Colorado Department of Transportation Division of Transit and Rail SCORT PRESENTATION CURRENT PASSENGER RAIL INITIATIVES MARCH 15, 2011 MARK IMHOFF, DIVISION DIRECTOR Division of Transit and Rail (DTR) New Division established in 2011 through Senate Bill 09-094,with Passenger & Freight Rail Section; Senate Bill 09-108: Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery (FASTER) Annual Operating budget of approximately $15M Current Passenger Rail initiatives State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan Colorado Interregional Connectivity Study I-70 Mountain Corridor Advanced Guideway System Feasibility Study State of Colorado Passenger Rail Initiatives State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan Initiated in February 2011 Funded through FRA grant Total study value-$800K FRA portion-$400k DTR portion-$400k Status: Completed peer review of best rail practices, beginning inventory of existing rail services Challenges: Incorporating into LongTerm vision, funding for implementation, effective stakeholder coordination, timing concurrent with other studies. Colorado Interregional Connectivity Study Anticipated to begin in Summer 2011 Partially funded through FRA HSIPR Track 3 grant Total study value-$2.0M FRA portion-$1.0 M/DTR portion$1.0M Purpose: Analyze High Speed Rail alignments and stations along east-west and north-south to interface with proposed FasTracks system to maximize ridership Status: FRA reviewing Scope of Work (pending approval) Colorado Interregional Connectivity Study Challenges: Obtaining accurate ridership, not competing with FasTracks. Finding suitable technology for east-west Corridor. Obligation of funds, and funding for implementation. I-70 Mountain Corridor Advanced Guideway System (AGS) Study Anticipated to begin in Summer 2011 Locally Funded through DTR FASTER Grant Total study value-$2.3M Purpose: Identify alternatives(alignments, technologies and stations) to implement an High Speed Rail (AGS) system along I-70 Mountain Corridor Status: Draft scope under internal review, Formation of Project Advisory team under way I-70 Mountain Corridor Advanced Guideway System (AGS) Study Challenges: Finding suitable technology for east-west Corridor (grades, curvature, terrain, weather). Meeting criteria outlined in previous study. Coordinating with Connectivity Study. Phasing of Feasibility Study. Funding for implementation. Challenges General New Division Climate of stop studying and build! Timing and Interface of Current Rail Studies Geography, sparsely spaced population centers (lacking continuous density) Attracting funding for implementation in current economic climate State Rail Freight and Passenger Study Incorporating into Long-Term vision. Funding for implementation. Effective stakeholder coordination, Timing concurrent with other studies. Colorado Interregional Connectivity Study Obtaining accurate ridership, not competing with FasTracks Finding suitable technology for east-west corridor Obligation of funds and funding for implementation I-70 Mountain Corridor Advanced Guideway System Feasibility Study Finding suitable technology for east-west Corridor (grades, curvature, terrain, weather). Meeting criteria outlined in previous study. Coordinating with Connectivity Study. Phasing of Feasibility Study. Funding for implementation