Resumes for Lawyers 2010 Presented by the Lawyers Assistance Program Facilitated by Robert Bircher 1 Purpose of a Resume • The main purpose of a resume is to get yourself on the short list of candidates to be interviewed • Do not obsess about getting your resume in the “perfect format” there are no hard and fast rulesjust ideas that usually work-if you are getting short listed whatever you are doing is working • A resume is part of your job search effort and is usually the first thing people focus on in a job change 2 Job Searching and Resumes • The two most important factors in job hunting for lawyers are 1.How you look for a job and 2.How much time you spend on it • Five least effective ways: • (% refers to number of people getting a job this way) • 1.Using the internet-4-10% • 2.Mailing resumes at random-7% • 3.Responding to published ads in legal journals -7% • 4.Responding to published ads in non legal publications-5-24% • 5.Headhunters i.e. ZSA or Counsel network-5-28% 3 Effective use of Resumes • Locally my experience is that about 80% of jobs are found by informational interviews and networking, about 5% by headhunters and 15% by published ads. • For small and mid-sized firms be aware-jobs are rarely advertised • Five best ways: • 1.Networking in legal community33% • 2. “Drag and Drop”-47% 4 Effective use of Resumes • Direct calling of employers by phone-69% • Job clubs-84% • Life changing job hunt-86% this involves a career assessment and usually a career coach-we provide this service to lawyers in B.C. • What works is personal contact! • Warm contact principle: The more personal the contact the better the result! • Best use of a resume is in conjunction with a warm contact method 5 Resumes that get Results • Employers hire from the inside out-first they look at existing employees, then ask colleagues if they know anyone looking, then look at drop in resumes, then advertise or hire a headhunter. • A resume is a secondary tool to your personal contact • A resume answers the employers question: What can you do for me and why should I interview you? 6 Chronological or Functional Resume? • Choose a chronological resume if you are basically looking for a job which is substantially the same as you are doing now-most law firms still use this traditional type of resume • Choose a functional resume if you are making more of a career shift(ie applying for a quasi-legal job) • Functional resumes are common outside of law and seem to be increasing in popularity 7 Chronological or Functional? • Most law firms still use chronological resumes but there are several situations where a functional resume should be usedeg-if you have an employment gap, have been self employed ,have had a varied career, want to include volunteer work, are worried about age discrimination • Functional resumes focus on skills that you have-no matter where you got them 8 Chronological or Functional? • Chronological resumes focus on where and when you worked • Functional resumes are very descriptive and use a lot of action verbs that end in “ed” • Chronological resumes can showcase firms and datesfunctional resumes showcase your skills • Functional resumes use few if any dates-useful if you don’t want to reveal your age 9 Articling Students and New Calls • In most cases for articling students and new calls- a standard chronological resume will do the trick-you have to emphasize your school performance and summer law job skills • We have an excellent handout for articling students and new calls from California Western University 1 0 Problematic Situations • You have to tell the truth in a resume or it will backfire –but what you choose to include or chose to not include is important • Remember this is a sales document –not a confessional • The fact you were top of the class in pole dancing or have been in N.A. for 5 years, or just got divorced may be true but should they be in your resume? 1 1 Problematic Situations • “Gaps” for a sabbatical or to raise children can be handled by including them rather than trying to cover them up ie –Sabbatical to raise children 2000-2006 • Frequent changes-there are advantages to being familiar with multiple cultures and systemsemphasize that • Fired or let go from last job-this can be handled in the interview and was usually just a poor fit in culture-don’t overemphasize it! 1 2 Resume Rules for all Resumes • Most legal resumes are 2 or more pages, more senior lawyers need more, new lawyers could even use 1 page • It is an advertisement for you- to get a face to face interview • Professional profile (career goal) may be included (functional)or can be put in cover letter(chronological) • Personal profile and highlights exercise1 3 Resume Rules • What should I put in it?-depends on who the employer is-find out as much as possible about the employer before you apply-website - talk to somebody who works there- talk to person who placed the ad, if possible, all such “intell” is very valuable • Most lawyers write their own resume-you will need a basic model which you will then customize for each job-Resume preparers usually do a good job, especially if you are not computer savvy or have a poor sense of document style 1 4 Resume Rules • Set up resume to give greatest visibility to your strongest points • Be selective about what you choose to include or exclude-a resume is a marketing document –we hear “Things go better with Coke” not “Coke causes cavities, obesity, and has no nutritional value” even though both may be true • From top to bottom: tips and pointers • Name and address - make sure the phone/fax numbers or email put callers in direct contact with you-make sure the greeting is professional 1 5 Resume Tips and Pointers • If you are employed do not send anything from that address, i.e. an emailed job application that could bounce back and haunt you • If you