
Introduction to:
The main character is defined as the
important characters to the story. The action
of the plot revolves around them.
Examples include: Jared, Cheryl, Tyson, the
Shadow Club members, Mr. Green, and
Austin Pace.
The minor characters are less important to
the story and they interact with the main
Examples: Ralphy Sherman, Coach Schuler,
Jared’s parents, and Principal Diller.
The protagonist is the main character, or the
one most central to the action of the story.
Examples of protagonists are:
The antagonist is the person or things
working against the protagonist, or hero.
Examples of antagonists are:
Characters in a fictional story are not real
people but we grow to love, admire, respect,
and sometimes even hate them by getting to
know them and discovering what course of
action they take.
Characterization is the way in which an
author develops his/her character. They do
this by determining what the characters say,
do, act, look like, think, and their interaction
with other characters.
Direct characterization occurs when an
author tells the reader exactly how a
character is. They may say he was stubborn,
mean, and crazy.
Indirect characterization occurs when the
reader has to INFER what the character is
like. We infer that Jared like Cheryl in The
Shadow Club long before they actually kiss by
the ocean.
This movie clip is an example of how powerful
characters can be once they are created and