Structure*s and Techniques

Structures - Realist
Realist adverts is where the ad is based around things that happen in everyday life,
they mostly start with a problem with their product helping to resolve this issue,
which therefore gives the consumer a reason to purchase their product. This is
used in many cleaning product adverts that include Vanish, Cillit Bang and Fairy
Liquid. Our company chose not to use this form of structure, as it isn’t suitable for
the product Haribo Starmix or the target audience we decided on.
Structures - Documentary
Documentary styled adverts are mainly used by charities, as they are the most
powerful method the charities can use to get money donated to them. Haribo
wouldn’t use the documentary styled advert as their style of adverts are anti
realistic. Here is a advert
from the UK based charity WaterAid. The ad includes lots of sad facts and
clips of sad African people struggling to survive to try and make anyone that
is watching the advert to feel bad and donate money to the charity to feel
better about themselves.
Structure – Anti-realist
Anti realist does not focus on the everyday thoughts of society, and will focus on
something that is so unlucky to happen. One example would be the Guardian
advert where there are “three little pigs” and they get sent to jail for a murder. And
this is important because it is never actually going to happen and its just there to
advertise their product in this case the Guardian newspaper, the story line is based
on a news report and this relates to he Guardian because they are a news paper.
Most Haribo adverts are antirealist because cartoons cannot come to life in reality.
And normally adults won’t act like children when they are eating sweets. We as a
production team wanted to keep to the same anti- realist approach of Haribo as
Structure - Animation
Animation is used in Haribo adverts, but we haven’t used it. In the Haribo adverts,
it’s used to bring to life their boy mascot adding an extra element to the adverts.
We didn’t feel the need as we wanted to keep all attention on our filming. On the
other hand John Lewis did, with there latest Christmas advert, the whole video is
animated, depicting animals going for a walk and finding a Christmas tree.
Techniques – Emotional
Most adverts use emotional response as a technique in their advert this can be a
humorous, guilty or happy response as by using this they help make their advert
memorable. The companies that use the technique of emotional response as their
main theme of their advert are companies that are trying to get to you donate
money to their charity. Examples of this include the ‘One Child’ advert created by
the charity SaveTheChildrenUK and another is the ‘No Choice’ advert produced
by the charity WaterAid. Haribo doesn’t use compassion as a emotional response
for their adverts as this wouldn’t make sense of their product and wouldn’t help
build of the reputation for their brand that ‘Haribo is for everyone’. CCHS stuck
with this emotional response of humour of our advert trying to make our target
audience take enjoyment out of watching a teenager act like a small child and also
share his embarrassment when he discovers his peers have witnessed what he has
been doing.
Techniques – Brand Identity
All big brands have a brand identity. Big brands like Apple, Nike, Adidas,
Haribo, Samsung and Ford. Brand identities give brands marketing and
product advantage over other brands as they can be identified from their
logo alone from their popularity and that customers feel they are
Techniques – Endorsement
Some companies use celebrity endorsement to help promote their brand and
products. They do this for more attention and it sends out the message that, if it is
good enough for a celebrity it is good enough for me. An example of celebrity
endorsement would be the Pepsi adverts where by David Beckham features in the
adverts. Haribo don’t have celebrities in their adverts and this is because they may
find it hard to find a suitable celebrity that isn’t going to age, and we had the same
problem as well.
Techniques – Overt Messages
With a brief looking over the messages appear to be overt because they
obviously show you what they want you to think their sweets do, but
they’re not. In none of Haribo’s adverts do they explicitly say to buy their
product. An example of who does though is safe style window with their
buy one get one free, bogof, campaign.
Characteristics - Advantages
Most companies don’t use this form of advertising, as it can be difficult
comparing many products, as they aren’t similar enough to be compared.
However, the majority of companies who use this form of advertising are
supermarkets as by comparing themselves as being cheaper or better value
for money they hope to continue to keep their costumers by enforcing the
fact that buy shopping which them the get the best deals and encouraging
other supermarket costumers to switch to shopping with them as they will
save money. Haribo however doesn’t use this form of advertising as their
product isn’t similar enough to any other brands product to compare them
too and the products within the Haribo brand are all also too different to
compare themselves too. We also chose not to use this form of
advertising, as we didn’t feel it would be effective and appropriate for our
target audience.
Characteristics - USP
A unique selling point is important for all products. If there is no USP or
one that isn’t clear then the product loses its goal. Marketing won’t know
what to do for the product and so produce ads that are vague. Haribo’s
USP is that their sweets appeal to children and adults. This is a simple
USP, which is effective. It makes it easy to produce ads with a clear
message. We used Haribo’s USP but wanted to appeal to teenagers.
Characteristics – Life Style
 The type of lifestyle that people look to for can affect the way
products are advertised, for example you may find a sports brand
advertising people running or doing other sport activities. One
example of this would be the Nike football adverts, where by certain
football stars are taking key roles in the advert to help promote Nike
football. The products advertised are Nike football boots and this will
appeal to those playing football. For Haribo you will probably find
that the actors used in the advert resemble the lifestyle choice of those
watching the in the fact that they are also likely to have young
children and buy them sweets.
