iconography and conventions of social realism films

Group idea and generic conventions
Robert Larwood
Social realism conventions and our film
 Our film concentrates on a variety of
contemporary issues, including homelessness,
gang culture, alcoholism, and the segregation of
social classes in contemporary British society.
 Similarly, social realism films typically exhibit
these themes. ‘Kidulthood’ reflects
contemporary gang and youth culture in West
London, in addition to issues like crime, drug
abuse, underage sex and teenage pregnancy and
 Other films like ‘The Full Monty’ address
further issues, such as racism, homosexuality
and obesity, unlike our film, where our focus
lies elsewhere.
Social realism conventions and our film
 Our film occurs in a more backstreet setting as
it develops (inner city areas of Brighton),
highlighting the inequality of social classes
within shockingly close boundaries. The
businessman (Charles) is wealthy and of the
middle-class, while Joe is homeless, and
appears to be much less than working class.
 Other social realism films also highlight these
inequalities, ‘Kidulthood’ mainly occurs in the
council estates, alleys and backstreets of
working class London, whereas it concludes at a
young boy’s house party in a more suburban
and wealthier area.
Social realism conventions and our film
 The focus of our film lies with Joe, who is part
of a marginalised group that is often iconic of
social realism films, as are the hardships that the
characters face, in terms of economic
difficulties (lack of housing and employment),
and social difficulties (separation from society,
loss of family and loneliness).
 Films such as ‘Kidulthood’ confront these
hardships head-on, therefore conveying a sense
of realism to the audience, as they focus on
aspects familiar to our surroundings,
particularly gang culture, which although is
familiar in most cities, is stereotypically based
in London.
Social realism conventions and our film
 We have considered our target audience for our
film, and due to the inclusion of middle-aged
characters as the main protagonists, our target
audience will be an equally older audience.
However, the inclusion of a gang and
contemporary issues may intrigue some 17-25
year olds.
 Typically, a social realism’s target audience
corresponds with the age of the main
characters, as the audience has someone and
their difficulties or situations to relate to. For
example, ‘The Full Monty’ directly relates to
working class members of society who have
gone a substantial amount of time without a
reliable income or employment, similarly to
Joe (the homeless man) in our film.
Social realism conventions and our film
 Charles (the successful businessman) and Joe
(the homeless man) are complete contrasts in
our film, with Charles inheriting a pathway to
economic gain, not needing to work
particularly hard to achieve success. Joe,
conversely, has worked diligently throughout
his life, but fails to earn his rewards. This
seemingly unjust paradox is reminiscent to our
own contemporary society.
 ‘Dirty Pretty Things’ also exhibits this paradox,
with the immigrant hotel workers having
multiple occupations to earn enough money to
pay for the necessities, whereas Juan, the hotel
manager, organises an underworld criminal
organisation which is involved in the black
market, yet he seems to be very successful.
Social realism conventions and our film
 Many social realism focus on the stereotypical
aspects of society, such as the aggressive,
violent and criminal culture of young people in
 However, some films exhibit atypical aspects of
society, such as the value and intelligence of
immigrants in society in ‘Dirty Pretty Things’,
whereas the stereotypical view is that
immigrants are unintelligent and are worthless
in our communities.
 Similarly, the stereotypical view is that
homeless people are worthless and helpless in
society, whereas the character development of
Joe represents him as having the capacity to
assist a business with his intelligence and
potential value.
Social realism conventions and our film
 Like many social realism films, ours examines the
difference between standard of living and quality
of life. While Charles’ standard of living is
exceptionally high, with a high income, a lovely
home and luxurious goods, he is a loner and
suffers depression.
 Joe shares a poor quality of life, suffering with
alcoholism and loneliness, with an equally low
standard of living, suffering homelessness and has
no employment.
 Therefore, the audience will be attracted by the
relationship between two very contrasting yet
similar characters.
 Other films, like ‘Kidulthood’ exhibit something
similar, such as the bullied girl with a wealthy
upbringing, who commits suicide; while some of
the less wealthy characters seem to be enjoying a
better quality of life, although they may be
antagonistic in some way.