dorians moved in… they almost ruined a good thing.

Far less advanced

 Economy and trade collapsed

 Lost written language

 No written records

Even though they weren’t too sharp, the Dorians played a huge role in the development of Greek culture

Loss of written language led to an oral tradition – epic poems

Most Greek myths/gods stem from epic poems

Dorians - Notes

Far less advanced

Lost written language, few records

Led to epic poems, mythology
