SOLID- LIQUID- GAS Our foldables. Foldable: finished. Foldable: Step 1. Fold the paper in half the “long way” (like a hot dog) fold fold Foldable: Step 2. Fold the long piece of paper into thirds. SOLID LIQUID GAS Foldable: Step 3. Make TWO SHORT CUTS, only on the top level of the foldable, to divided the cover into 3 flaps. SOLID LIQUID GAS Foldable: finished. Front of the foldable: Write the word solid on the first flap, liquid on the second flap, and gas on the third flap. SOLID LIQUID GAS Front of the foldable: Under each word, add a drawing of something in that state. SOLID LIQUID GAS Research online: solids, liquids, gases. Google: characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases A great site to choose is the one from Purdue: s/character.html Inside the foldable, give information about shape, volume, motion, color, and temperature of water in each state. (Notice – the information is not in the same order as your foldables headings!!!) Information under EACH FLAP shape, volume, motion, color, temperature of water ``` in each state``` Check your neighbor: Is your work high- quality?