dragon race

1 Dragon Race
2Legend Of QUE YAN
3 Clothes
4 Food
5Recipe of food
6 Boat Race
7 DRESS worn
8 Snake Boat
9 Difference
10 Boat race collage
11 Dragon Race collage
Dragon Race
• Falling on the 5 day of the fifth month according to
the chinese lunar calendar , the DRAGON BOAT
Festival is one of the great signifiance . It has been
held annualy for more than 2000 years and notable
for its education influence . The festival
commamorates the patroitic poet QUE YAN
Legend Of QUE YAN
• As the minister of the
state CHU - one of the
seven warring state
before QIN china,s first
fuedal dynasty . QUI YANG
supported the decision to
fight against the powerful
state of Qin . However he
was slandered by the
aristrocatted by the king
• Many traditional costumes
anf activites are held on the
specified day by pople of
china and even other
countries . They were a
perfume pouch and tying
five colour silk thread .
According to folklore
wearing this dress childrens
from evils . This dress give a
great shine to people over
there .
• Zongi is the traditional food that is eaten on the
drgon race specially . It s made by the sticky rice it
has different shapes and fillings . In the north part
of the country people favor jujle as filling . Before
making it roce should be soaked bambo should be
washed and many more .
Reciepe - Zongi
• 1 Prepare the gultanious rice and filling with egg ,
jujle and many traditional things .
• 2 Boil the bamboo . let it dry and cool
• 3 Scope the rice in bamboo leaves
• 4 Scoope the filling onto rice
• 5 Fold the leaves into the rise, fill with them of
• The aranula boat race is the oldest river boat fiesta
in kerela ,the south western state of India. It takes
place at Aranmula , near a Hindu temple dedicated to
Lord Krishna and Arjuna. The snake boat move in pairs
to rhythm of full-throated singing and shouting
watched by an exciting crowd.
Dresses worn
• The oarsmen sing
traditional boat songs
and they wear white
mandu and turbans.The
golden lace at the head
of the boat,the flag and
the omanental umbrella
at the center make it a
show of pageantry too.
Palliyodams(snake boats)
• Palliyodams are unique snake boats (chundan
vallam) which devotes hold in reverence,
considering it as the divine vessel of the presiding
diety in Sree Prathasarathy templ It is decorated
with golden lace. There will be a flag or two
ornamental umbrellas.
Dragon race
1 It is held for the singi
Fiancé of QUE YANG .
2 These boats have both
Sides dragon face .
3 It has been started froM 2000 years ago
Boat Race
1 It is held for the signifi
Ance of RadhaKrishna
2 These are the normal
Boats .
3 It has been started long years ago .
Boat Race
Dragon Race