View Handout - Crossroads Community Church

1) Before the message last week, how many believed the
bible teaches that N.T. believers are required to tithe 10%
of their income to the church?
2) After the message last week, how many still believe that
the bible teaches that N.T. believers are required to tithe
10% of their income to the church?
If Crossroads is a Tithing Church
How Are We doing?
Based on: 120 families
- approx. 240 adults (children not included)
- approx. 75 – 100 college students not included
# of Families
Regular Givers
Occasional Givers
Never Give
Abounding in the Gracious Work of Giving
I. Principles & Practices of New Testament Giving
1) Give according to your ability (8:3) [Acts 11:29 in proportion to means]
2) Give beyond your ability (8:3)
3) Give of your own accord/ voluntary (8:3)
4) Give with an attitude of it being a privilege (8:4)
- entreated for the favor of participation
5) Give abounding & bountifully (8:7; 9:5)
6) Give readily & zealously (9:1-2)
7) Give without covetousness (9:5)
8) Give willingly, thankfully, & cheerfully (9:7)
9) Give generously/ liberally
10) Give regularly, consistently, & proportionately (I Cor. 16:2)
Abounding in the Gracious Work of Giving
II. The Benefits of Giving
1) Supplies the needs of the saints (9:12)
2) Proof of your confession to the gospel of Christ (9:13)
3) God is able to make all grace abound to you; all sufficiency in
everything, you may have abundance for every good deed (9:8)
4) The Law of Increase (Supply & Multiply)
“He who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly;
and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully.” (9:6)
• Sowing & Reaping (Gal. 6:7)
• Standard of Measure (Luke 6:38; Mark 4:24-25)
Abounding in the Gracious Work of Giving
II. The Benefits of Giving
“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, will supply
and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your
righteousness ; …” (9:10) NAS
“You will be rich in every way so that you can be generous on every
occasion, …” (9:11a) NIV
• God supplies seed for sowing
• God supplies bread for food
• God will multiply your seed for (future) sowing
• God will increase the harvest (of your righteousness)
Abounding in the Gracious Work of Giving
III. Reasons to Give to the Church
1) We need to view the church as mission
2) The church is defined by its mission
• Make disciples
• The mission of the church is not to “do missions.”
• The mission of the church is to make disciples.
Abounding in the Gracious Work of Giving
IV. Financial Stewardship Responsibilities
1) Family – provide for one’s own household (I Tim.5:8)
2) Family of God – provide for the household of God
a) elders/pastors – I Tim. 5:17-18
b) disciples on mission – Luke 10:7/ Matt. 10:10
c) apostles/ministers – I Cor. 9:1-14 (Monetary Rights of an Apostle)
d) the saints – I Cor. 16:1-2 (Collections made for the Saints)
e) the poor & needy
• the poor (Rom. 15:25-27)
• those in need (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35)
• Widows & Orphans (Acts 6:1; James 1:27; I Tim. 5:3-16)
Abounding in the Gracious Work of Giving
V. Three Types of Giving
1) Need Giving
2) Ministry Giving
3) Visionary Giving