International Society of CEBS Presentation October 14, 2010 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Austin Texas Retirement Planning Strategies Amid Economic Uncertainties Speaker: Toby Tobleman, FSA, CFA, CFP®, ChFC, CASL, GPT The Task 1. Baby Boomers Ready to Retire 2. Greater Importance Placed on Account Balance Benefits 3. Decline in Employer Funded Promised Payments Shift to Employee Funded and Investment Directed Accounts Social Security Benefits under Demographic Pressure Retirement Risks Not Diminished But Shifted Financial Market Risk Longevity Risk Inflation Risk Health Care Access and Cost Risk 2 The Task 4. Employees Need to Assess and Manage the Retirement Risk Limited Knowledge Psychological concerns Limited Access to Comprehensive Independent Advice (Business Model Bias) 3 THE TOOL BOX 1. Individual Employee Retirement Planning Advice 2. Personal and Interactive Comprehensive Independent Fiduciary Relationship IRC Sections 132(a)(7) and 132(m) Qualified Retirement Planning Services Employer Funded or Subsidized Beyond PPA Investment Advice Three Levels of Service Needed 1. Basic 2. On Course Check-ups 3. Comprehensive 4 The Tool Box 3. Comprehensive Assistance Needed in Many Areas Basic Financial Planning and Investment Education Budget Tools Funding College Expenses Maximization of Social Security Benefits Roth Tax Planning Credit Score Preservation Identity Theft Protection End of Life Directives Estate Planning Non- Retirement Financial Risk Evaluation Long Term Care Risk Evaluation Hey, Am I About to Do Something Really Stupid? 5 The Tools 1. Financial Market Risk Tools Expanded Asset Categories and Vehicles 1. ETFs/ ETNs 2. Options/Futures 3. Hedge Funds 4. Infrastructure 5. Natural Resources 6. Real Estate 7. Commodities 8. Private Capital 9. Foreign Debt and Currency 10. Insurance and Annuity Products 6 The Tools 2. Smarter Portfolio Construction Look for Beta not Alpha Take Advantage of Low Correlation among Asset Classes Longevity Risk Tools Growth Oriented Asset Allocation Reverse Mortgages Annuities 1. Conventional 2. Nonconventional 3. Longevity Insurance (ALDA) Phased and Delayed Retirement 7 The Tools 3. Inflation Risk Tools 4. Inflation Indexed Products Overweighting Asset Allocation Sectors Anticipate Inflation Increased Expenditures Health Care Access and Cost Risk Tools Personal Health Decisions True Insurance Long Term Care Insurance 8 Retirement Distribution Construction Worksite 1. The Basics 2. Consumption Amounts and Pattern Balance Consumption and Bequest Goals Portfolio Cash Flow Needs Realistic and Flexible Society of Actuaries 7-Step Process Portfolio Construction Process Address Longevity Risk Address Market Risk 9 Retirement Risk Models 1. Seven Daughters 2. Build Income Portfolio to Generate Cash Flow Perpetuity Not Needed Ok to Consume Principal Bequest/Special Needs Lifetime Payments 3. 4. Insurer Annuitization Transfer Risk to Insurer Underutilized Doesn’t Address Bequest Goals Timing of Purchase Complex Products (GMIB, GLWB, GMWB, GMAB, GPAF) Non Transparent/ Expensive Do Not Trade Dollars with Insurance Company 10 Retirement Risk Models 5. Self Annuitization Keep All or Part of Longevity Risk Purchase Insurance When Needed Manage Longevity Risk 1. Spending Management 2. Portfolio Management 11 Retirement Distribution Models 1. Select Appropriate Longevity Period 2. Historically Based Safe Withdrawal Rates (SWR) Inflation Adjusted Asset Assumptions Key 3. Compare SWRs Probabilities of Failure Asset Allocation Impact Ending Balance 4. Fixed Period and Fixed Payment – Charts 1 and 2 5. Explicit Mortality Assumption – Charts 3, 4, 5 and 6 6. Modify Spending Rules- Charts 7 and 8 7. Modify Assets- Charts 9 and 10 12 Chart 1: 30 Years Retirement Ruin Probabilities 80 70 5.5% 60 Ruin Probability 5.0% 50 40 4.5% 30 20 4.0% 10 ● 3.0% 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Stock Percentage ● marks a 4 percent real withdrawal rate with 50 percent stocks and 50 percent bonds 13 Chart 2: Average 30 Years Remaining Balance $50 6 $100 $200 Withdrawal Rate 5 $300 ● 4 $500 $700 3 $900 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 Stock Percentage ● indicates an average of $300 remains after 30 years with a 4% real withdrawal rate and 60% stock allocation 14 Chart 3: Male Lifetime Retirement Ruin Probabilities Percentage Withdrawal Rates 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 0% Eq. 8.30% 19.90% 33.30% 45.80% 56.00% 25% Eq. 4.20% 12.80% 24.80% 37.80% 49.30% 50% Eq. 3.80% 10.60% 20.40% 31.80% 42.90% 75% Eq. 5.00% 11.40% 19.80% 29.40% 39.00% 100% Eq. 7.30% 13.70% 21.30% 29.70% 37.90% Male 65 Source: IFID Centre 15 Chart 