Chunky Weathering and Erosion



Weathering and


Earth’s surface breaks into chunks and the chunks move.

The breakdown of rocks at or near Earth’s surface is called?


What are the two types of weathering?

Physical and chemical

Which type of weathering actually changes a rock’s composition?


What is it called when ice expands in a crack in a rock?

Ice wedging or frost action

Abrasion is a form of which type of weathering?


When limestone bedrock dissolves due to chemical weathering it can form?

Sinkholes or caverns

An example of biological weathering would be . . .

 Plant root in rock

The weathering of bedrock ultimately forms this important material.


The driving force of most erosion is?


Which of the following are considered mass movement?

soil creep landslide rock fall

They’re all mass movement

V-shaped valleys are carved by?

Rivers and streams

True or false – rivers produce sharp edged sediments

False – they produce rounded sediments

Draw the cross section from x to y

At what letters will erosion take place?

B & D

The area of land drained by a stream is called a?


What type of erosion created this formation?


Glaciers carve what shape valleys?


What arrangement of sediments are left by glaciers?


What other evidence of glaciation might be found in a

U-shaped valley?

Striations or erratics

This glacial formation is called a?

 drumlin

This long narrow island is formed by?

 Longshore current or wave action

Which erosive force formed these lakes?


Where on Earth is this process the most dominant type of erosion?

Beaches and deserts

Which erosive force moved this boulder to its present location?


A decrease in the velocity of a stream will most likely cause an increase in _______________.


The Mohawk River runs into the

Hudson River. Therefore, the

Mohawk would be considered part of the Hudson’s ______________.


Landscapes will undergo the most chemical weathering if the climate is _______ and _______.

 Warm and wet

Which of the following sediments will be transported by a glacier?

A) Boulders B) cobbles C) pebbles

D) sand E) silt F) clay

 All of them

What erosive force formed this valley?

A river