The ASA are responsible for regulating advertisements, sales promotions and
direct marketing in the UK, they can only act when they receive a complaint
from the general public, it doesn’t matter how many complaints are received,
the ASA will always look into the ad and will investigate the ad to see if it has
breached any rules of being misleading, harmful or offensive. OFCOM are
the communications regulator. OFCOM regulate the TV and radio sectors,
fixed telephone lines, mobiles and the airwaves, which wireless devices
operate. OFCOM’s main responsibilities are to make sure that: the UK has a
big range of electronic communication services, including high speed
information services.
Information - Barb
BARB provided the official viewing figures for television in the UK. This is a very
important source of companies who will want to know the right time of day and
on what channel to air their advertisement to get the most exposure for their
product. Information like this is vital for any production company as if the
advertised their product at the wrong time or channel they could have a massive
profit loss. Depending on the size of a company and how wealthy they are will
depend on the advertising spot they can afford which will therefore impact on the
amount of exposure their product will get. Haribo tend to air their adverts before
watershed, as most of their target audience will be in bed at that time. We as a
company using BARB decided that the time we feel will be most effective for our
advert to be aired is between 3pm and 6pm on channel 4 and ITV1 as between
these times children will arrive home from school and be watching TV before they
have their dinner. We also hope by airing it at this time in will encourage children
to ask for a packet of Haribo Starmix after their dinner.
Information – TV research agencies
 Lot’s of companies use TV research agencies for lot’s
of different reasons. Companies use TV research
agencies for research on advert research and target
audience research for their ads. We did our own
research using BARB to work out the best time to
advertise out advert.
Information – Audience Measurement
 Some companies will send out a trial advert or show it to certain
people and will ask them to rate the advert out of ten, or ask for
any improvements. This is important because it means that a trial
advert will be shown to a panel, and any improvements will have
to be made to the advert in order for the company to fully reach its
target market. We didn’t use an audience measurement panel
because we didn’t have the time or the budget. However Haribo
would use one in order to reach the right target market.
Information - Questionnaires
 A questionnaires is a design series of questions aimed
to gather information about a specific subject. We
didn’t use questionnaires as they’re designed to get
information about people (such as hospitals asking for
health information). We used a survey which was sent
out to a wide variety of people and not targeted
towards a specific person.
Sources – Rate Cards
 A Rate card is where and what time an advert will be
played. In some cases “air times” can cost a lot of
money for example during the commercial break
during the super bowl because of how many people are
watching it. Haribo would try and get a time slot
around school finishing time, meaning that there
would be a lot of competition for places at this time of
the day. We as a production team did not have the
budget for this.
Sources – Research Agencies
Most well established companies use research agencies to complete unbiased
research into their target audience, product and even feedback for their
adverts. By using these agencies they allow companies and brands to develop
and grow. Haribo would use a research agency to help find out what their
target audience wants from an advert, what types of advertisement are
effective and what other companies have used in creating an advert for a
similar product to Haribo. This allows a company to discover what direction
will be most effective to take their advertisement in and what the general
public responds well to when it comes to television adverts. Its important that
a completely separate company gathers this information as the questions or
information could be distorted to benefit a company or brand, which would
make the evidence unusable. We created a survey on SurveyMonkey to
gathered feedback data on our advert, we found this information very helpful
and it will benefit CCHS if come to create another Haribo advert as we can
use the information collected to change the parts of our advertisement that
wasn’t received well by our target audience.
Sources – Information Pack
 An advertising information pack is something that commercial
channels such as Channel 4 and ITV will give out to a company
looking to place their advert on a channel. Haribo would and do
use these to know how much it will cost them to place a specific
advert at a certain time. If they didn’t use these they may go over
budget. If we were going to use one for our advert, it would cost
us £480 to advertise in the Anglia region and £6,200 to advertise
in all regions.
Classification - Occupational
 Haribo would have a set class classification in order
that they look to reach almost every time they produce
an advert. It will vary from company to company and
this is because of the target audience they are trying to
reach. Our Standard Occupational Classification will
be young children aged 13-17 and working class and
skilled working class.
Classification - Psychographic
It is important for every production company to have a recognised
psychographic profile for their product and advert. This is because each
psychographic profile group will react differently to the structures, content
and techniques of an advert. An example of this would be the psychographic
profile of ‘succeeders seek control’ an advert that was aimed this profile
would mostly likely be structured using strong messages which are compiled
using confidences and a higher quality brand would chose this profile.
Haribo’s psychographic profile is ‘mainstreamers seek security’ this is because
this group makes up the majority of the population that will regularly
purchase well known, trusted and family brands. As a company we chose to
keep with this psychographic profile as we feel it suits our target audience
bests as the age range we have chosen for our target audience will be unlikely
to have developed their own psychographic profile and will their for emulate
their parents which is going to be most likely ‘mainstreamers’.
Classification - Gender
 Gender isn’t something that Haribo have to take into
account as their sweet is a gender neutral product,
because of this you can’t see any gender specific
attributes in their adverts. When we made our advert,
we didn’t feel the need to change this. So our advert
also doesn’t have anything specific to gender in it.
Classification - Age
 Haribo’s target age range is 7-13 year olds. Lot’s of
different companies have different target age ranges to
make it suitable to their product to increase product