Volleyball Resistance Training Program: Grades 11

By: Scott Janczak
Intro….(Game intro & length)
My project is based on a 2 week resistance training program for
men’s high school volleyball at the varsity level. The two week
program is designed to be used during the pre-season to
prepare the athlete for the upcoming season. High School
volleyball is a fall sport and begins in early August and lasts
through the end of October. This program is designed to be
used during the early parts of August. Volleyball is a sport that
requires high amounts of muscular endurance as well as a
strong core and lower body strength due to the demands of the
sport. It is also very important for the athlete to be agile due to
the constant changing direction of the volleyball during a match.
Volleyball consists of a best of 5 format, the first team to win 3
sets, wins the match. Sets are played up to 25 points, the first
team to achieve 25 points wins the set, however, you must win
by 2 points, so the set could continue on past 25 points. A
match lasts roughly between 90 minutes and 180 minutes.
Teams may play more than 1 match in a day during tournament
play, thus playing into the muscular endurance needed to
compete at a high level in this sport.
Intro cont….(Norms)
Volleyball is generally considered a non contact sport, but that’s not to say
there is no occasional contact between players diving/lunging for the ball.
The program schedule will consist of one day, upper body, followed by a
lower body workout the next day. A rest day will follow consisting of a light
cardio workout (30-40 minutes). Rest periods will be key during the training
program as to not burn out the athlete before the season begins.
Remember, it is most important for the athlete to achieve their top
performance at the end of the year, not during the pre-season. For the
training program we are working with varsity aged males (17 and 18 year
olds) so we wont have many aged restrictions on what kind of exercises can
be performed. For this particular program we are not focusing on a specific
volleyball position, but instead it’s a general program designed for every
player on the team. At the beginning and end of the 2 week program, we
will test the athlete to ensure he is on the correct path towards achieving his
goal. The test will look for an increase in muscular strength and endurance
compared against the beginning numbers at the start of the program. For
the norms at the beginning of this program, 2-3 sets consisting of 8-12 reps
of each exercise. At the end of the 2 week program, the athlete is expected
to increase the sets to 3-4, and the reps to 12-15.
Intro cont….(Muscle Groups)
We will be focusing the program on the upper body,
core, and lower body muscle groups. The upper
body groups consist of the chest (pectorals major &
minor), shoulder (deltoid anterior & middle head),
and Biceps (brachialis, biceps brachii long & short
head). The Abdominal muscle groups include the
(exterior & internal abdominal oblique, rectus &
transverse abdominis). The lower body muscle
group consists of the Hamstrings (biceps femoris,
semitendinosus, & semimembranosus), The
Quadriceps (rectus femoris, vastus intermedius,
vastus medialis, and the vastus lateralis), and the
calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus). Our
workout will also focus on using the two energy
systems within out bodies (aerobic & anaerobic)
Safety Considerations:
Ensure enough room is available to the athletes
Weights & equipment should be inspected and
ensured for safety
First Aid Kit
Proper fluid intake (have water/Gatorade readily
Have athletes work in groups (2-3) so there will
always be a spotter available
Ensure the weights are safe for use
Check pre-existing medical conditions
Ensure all athletes know how to properly perform
each exercise as well as spot the exercise (coach
should demonstrate both)
Load – amount of weight will vary
depending on build of the athlete
 Outdoor track or stationary bike
depending on weather conditions
Program Outline: Week 1
Day 1 Upper Body (assessment taken)
 Day 2 Lower Body (assessment taken)
 Day 3 Rest Day (30-40 minutes of light
cardio and dynamic stretching)
 Day 4 Upper Body
 Day 5 Lower Body
 Day 6 Rest Day (35-45 minutes of
cardio and dynamic stretching)
 Day 7 Recovery Day (complete rest)
Program Outline: Week 2
Day 8 Upper Body
 Day 9 Lower Body
 Day 10 Rest Day 40-50 minutes of
cardio and dynamic stretching
 Day 11 Upper and Lower Body (lighter
 Day 12 Recovery day (complete rest)
 Day 13 Upper Body (assessment taken)
 Day 14 Lower Body (assessment taken)
Training Exercises: Upper body
Bicep Curls with DB
Triceps extensions with DB
Chest Press/Bench with bar or DB
Incline bench with bar or DB
Lateral raises
Front raises
Pec. Flys.
