Spanish colonisation of the Aztecs

Who was Cortez
 Hernando Cortez was born in the small town of
Medellin south-western Spain in 1485
Why did Cortez conquer the Aztec
 He wanted to conquer and over power a nation and find gold to become rich
 It all started off with the aztecs beliveing in this "god" called the bird god and
when Cortez came all the aztecs thought that Cortez was the bird god because
of the big sails on his ship and his armor and all the amazing things that the
aztecs did not have. when Cortez landed, the aztecs invited Cortez in because
they thought that he was the bird god. when Cortez saw how nicely the aztecs
were treating Cortez he pretended that he actully was the bird god. Shortly
after that Cortez and his crew took the emporer or king and took him and
Cortez said if you didnt fill this small, empty room form floor to celing with
gold then he would kill the king/emporer and the aztecs did. They filled it up
and after that Cortez and his crew all had guns of course because they were
from europe and the scared the aztecs and sothen they pretty much killed all
the aztecs and thats how they pretty much all got wiped out. In the end Cortez
and his crew god all the money and the aztecs got killed.
How did the Aztec react to the
arrival of Cortez
 Montezuma thought that Cortes and the Spanish were
gods so he treated them nicely until he found out that
the Spanish want to conquer the Aztec.
Who helped Cortez and why
 The Tlazcaltecans, who had been enimies of the Aztecs for
 Dona Marina who translated for Cortez and told him about
surrounding Indian tribes and how they wanted to get back
at the Aztecs