4: Female Lifetime Retirement Ruin Probabilities Percentage Withdrawal Rates 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 0% Eq. 9.90% 23.10% 37.40% 50.30% 63.30% 25% Eq. 5.10% 15.00% 28.20% 41.90% 53.60% 50% Eq. 4.50% 12.30% 23.10% 35.30% 46.70% 75% Eq. 5.90% 13.00% 22.20% 32.40% 42.40% 100% Eq. 8.40% 15.40% 23.50% 32.30% 40.90% Female 65 Source: IFID Centre 16 Chart 5: Probability of 60/40 Portfolio Failure for Various Real Withdrawal Rates and Distribution Periods Source: Journal of Financial Planning- December 2008 17 Chart 6: Probability of 60/40 Portfolio Failure While Either or Both Members of a Couple are Still Living Source: Journal of Financial Planning- December 2008 18 Chart 7: Probabilities of Failure Based on a Fixed Withdrawal Rate Source: Journal of Financial Planning- April 2009 19 Chart 8: Probabilities of Based on Adjusted Withdrawal Rate Source: Journal of Financial Planning- April 2009 20 Chart 9: Portfolio Success Rate 1927-2008, Annual Rolling 30-Year Periods Source: Journal of Financial Planning- February 2010 ( Ibbotson) 21 Chart 10: Portfolio Success Rates 1927-2008, Annual Rolling 40 Year Periods Source: Journal of Financial Planning- February 2010 ( Ibbotson) 22 Retirement Distribution Models 8- SWR Summary Observation/ Recommendations Review Appendix A- Portfolio Concepts and Guidelines Know Your Risk Tolerance (Milevsky Article) Accumulation Period Equity Allocation 60% or Higher Transition to Distribution Equity Allocation (Dolvin et al Article) Diversity Equity Portfolio Extensively (Cooker Article) Consider Passive over Active Management (Garrison et al Article) Be Mindful of Sequence Risk (Blanchett and Frank Article) Be Mindful of Market Cycles and Valuations (Harris Article) Reflect Mortality Assumptions in SWR (Blanchett and Blanchett Article) Adjust Withdrawals in SWR (Blanchett and Frank Article) 23 Retirement Distribution Models Strategically Rebalance Accumulation and Distribution Periods (Spitzer et al Article and Daryanani Article) Be Mindful of Taxation Effect (Berna) Consider Immediate Annuities Use for Part of Portfolio and ALDA Products 24 QUESTIONS 25 THANK YOU! Rudd and Wisdom, Inc. Financial Services Division 26 APPENDIX A: PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION CONCEPTS 27 Portfolio Construction Concepts 1. Understand your return needs/desires vs your risk capacity 2. Analyze your risk appetite and its potential consequences 3. Decide which asset categories to use in which amounts 4. Decide on passive or active managers for each asset category 5. Portfolio takes on characteristics different from its components 6. Portfolio characteristics should be consistent with its goal 7. Use available tools and resources 8. Monitor and modify portfolio as needed 28 Portfolio Construction Guidelines 1. Do not invest in any asset you do not understand 2. Do not assume more asset risk than is needed 3. Use diversification to reduce volatility not to increase return 4. Use the financial goal time frame as a guide to your risk capacity 5. Re-balance your portfolio according to pre-determined strategy 29 Portfolio Construction Guidelines 6. Never assume higher investment returns come without higher volatility 7. Understand psychological influences on investment decisions and the market 8. Change your portfolio construction only if consistent with your goals; never panic into changes 9. Past results may or not may not be repeated in the future 10. Whom do you trust? APPENDIX B: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS,CREDITS AND RESOURCES 31 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 1- Using Decision Rules to Create Retirement Withdrawal Profile (SWR) William Klinger Journal Financial Planning - August 2007 2- Guidelines for Withdrawal Rates and Portfolio Safety During Retirement (SWR) Spitzer, Strieter, Singh Journal of Financial Planning - October 2007 3- Evaluating Retirement Portfolio Withdrawal Rates (SWR) Carl Hubbard Journal of Retirement Planning - May/June 2006 4- Moshe Milevsky, Professor, York University, Toronto Executive Director- The IFID Centre, Toronto 32 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 5- Retirement Ruin Analyzer (SWR) Society of Actuaries Website 6- Emphasizing Low-Correlated Assets (Diversification) The Volatility of Correlation by William Coaker Journal of Financial Planning – September 2007 7- CFA Institute 8- Pension Research Council 9- Gone in 60 Seconds( Flash Crash) Denis Dick, CFA CFA Institute Magazine (Sept/Oct 2010) 10- Upper-left Quadrant (Diversification) Craig L. Israelsen, Ph.D. Financial Planning (Sept 2009) 33 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 