Preference Support Investment Partner Plus Connect - spiff guide Version 1 October, 2014 ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 11 Spiff status flow 1) Spiff is created, it’s not visible to partner (Draft). 2) Spiff is checked as “Confirmed with partner” - becomes visible for partner in external PPC. • At this point, the spiff can’t be changed anymore. 3) Spiff goes automatically to “Live” status as soon as it reaches start date. 4) Spiff goes automatically to “Ended” status as soon as it reaches end date.. 5) Action needed: Mark ended spiff as “Successful” or “Fail”. • You will receive notification if any spiffs are pending your action. 6) Points will be rewarded to partner. • TBM will be notified when the points are added to partner’s account. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 22 1.1) Creating spiff • Create a spiff for partner in section 2.2 in internal PPC 1) Select country & partner name, then select. 2) Click “Add New”. • You can also see description of spiff statuses and monthly payouts table. 3) Fill in all fields and submit. • Generic SPIFF’s can be selected from the dropdowns. If you do not want to select a generic SPIFF, choose ‘Other’ • At the bottom of the screen are shown all allocated spiffs – enables to use maximum amount of points available. • PPC will not allow to submit spiff with more points allocated than is monthly points allowance. 4) Spiff will now be in “Draft” status. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 33 1.2) Creating spiff takeaways • Spiff module uses Cisco fiscal periods (FM, FQ, FY) for setting spiff points allocation. • When spiff spans multiple fiscal months, points are split evenly among these. • Spiff can’t start in the past. • When a draft spiff is created and not confirmed before start date, it can’t be confirmed anymore. The start date needs to be changed first. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 44 1.2) Editing spiff • Edit a spiff for partner in section 2.2 in internal PPC. • Click on the spiff name, edit screen will appear. • All information can be changed. • Spiff can be edited only in draft status. • Submit when all changes are done. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 55 2) Confirm with partner • All spiffs need to be confirmed with partner to go live. • Locate and check the confirmed box for desired spiffs and hit “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen. • Spiffs will go live when they reach start date. • Spiffs for which start date already passed can’t be marked as confirmed and will not go live. Edit the start date of spiff. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 66 3 & 4) Spiff start and end, cancelling spiff • Changes in status happen automatically. • After end date, the spiff can’t be cancelled anymore. • To cancel a spiff, check the box on the right side and click submit. • All allocated points for cancelled spiff are lost. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 77 5) Evaluate spiff • When spiff ends, it needs to be evaluated as successful or failed. • Click on the spiff name. • In the edit screen, select “Success” or “Fail” and submit. • Click Yes or No for the accelerators. Extra points will be paid out if they were successful in one or both of them • If spiff succeeds, central team will pay out to the partner’s wallet. • If spiff fails, all allocated points will be lost. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 88 6) Payout • The CR team will only paid out on SPIFFs marked as successful. • Payout is calculated monthly by CR team. • Payout will be the fiscal month following completion of “Success” info. • An email will be sent to you confirming that the points have been added to the Partners CR account. ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 99 Spiff Reporting takeaways • See complete report of partner spiffs in section 2.3 in internal PPC • Filter by country to see all partners’ spiffs from selected country • FQ filter – relates to start date of spiff • FQ filter – select “All” for complete visibility of spiffs • Select & Export for further manipulation is Excel ©©2013 2013Cisco Ciscoand/or and/orits itsaffiliates. affiliates.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. Cisco Confidential 10 10