With the nomads urbanised, rural Tibet depopulated, what

With the nomads urbanised, rural Tibet
depopulated, what can China do with the
How Chinese scientists expect climate
change to make Tibet more productive
热带森林 Tropical Forest
亚热带森林 Subtropical Forest
亚热带型山地森林mountainous forest with Subtropical type
暖温带森林 Temperate zone forest
暖温带型山地森林 Mountainous forest s temperate zone
温带森林 Temperate zone forest
温带型山地森林 Mountainous Forest temperate zone
北方森林 Northern Forest
北方型山地森林 Mountainous forest with type of northern
温带草原 Temperate zone grassland
温带型山地草原 Mountainous grassland with type of
Temperate zone
北方型山地草原 Mountainous grassland with type of north
暖温带荒漠 Temperate zone Desert
温带荒漠 Temperate Zone Desert
北方型山地荒漠 Mountainous desert with type of north
高寒草原 Altitude Cold Grassland
高寒草甸 Altitude Cold Grassy Marshland
高寒荒漠 Altitude Cold Desert
冻原 Tundra
冻荒漠 Cold desert
冰雪带 Ice-snow belt
冰原带 Ice Sheet zone
When temperature rises 4 degrees, Tibet
becomes much more “productive”
Even if temperature rises 4 degrees and rainfall
decreases, Tibet is still much more suitable for
Chinese agriculture and immigration