Rows with DB
Lat Pull
Upright Row with bar or DB
 (DB – Dumb bell)
Training Exercises: Lower body
Forward lunges
 Lateral lunges
 Angled lunges
 Backwards lunges
 Squats/leg press
 Calf raises with DB
 Hamstring curls
 Leg extensions
 (DB – Dumb bell)
Day 1: Upper body (assessment)
The norms for these exercises are 2-3 sets consisting of 8-12 reps. stretching and
cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the resistance training in the gym.
Assessment will be taken to see the starting point of each athlete. The weight will vary
due to the body build and make up of the athlete.
We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles used (upper & lower
body) followed by a cardio session consisting of 15-20 minutes of light jogging on the
outside track or the stationary bike depending on weather conditions.
The following the exercises to be completed; Phase 1 assessment:
 Biceps Curls
 Triceps extensions
 Chest press
 Incline bench
 Lateral raise
 Front raise
 Pec. Flys.
 Lat pull
 Upright row with DB
 Row with DB
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic stretching to minimize muscle
soreness and injury
Day 2: Lower Body (assessment)
The norms for these exercises are 2-3 sets consisting of 8-12 reps. The weight will
vary due to the body build and make up of the athlete. Assessment will be taken to
see the starting point of each athlete
We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles used (upper & lower
body) followed by a cardio session consisting of 15-20 minutes of light jogging on the
outside track or the stationary bike depending on weather conditions.
Following the stretching and cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the resistance
training in the gym. The exercises to be completed; Phase 1 assessment:
 Normal lunges
 Lateral Lunges
 Hamstring curls
 Calf raise with DB
 Leg Extension
 Angled lunges
 Leg press
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic stretching to
minimize muscle soreness and injury
Day 3: Rest Day
This rest day will consist of no weight
lifting to allow the muscle to recover.
We will start with a brief session of
dynamic stretching followed by 30-40
minutes of cardio, either jogging on the
track, or on the stationary bike
depending on weather conditions. We
will end the cardio session with dynamic
Day 4: Upper body
The norms for these exercises are 2-3 sets consisting of 8-12 reps.
stretching and cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the resistance
training in the gym.
We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles used (upper &
lower body) followed by a cardio session consisting of 15-20 minutes of light
jogging on the outside track or the stationary bike depending on weather
The following the exercises to be completed:
 Lateral raise
 Front raise
 Pec. Flys.
 Lat pull
 Upright row with DB
 Row with DB
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic stretching to
minimize muscle soreness and injury
Day 5: Lower Body
The norms for these exercises are 2-3 sets consisting of 8-12 reps.
stretching and cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the
resistance training in the gym.
 We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles used
(upper & lower body) followed by a cardio session consisting of 1520 minutes of light jogging on the outside track or the stationary
bike depending on weather conditions.
 The following the exercises to be completed:
 Angled lunges
 Leg press
 Hamstring curls
 Calf raises w/ DB
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic
stretching to minimize muscle soreness and injury
Day 6: Rest Day
This rest day will consist of no weight
lifting to allow the muscle to recover.
We will start with a brief session of
dynamic stretching followed by 35-45
minutes of cardio, either jogging on the
track, or on the stationary bike
depending on weather conditions. We
will end the cardio session with dynamic
Day 7: Recovery day (complete
This recovery day the athletes will
completely rest by performing no
exercises in order to allow the muscles
to recovery and heal
Day 8: Upper body
Starting week 2 we will be increasing the norms for these
exercises to 3-4 sets consisting of 12-15 reps. stretching and
cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the resistance
training in the gym.
 We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles
used (upper & lower body) followed by a cardio session
consisting of 20-25 minutes of light jogging on the outside track
or the stationary bike depending on weather conditions.
 The following the exercises to be completed:
Biceps Curls
Triceps extensions
Chest press
Incline bench
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic
stretching to minimize muscle soreness and injury
Day 9: Lower body
The norms for these exercises are now 3-4 sets consisting of 12-15 reps.
The weight will vary due to the body build and make up of the athlete.
