Global Warming By M. B. Caballero Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Effect Heat energy is absorbed. Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Effect Global Warming Greenhouse Gases Water Vapour Methane Carbon dioxide Nitrous oxide Global warming – an increase in Earth’s surface temperature Climate – average weather conditions in a certain place at a particular time of the year Climate change – a significant change in Earth’s climate Video watch: Review of global warming Signs of climate change Effects of climate change What can we do Click the link below: m/watch?v=ScX29WBJI 3w&feature=player_em bedded#! Video Source: USEPA Signs of Climate Change Rising temperature Melting glaciers Rising sea level Earlier blooming of flowers Quicker melting of snow Migrating of birds to north Effects of Climate Change Stronger hurricanes/ storms Frequent flooding and landslides Droughts, heat waves and forest fires Food and water shortages Health threats Habitat loss and extinction What can we do… Switch to clean energy Travel green Conserve energy Cut from old newspapers or magazines pictures showing signs and effects of climate change in the Assignment Philippines. Paste them on your notebooks. Project: Brainstorm with your teammates what other specific actions should be taken to address the global warming/ climate change issue. Create a poster of the three actions you have identified. References: Sources of images: Slide 1: Slides 2 to 6 and 12: Slide 7, Picture 1: Slide 7, Picture 2: Slide 8: Slide 9: Slide 10: Slide 11: Slide 13: Slide 14: 1181499-teamwork.jpg