
Introduction to Foods and Nutrition
Vegetable Classifications - 8
Vegetables are often grouped according to the
part of the plant from which they come.
1. Bulbs
2. Flowers
3. Fruits
4. Stems
5. Leaves
6. Seeds
7. Tubers
8. Roots
Garlic and onions
Artichokes, broccoli and cauliflower
Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Okra,
Peppers, Pumpkins and Squash
Asparagus and celery
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, lettuce and
Peas, corn and beans.
Potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes.
Beets, carrots, parsnips, radishes,
rutabagas, sweet potatoes and turnips.
Flower, fruit, stem, and leaf vegetables are
also called succulents because of their
high moisture content.
Color and Flavor
These are two other ways to classify vegetables.
Strong flavored vegetables would include:
Brussels sprouts, turnips and cauliflower.
Mild flavored vegetables would include: Peas, beans
and potatoes
Green vegetables(leafy) might include: Spinach, Swiss chard, and
Deep yellow vegetables might include: carrots, sweet potatoes
and pumpkin.
Nutritional Value
Three to Five Servings of vegetables should be included in your
diet every day. They are an excellent source of vitamins and
minerals needed for good health. Here’s why:
Leafy green and deep yellow vegetables = excellent sources
of Vitamin A, Calcium and Iron.
Broccoli, green peppers, and raw cabbage = excellent sources
of Vitamin C.
All vegetables = fair amounts of the B Vitamins (seeds are
especially good sources).
Vegetable skin and pulp = fiber which aids in digestion.
Seeds, roots and tubers(starchy vegetables)= good carbs.
Almost all veggies are low in calories!!!
Selecting Fresh Vegetables
Look for these signs for freshness:
 Good color, firmness and absence of bruising/decay.
 Avoid wilted and misshapen vegetables.
 Medium in size are best. Small veggies may be immature and lack
flavor while too large a veggie may be over-mature and tough.
Also note:
Handle vegetables carefully to prevent bruising.
Buy only what you will use within a short time.Vegetables lose
quality quickly.
Vegetables in season are usually high in quality and low in price.
Storing Fresh Vegetables
You should use them ASAP for best flavor,
appearance and nutritive value. Most can keep in
fridge for at least a few days. The crisper is the
best place.
 Store onions and garlic in open containers at
room temperature. Air must be able to circulate
around them.
 Store potatoes, squash, eggplant and sweet
potatoes in a cool dry, dark place. Use potatoes
within a week from purchase. They may start to
sprout or turn green and develop a bitter flavor,
otherwise. Always cut those parts away before
Cost of Vegetables
The cost of vegetables depends on the time
of year. Vegetables cost less when purchased
during their peak growing season.
Example: Jersey corn is cheapest in the
summer months.
If vegetables are purchased in the off season
you will pay more. Remember you are paying
shipping and handling for that item to get to
Next time you are in the produce section,
check out the stickers on your veggies and
see where your produce is coming from.
Other options for purchasing
If you can’t buy fresh why not buy:
 Frozen
 Dried
These can be whole, sliced or in pieces and
most are in water. A few may be stored in
sauces. Some are also available in jars
 These usually cost less than fresh or frozen.
House brands (i.e.. Stop n Shop brand) will
be less than commercial (Green Giant).
 Choose cans that are free from dents, bulges,
and leaks.
 Store in a cool, dry place and store unused
portions in the fridge.
Frozen Vegetables
These retain their appearance and flavor
better than canned or dried varieties. It may
alter their texture a little.
 These usually cost less than fresh, especially
when looking for those not in season.
 Choose packages that are clean and solidly
frozen. If there is a heavy layer of ice on the
package, the food may have thawed and been
 Store in the coldest part of the freezer.
Dried Vegetables
Most common are: peas, beans and lentils.
These legumes are high in protein and
excellent sources of fiber.
 Choose those that are uniform in size,
free from visible defects and brightly
 Store them in covered containers in a
cool dry place.
Preparing vegetables - Raw
Most vegetables can be enjoyed raw and that is
truly the most advantageous for vitamin
Remember raw veggies must be washed and
trimmed well.
Trim bruised areas.
Use a vegetable brush to scrub stubborn dirt
from crevices.
Do not soak your vegetables as nutrients may be
lost this way.
Leafy green vegetables may need several washings
to remove dirt and sand.
Cooked Vegetables
Changes take place in vegetables when they are cooked.
Cellulose(fiber) softens to make chewing easier.
Starch absorbs water, swells and becomes easier to digest.
Flavors and nutrients change, and some may be lost.
Properly cooked=Veggies with a crisp-tender texture and pleasant
color. Easily pierced with a fork.
Overcooked= undesirable changes in color, texture, flavor. May loose
some of their nutrients.
Effects of Cooking Vegetables on
their color/pigment:
Green vegetables contain clorophyll. Heat affects
this and that is why overcooked vegetables may look
duller in color.
 Yellow vegetables contain carotene(a source of
Vitamin A). Heat does not destroy this, but it will
escape into the water. Less water is best!
 White vegetables contain flavones. Which are
soluble in water. They will turn yellow or dark grey if
 Red vegetables contain anthocyanin. Alkali in water
will affect it. Also cook in small amount of water or
add some lemon juice or vinegar when cooking.
Effects of Cooking Vegetables on
their Flavor:
Mildly flavored vegetables (green beans,
peas, spinach): Should only be cooked in a
small amount of water.
 Strongly flavored(Cabbage, broccoli,
turnips) should be covered in water
allowing some of the flavor to escape.
 Very strongly flavored(Onions, leeks)
should also be covered in water.
Methods of Cooking Vegetables
In water: boiling or blanching
 Over water: Steaming
 Pressure cooking
 Baking
 Frying
 Broiling
 Microwaving
Cooking in water
Suggestions: Use a pan with a tight fitting
lid and add a small amount of water and
salt. Bring to a boil and add vegetables.
Cover and quickly bring to a boil again.
Reduce heat and simmer until crisptender.
Place vegetables in a steam basket over
simmering water. Cover pan tightly and
steam until visually or fork-tender.
Pressure cooking
Follow product directions.
Some vegetables can be baked in their
skins (think potatoes!)
 Techniques vary with vegetable and
recipe. Follow all instructions carefully.
 This takes longer than other methods.
Deep fried, sauteed in oil, stir frying are all
 Placing the vegetables in a pan with some
sort of fat (EVOO, vegetable oil, butter,
etc) will prevent them from sticking to
the sides and provide flavor
 Best to cook them over medium heat
until tender.
Brush cut surfaces with oil or melted fat.
Place under the broiling unit and cook
until tender. Careful! These cook quickly
and must be watched!
 Think tomatoes, eggplants and brussels
Vegetables cooked this way often retain their
shapes, color, flavor and nutrients given the
short cooking time.
 Frozen vegetables cooked in their packages
must be vented for steam to escape.
 Potatoes or tight skin vegetables should be
pierced so they don’t explode.
 Remember all vegetables will be hot when
they come out so handle carefully and let
them sit before cutting or eating!
Vegetable Finale!
Vegetables look good and are good for
 They can be purchased, prepared and
served in many different ways!
 Your body needs the essential vitamins
and nutrients provided by them.
 Eat at least 3 to 5 a day!