We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles used (upper &
lower body) followed by a cardio session consisting of 20-25 minutes of light
jogging on the outside track or the stationary bike depending on weather
Following the stretching and cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the
resistance training in the gym. The exercises to be completed:
 Normal lunges
 Lateral Lunges
 Hamstring curls
 Calf raise with DB
 Leg Extension
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic stretching to
minimize muscle soreness and injury
Day 10: Rest day
This rest day will consist of no weight
lifting to allow the muscle to recover.
We will start with a brief session of
dynamic stretching followed by 40-50
minutes of cardio, either jogging on the
track, or on the stationary bike
depending on weather conditions. We
will end the cardio session with dynamic
Day 11: Upper & Lower body
Today will be an extended workout consisting of lower and
upper body workouts. This will be the last day of full
workouts until the second set of assessments are taken
on days 13 & 14. The norms for these exercises are 3-4
sets and 12-15 reps.
 We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the
muscles used (upper & lower body) followed by a
cardio session consisting of 20-25 minutes of light
jogging on the outside track or the stationary bike
depending on weather conditions.
 Following the stretching and cardio workout, we will
shift our attention to the resistance training in the gym.
The exercises to be completed: (next slide)
Day 11: cont….
Upper Body:
 Lateral raise
 Front raise
 Pec. Flys.
 Incline Bench
 Lat pull
 Upright row with DB
 Row with DB
 Front raise
Lower Body:
 Angled lunges
 Leg press
 Hamstring curls
 Calf raises w/ DB
 Normal lunges
 Lateral Lunges
 Leg Extension
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic
stretching to minimize muscle soreness and injury
Day 12: Recovery day (complete
This recovery day the athletes will
completely rest by performing no
exercises in order to allow the muscles
to recovery and heal for the upcoming
assessment days
Day 13: Upper body
The norms for these exercises are 3-4 sets consisting of 12-15 reps. stretching and
cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the resistance training in the gym.
Assessment will be taken to see the starting point of each athlete. The weight will vary
due to the body build and make up of the athlete.
We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles used (upper & lower
body) followed by a cardio session consisting of 20-25 minutes of light jogging on the
outside track or the stationary bike depending on weather conditions.
The following the exercises to be completed: Assessment Phase 2:
 Biceps Curls
 Triceps extensions
 Chest press
 Incline bench
 Lateral raise
 Front raise
 Pec. Flys.
 Lat pull
 Upright row with DB
 Row with DB
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic stretching to minimize muscle
soreness and injury
Day 14: Lower body (assessment)
The norms for these exercises are 2-3 sets consisting of 8-12 reps. The weight will
vary due to the body build and make up of the athlete. Assessment will be taken to
see the starting point of each athlete
We will begin by stretching(dynamic) focusing on the muscles used (upper & lower
body) followed by a cardio session consisting of 15-20 minutes of light jogging on the
outside track or the stationary bike depending on weather conditions.
Following the stretching and cardio workout, we will shift our attention to the resistance
training in the gym. The exercises to be completed: Phase 2 Assessment:
 Normal lunges
 Lateral Lunges
 Hamstring curls
 Calf raise with DB
 Leg Extension
 Angled lunges
 Leg press
 Hamstring curls
 Calf raises w/ DB
We will conclude the workout by another session of dynamic stretching to
minimize muscle soreness and injury
This training program (unit) is designed to increase
muscle endurance and strength to achieve top
performance in indoor men’s varsity volleyball. This
program should be followed exactly each day and
set up. The athletes will be expected to follow this
program as well with the exception being an injury.
This program has been set up to challenge an
athlete who has been actively working out and has
played and competed at the high school level before.
The athletes safety should be of upmost importance
and the safety considerations should be followed.
The workouts should be performed in a gym setting
with weights and equipment readily available to the
Gambetta, Vern. Athletic Development, the
art and science of functional sports
conditioning. Champaign IL. Human
Kinetics. 2007
 Fleck, Steven & Kraemer William.
Designing Resistance Training Programs,
3rd edition. Champaign IL. Human Kinetics.
 Stone, Michael H, Stone, Meg & Sands
William A. Principles and Practices of
Resistance Training. Champaign IL.
Human Kinetics. 2007