Pieces names: King, Queen, Rook, Knight, Bishop, and Pawn. Parts of the game: Opening, middle-game, and End-game. Sequence: Analyzing a series of moves in a row. Fork: When a piece attacks two enemy pieces the same way Passed pawn: A pawn with no enemy pawns either in front or on the sides. Promotion: When a pawn reaches the last row and has is traded for a queen, rook, bishop, or knight. Skewer: When you do an attack in which the highest value is in front of the lower value. Chess rules (things about the board and pieces, castle, types of draws, discovery, etc) Draws: When no players wins the game as a result of running out of pieces, by agreement, 3 times repetition, 50 moves rule, and perpetual check. Facts about chess (originated, Chess was originated in India, world champions, notation, pawn structure. Opening/defenses 1. Spanish 2. Italian 3. French 4. Scottish 5. Four knights 6. King’s gambit Up to here for extra credit copies gonzalezrenier.com