don’t want people to contact your present employer mark directly on the resume that this is a confidential application • Education section: More important for articling students and recently called lawyers to emphasize this section 1 6 Resume Tips and Pointers • LSAT scores are irrelevant after articling but a high class standing or awards and scholarships remain important for a few years after call and should be emphasized • Remember everyone applying for the job has a B.A. and LL.B and after about 3-5 years what you have done is more important than what you did at school • For more senior lawyers it is at the end of your resume or even omitted 1 7 Resume Tips and Pointers • Some extracurricular activities may be useful to include-editor of school paper or class president etc. • Emphasizing your particular school is usually not advisable (for Canadian Law Schools) unless it has a unique program in some area • Advanced degrees like an M.A., LL.M or PhD are useful to emphasize especially if they relate to the firm or to the job 1 8 Resume Tips and Pointers • Employment Experience: Most common (for private practice) is chronological but functional is also valuable in some situations i.e. quasi-legal or Gov’t jobs • Chronological: • 2000-2006-Smith&Co.-Practised in the area of family law-Where and when I did it • Functional : Conducted trials and chambers applications, drafted pleadings for court of appeal matters etc.-What exactly I did-use action verbs • Trend (2010)seems to be toward functional resumes 1 9 Resume Tips and Pointers • More detail here is usually better since employers can tell what you have done and at what level • Non legal work may be useful to include here if appropriate: i.e. 1994-1997-Royal Canadian Air Force Physical Education Instructor- rank of lieutenant implies leadership ability and ability to deal with people • If you have had a previous career you can put it in a separate section-i.e.. if you worked in a bank for a few years before law school 2 0 Resume Tips and Pointers • Memberships, Certifications, Affiliations and Activities • Can be put into education section or employment section • Include all relevant memberships and details i.e. CBA family law subsection, Some non legal memberships may be relevant i.e. chair of Sierra Legal Defense fundraising committee (but be wary of politics) the firm you are applying at may act for logging interests • References are usually not included in a resume 2 1 Resume Tips and Pointers • Community activities may be useful and can show social responsibility and good social contacts i.e. Chair of Catholic Church summer camp society. • Leisure activities and personal information are not usually included i.e. kayaking, dancing • Do not include a photograph or anything about your marital status or age • Different languages are an asset that should be included, show your level of proficiency i.e. speak and write mandarin fluently 2 2 Visual Effect • Presentation is ultra important!! • The document should be beautiful to look at-neatly organized, good font choices, highlights where appropriate, clean and easy to read • You have an average of 8 seconds to make an impression! • What stands out in your 8 seconds of fame in your resume? Is it what they want? 2 3 Visual Effect • Use high quality paper (but not a busy background) and a high quality printer or photocopier • Layout-choose a layout that assists the employer to find your key qualifications and/or to draw attention to certain parts of the resume : margins, tabs, fonts, bolding, italicization, highlights, etc. should all be used for this purpose • The resume should be almost a work of art to look at 2 4 Visual Effect • If you are no good at this (many of us are not) find someone who is to help you- a bad resume is a death wish for jobs!!, • About 40% of the lawyers I see come in with a very poor resume-it conveys lack of attention and a slapdash approach-employers will assume this is the way you practice!! • Organization:Studies show your resume gets only 8 seconds of attention on the first cull!! • In your 8 seconds of fame what do want them to see?-for junior lawyers it is your academic track record, for senior lawyers employment experience is most important-expressed in action verbsconducted, directed, supervised etc. 2 5 Standard Formats of Functional Resumes • Top of page: name, address, email, phone, website etc. then separate it by a solid line-use multiple fonts-make it look distinctive • Profile: This a paragraph about who you are and what you wantyou can add bullets emphasizing your key strengths-this can take about 1/3 to ½ a page- This may well be the only thing read in your resume-make sure it counts 2 6 Formats of Functional and Chronological resumes • Functional-Name and contact information-Professional profileHighlights-Career experienceMemberships and affiliationsEducation-Languages • Chronological-Name and contact information-Education-Career Experience-Memberships and Affiliations-Languages • The main difference other than format is that a functional resume is very descriptive and uses a lot of action verbs-see sample 2 7 Functional and Chronological Resumes • Functional resumes may contain few ,if any dates(great if age is an issue) • Functional resumes are about skills and abilities-chronological resumes are about when and where you have worked • You can use a combination if you like-this means a chronological resume that is very descriptive using action verbs 2 8 Standard Formats • Professional Experience; this is where you list the firms and dates, followed by a 1 paragraph of your general job description. followed by bullets of precisely what you did i.e. Prepared affidavits, interviewed witness, conducted trials, attended court of appeal etc. • This tells the employers exactly what you can do or have done-assume nothing-the fact you worked at x firm famous for litigation, tells them nothing-all firms are legends in their own minds!! 