Graduation Project Responsibilities

• SECTION 4.24 (a)
• In order to graduate from high school, a student shall complete a
project in one or more areas of concentrated study under the
guidance and direction of the high school faculty. The purpose of
the project, which may include research, writing, or some other
appropriate form of demonstration, is to assure that the student is
able to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information and
communicate significant knowledge and understanding.
Definition and Goals of the Graduation Project
• The Graduation Project must be successfully completed as
one of the requirements to qualify for a Spring Grove Area
High School diploma.
• Under the direction of a high school faculty advisor, the
student develops and completes a project consisting of two
• a tangible product
• an oral presentation.
o The project will be completed during the junior year. One (1.00) credit
will be awarded for the successful completion of the Graduation
The Overall Goal
• A goal of the Graduation Project is to challenge the student to
go beyond the learning experiences that occur as the result of
the prescribed educational program.
• It challenges the student to demonstrate intellectual and
creative abilities. By providing opportunities for the student
to expand personal knowledge, explore career paths, and
apply learning to real-life situations, the Graduation Project
fosters personal growth and promotes lifelong learning.
• Additionally, the completed project may be used to
demonstrate the student’s skills and abilities for prospective
employers or admissions personnel.
Graduation Project Responsibilities
The student will….
• Select an original topic, not used for another class project, in the area of
personal interest.
• Meet established deadlines on the Graduation Project Deadlines form that
will be checked by an advisor.
• Submit a Graduation Project Proposal by the middle of the first marking
• Meet with the advisor until all requirements have been fulfilled.
Graduation Project Responsibilities
• Submit, as applicable, a rough draft of a paper, digital draft of a project, an
Academic Project Journal, Tangible Product Log or a Community Service /
Career Internship Log.
• Complete and submit all work 10 school days before the end
of the second marking period. End of the semester is
January 14, 2013.
• Schedule an oral presentation.
• All projects may be displayed at the Academic Exposition held on
February 6, 2013.
General Graduation Project Guidelines
•1. Each student will be assigned a project advisor under whose direction
he/she will remain until the Graduation Project process is completed.
•2. Advisory time will take place during homeroom period or as a special
•3. The topic for the Graduation Project must be original and not one used to
fulfill a requirement for another class. It must be unique to this project.
•4. After the Graduation Project Proposal is completed and signed, the
student will not be able to change the project topic, unless approved by the
advisor for good academic reason.
•5. The student must adhere to the timeline for all project tasks. Failure to do
so will result in a grade of U on his/her report card and could result in loss of
some privileges.
General Graduation Project Guidelines Cont.
•6. A Graduation Project deadline sheet will be kept by the student until the
completion of the project.
•7. All forms and parts of the project must be submitted in the sequence specified in
the Graduation Project deadline sheet. The Graduation Project Student Handbook
and all forms are available on school district website.
•8. The student must schedule and present a 7 - 10 minute oral presentation of his/her
Graduation Project. The oral presentation should demonstrate comprehension of the
topic and effective speaking skills with appropriate visuals. The student may be asked
to respond to questions as part of the evaluation. Expectations for the oral
presentation are available in the evaluation rubric.
•9. Any student who fails to complete his/her project by the end of the second
marking period may receive an F, and may thereafter lose privileges of open study, coop, and senior release. These students will be required to continue meeting with their
advisor until they have satisfactorily completed all work. The advisor will have 10 days
to evaluate work turned in by the student.
•10. Failure to complete the project will prevent graduating from the Spring
Grove Area Senior High School.
Community Service
• School improvement
• Volunteer
o Hospital
o Nursing Home Teacher
o Community Center
o Habitat for Humanity
Career Internship
Day Care Center
Academic or Research
Develop Web Site
Life Skills Portfolio
Develop a Magazine or E-zine
Science Olympiad
Oral History
Research Paper
• Academic topic of your choice
Oral Presentation
• Technology
Digital Pictures
Web Site
Academic Project Examples
develop a science fair project
design a mathematics or computer project
create an architectural design
design an engineering project
compose a foreign language short story
School Improvement Examples
• develop and execute a tutoring program
• develop a pamphlet describing research on careers
or colleges
• create a district pamphlet
• produce a video about physical fitness and health
Unpaid Internship Examples
Complete an internship in/with……
a business firm
an elementary or secondary teacher
a health-related career
government or private industry
a newspaper or publishing entity
Community Project Examples
• prepare income taxes for senior citizens
• perform a service project in the community
• volunteer at a homeless shelter, hospital or nursing
• develop an environmental improvement project
Sages and Seekers
• One-on-one weekly meetings with Sages (seniors 70
years or older) who want to impart their wisdom on
the Seekers of the teen generation
• Weekly meetings for eight weeks
• Student writes an essay and creates a photo book
• Approved blend of community service, research
paper, and visual presentation