11- The Future of Retirement Investing (Use of Options) William Ulivieri, AIFA Journal of Financial Planning (Sept 2009) 12- Market Cycles and Safe Withdrawal Rates (SWR) John Harris Ph.D. , CFP, RFC Journal of Financial Planning (Sept 2009) 13- True Believer (Active vs. Passive) Walter Updegrave interview of Roger Ibbotson Money (Sept 2010) 14- The Six Best Investing Ideas You’ve Never Heard (Risk) George Mannes Money (July 2010) 34 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 15- The Portfolio- Spice it Up (Commodities) Craig L. Israelsen Ph.D. Financial Planning (June 2008) 16-The Portfolio- Heads I win, Tails I lose Less (Passive Fundamental Index) Robert Arnott et al Financial Planning (June 2008) 17- Joint Life Expectancy and Retirement Distribution Period (SWR) David Blanchett CFA, CFP and Brian Blanchett CFA, CFP Journal of Financial Planning (December 2008) 18- Sustainable Retirement Withdrawals: A Combined Equity and Annuity Approach (SWR) Lemoine, Cordell, Gustafson Journal of Financial Planning ( January 2010) 35 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 19- Retirement Income Sustainability: How to measure the Tail of a Black Swan (Risk) Moshe Milevsky Ph.D. Journal of Financial Planning (Oct 2010) 20- Dynamic and Adaptive Approach to Distribution Planning and Monitoring (SWR) David Blanchett CFA, CFP and Larry Frank, CFP Journal of Financial Planning (April 2009) 21- Beyond Monte Carlo Analysis: An Algorithmic Replacement for a Misunderstood Practice (Risk) Shawn Braymen, BSc. MES Journal of Financial Planning (Dec 2007) 22- Determining the Proper Starting Balance for Taxable and Tax-Deferred Savings at Retirement (SWR) Ben Bernacchi, CFP Journal of Financial Planning (July 2008) 36 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 23- Asset Allocation for Retirement: Simple Heuristics and Target Date Funds (SWR) Steven Dolvin. Ph.D., CFA; William Templeton Ph.D. Journal of Financial Planning ( March 2010) 24- Opportunistic Rebalancing (Portfolio) Gobind Daryanami, CFP, Ph.D. Journal of Financial Planning (Jan 2008) 25- Long-Term Approaches to Managing Retirement Healthcare Costs (Health) David Armes, CFP Journal of Financial Planning (Dec 2009) 26- Is Rebalancing a Portfolio During Retirement Necessary? (Portfolio) John Spitzer, Ph.D., and S.Singh Ph.D., CFA Journal of Financial Planning (June 2007) 37 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 27- Creating Safe, Aggressive Retirement Income Profiles (SWR) William J. Kingler, MBA, MS Journal of Financial Planning (May 2010) 28- Diversification Effect: Isolating the Effect of Correlation on Portfolio Risk Diversification Gregory N. Hight Journal of Financial Planning ( May 2010) 29- Allocation to deferred Variable Annuities with GMWB for Life (Annualization) James X. Xong, Ph.D., CFA, Thomas Idzorek, CFA and Peng Chen Ph.D., CFA Journal of Financial Planning ( February 2010) 30- Simple Dynamic Strategy for Portfolio Withdrawals: Using a 12 Month Simple Moving Average (Active Management) Michael Garrison, CFP, Carlos Sera and Jeffrey Cribbs, CFP Journal of Financial Planning (Feb 2010) 38 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 31- Strategic Option Protection Increases Return, Decreases Risk (Risk) John Burke, CFP and Wei Xu Journal of Financial Planning ( July 2010) 32- Immediate Annuities: Beyond Interest Rate (Annualization) Insight Financial Planning (October 2010) 33- Segmenting the Middle Market: Retirement Risks and Solutions (Education) Noel Abkemeier, FSA Society of Actuaries Publications (Sept 2010) 34- TIPS Scorecard (Inflation) Zvi Bodie et al Financial Analysts Journal- CFA Institute (Sept/Oct 2010) 39 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 35- The Rat Without a Tail (Trust) Susan J. Forray, FCAS Contingencies; American Academy of Actuaries (Sept/Oct 2009) 36- Shiller P/E’s and Predicting Returns (Active Management) Joseph A. Tomlinson, FSA, CFP Adviser perspective Web Publication 37- Return Distributions and the Shiller P/E Ratio (Active Management) Keith C. Goddard, CFA Adviser perspective Web Publication 38- Gambling: Happens in Vegas- And Should Stay in Vegas (SWR) Scott Wittman, CFA, CAIA; Rich Weiss and Irina Torelli, CFA American Century Investments 40 Acknowledgements, Credits And Resources 39- Not a Lost Decade for Diversified, Balanced Portfolios (Diversification) Joni L Clark, CFA, CFP Adviser Perspective Web Publication 40- Financial Tips for Those Close to Retirement Ameriprise Financial (March 2010) 41- Three Market Valuation Indicators (Active Management) Doug Short Adviser Perspective Web Publication 42- Texas State Securities Board 41