2 9 Standard Formats • Education: this goes here if you have more than a few years of practice: if you are articling or very junior this can go right below your name-the longer you are practicing the less important schools, degrees, or grades are. At that point people want to know what you have accomplished. For senior lawyers it is at the end or even omitted-if you have a Q.C. we know you are qualified. • If you have advanced degrees or scholarships make sure they get noticedkeep in mind everyone applying for the job has a B.A. and LL.B and is a member of the law society-it ain’t special (except to your mom) 3 0 Standard Formats 3 1 • Next you can put: Memberships and Affiliations that relate to the job i.e.. Chair of wills and estates subcommittee • Next you can put Other Interests: this can include other languages, clubs (i.e. toastmasters etc.) and can include non relevant hobbies etc.-these are great conversation starters-i.e. ran marathons • Some resume writers would advise to skip this completely Visual Effect • If the employer is looking for experience in well known firms make that stand out - if they are looking for 3 years in family law make that stand out etc. • Sample - Dale S.Technical -see draft – then look at final which emphasizes specific job positions, levels of increasing responsibility ,and technical knowledge-also see how fonts and layout make a difference! 3 2 Resume Samples • Note increase in space devoted to current position in final-note addition of summer job-note prior non legal experience is included because she is applying for a patent lawyer job • John Q. Corporate - in final he emphasizes employer name, and more description of what he does rather than a mere recital, also he has moved education to a less noticeable place and included a summer job at his firm 3 3 Resume Samples • He has added language skills • The addendum specifically points out what he has done using action verbs (this could also be built into the resume) • Corporate version of the same resume-note emphasis on interpersonal & managerial skills, business knowledge, ability to interact with the public, ability to identify with corporate goals 3 4 Resume Samples • “Various jobs” was included to show that he is a hard worker and well rounded • “Personal” was included as a tactical move-single implies flexibility and other activities implies well roundedness-having a spouse and children implies maturity and stability. Be tactical about this-it could lead to tough questions like “ do you plan to have children soon?” 3 5 Resume Samples • Sarah M. Litigator- senior lawyer • Note first draft makes it difficult to see a picture of her value • Senior Lawyers have the problem of more than enough material, junior Lawyers are short of material- both require smart editing • Law Firm resume -note focus on law firm employers, opening profile, chronological employment history with full details, breaks experience into 2 sectionsSubstantive and Management, summer clerkship is included, languages and pro bono work 3 6 Resume Samples • Note that she asks to have all contact confidential - even the leakage of the fact that she is applying elsewhere could be devastating • Addendum shows participation in big cases • Corporate Resume -note change of profile, emphasis on corporate matters, bullet style. 3 7 Final Check Out • Is it neat crisp and clean? • What stands out in a 10 second read? • Does it emphasize what you want it to? • Can the employer tell you are a problem solver? Can they see what kind of an asset you have been to others? Can they detect your personal style? Can they see how your experience relates to them? • Proof read for errors 3 8 How do I deliver it? • Best way is hard copy in personthe personal contact even for a few seconds is more important than the entire content of your resume! • Email can be dangerous since fonts and margins can be scrambled-fax is better • Do not use your employers phones, fax machines or internet server or mail service, even if you have permission to do so 3 9 Cover Letters • Should be viewed as important as the resume - a poor cover letter can sink your application before the resume is even seen • A good cover letter tells what is unique and special about youwhat sets you apart from everyone else who is applying • Basically you want to do 3 things • 1. Why are you writing to this organization 4 0 Cover Letters • 2. Why should we hire you in particular? • 3. A statement of interest in this organization • Put your best qualification forward in the cover letter-it may be all that gets read-so if it is a small general practice the first words they want to hear are “I have X years general practice experience” if it is a tax firm they want to hear “I just finished articling with X firm specializing 4 in tax law” 1 Cover Letters • State why you are interested in them in your first paragraph • Second paragraph will be about why they should be interested in you-what sets you apart from the crowd and how that could be of use to them • Third paragraph-statement of interest in the firm and what action you plan to take or what action you want them to take 4 2 Cover Letters • Employers will see the cover letter as a sample of your writing skills and an example of your attention to detail • A cover letter is a sales tool to promote yourself-not a place for damaging self confession or to explain real or perceived problems like poor grades, being laid off at your last job, your recent divorce or rehab experience etc. 4 3 Thank You Letters • See sample cover letters and interview thank you letter • After an interview it is a good idea to send a thank you letter or card it reveals class and character • If you want help with your job hunt contact the LAP 4 4