


How did a small number of Spanish conquistadors conquer huge Native American empires?

The Conquistadors

Spanish conquistadors invaded Native

American populations throughout the

Caribbean islands and soon moved inland.

Like Columbus, the conquistadors forced the natives to find them gold and silver and convert to Christianity

Two important conquistadors were

Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro...

Cortes arrived in Mexico with about 500 men.

There were 200,000 Aztecs living in their empire’s capital.

How could the outnumbered

Spanish have defeated the Aztecs?

Spread of Disease

The Europeans brought diseases (smallpox, influenza, malaria, yellow fever, measles and mumps) that the Native Americans had no immunities for (body’s resistance to a disease or virus).

In 1492, there were an estimated 30 million

Native Americans living in present-day


By the year 1600, there were only 1 Million left!

Keys to Spanish conquest:

Advanced Weapons

The Spanish had advanced weapons, better armor and horses.

They had muskets, but they took so long to load that they were not the primary weapon.

Swords and wooden lances were used most effectively.

From horseback, they were unstoppable.

They wore steel armor from head to toe.

Spanish Boats

Rivalries between tribes

There were many small independent tribes in Mexico and South America.

Many of these tribes were rivals and were involved in constant battles.

The Aztec enslaved many people and made them pay tribute.

Cortez became allies with several tribes who helped him launch attacks on the


Cortez’ Valued Ally

Cortez met an Aztec slave girl named La

Malinche or Dona Marina .

Since she spoke both the Aztec and

Mayan languages, she was valuable to


She acted as a guide and interpreter for the Spanish, and maybe even a spy.

Conversation between Montezuma

& Cortes

Through La Malinche, Cortes said the following:

“Tell Montezuma that we are his friends.

There is nothing to fear. We have wanted to see him for a long time, and now we have seen his face and heard his words…We have come to your house in

Mexico as friends. There is nothing to fear.”


Cortes/Aztec God Returns

The Aztecs viewed Cortes as one of their

Gods returning for vengeance.

Quetzalcoatl was said to be whiteskinned with red hair and a beard, and it was rumored that he would return from the east in 1519.

When Cortez arrived in 1519, many

Aztec were terrified and viewed it as the apocalypse.


In Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl “feathered serpent” was the God of Wisdom and was opposed to human sacrifice, which the

Aztecs had practiced.

He taught the Aztec how to cultivate corn and the art of astronomy.

But he was betrayed by his brother and was forced to leave the empire.


Human Form Serpent Form

Conversation between Montezuma

& Cortes

After meeting Cortes, Montezuma said,

“This was foretold by the kings who governed your city, and now it has taken place. You have come back to use; you have come down from the sky. Rest now, and take possession of your royal houses.

Welcome to your land, my lords!”


June 1521

After the Aztecs rebelled against

Cortes, the Spanish left Tenochtitlan and

Montezuma died.

After a smallpox outbreak, Cortes and his men destroyed


Which factor was most important?

Based on the documents, answer the main question and support it with your evidence.
