"Nursing Resumes, Applications and Cover Letters" PPT

APPLICATIONS- What do I need to apply?
• Fill out the online application through the hospital or
employers web page
• You will need:
• A list of your past positions with date ranges and supervisor information
• A Resume
• Possibly a Cover Letter
• Possibly Letters of Recommendation (2-3)
• Possibly asked to complete a short essay questions
• Possibly asked to complete a “personality test”
• Be eligible to apply
• Meet their minimum qualifications
• Start date falls after you have graduated and successfully taken the
RESUMES – What to include?
• Your name and contact information
• A Summary Statement or Summary of Qualifications
(Not an Objective Statement)
• A summary sets the stage for details that follow
• Highlights your key transferrable skills and experience
• Written version of “Tell Me About Yourself”
• Objective Statement:
• To be part of a dynamic healthcare team committed to excellence in patient care
• A position in the Medical Surgical Unit
• Summary Statement:
• Bilingual (English/Spanish) BSN graduate with an extensive background in
diverse, fast paced, team oriented settings
• Summary of Qualifications
• Proficient as a leader on the front line who acts as a filter for upper management
while ensuring processes are enforced and goals are met
• Exceptional customer service skills
• Efficient planner, developer and reducer of expenses
RESUMES – What to include?
• How to write a Summary: Try using this Summary Template:
“A (an)___(A)___and___(A)___ ___(B)____who___(C)___and ___(C)____.
Expertise includes _____, _____and_____. Proficient in ____,_____ and______.”
A. Adjective (pick 2)
• Conscientious, careful,
thorough, diligent
• Creative, imaginative,
artistic, inventive
• Dedicated, devoted,
• Dependable, reliable,
trustworthy, loyal
• Tireless
• Hardworking, diligent,
• Honest, truthful, sincere,
• Innovative, inventive
• Attentive to detail
• Proficient with computers
B. Noun (pick 1)
• Customer Service
• Employee, team member
• Problem solver
• Professional (specify if
• Salesperson
• Supervisor, leader, Manager
• Team player, team member
• Worker
• Investigator
• Manager
C. Action Verb (pick 2)
• Achieves consistent
• Drives sales
• Promotes improved
• Develops strong working
• Works well with others
• Learns quickly
• Meets all deadlines
• Motivates others
• Instills customer loyalty
• Solves tough problems
• Produces quality work
• Encourages team effort
RESUMES – What to include?
• Education
• SMU degree and previous degree or degrees
• Clinical Site Information (include hours?)
• Awards?
• Licenses/Certifications
• Can include anticipated certifications & licenses
• Work Experience
• Contributions and accomplishment related to “Transferrable Skills”
Customer Service
Communication Skills
Success under Stressful Circumstances
Cultural Competency
Critical Thinking (ie: problem solving)
Prioritization and Multitasking
RESUMES – What to include?
• Leadership Experience
• Community Service and/or Volunteer Experience
• Awards/Scholarships
• Professional and Service Organizations
• Languages or Other Accomplishments
RESUMES – Formatting Best Practices
• Clear, easy to read format
• Large margins - plenty of white space
• Reasonable type size
• Relevant information
• Strong accomplishment statements
• Results-focused
• Start each bullet with an action verb
• Past tense verbs
• Do not use the word “I”, write in 3rd person
• Max 2 pages for those that have had a previous career
• Max1 page for those that recently received 1st Bachelors
• No gimmicks
• No spelling or grammatical errors
RESUMES – How to stand out!
• Focus on accomplishments and contributions
• Examples?
• Translate your previous experience into “nurse speak”
• Do not use jargon related to your previous industry
• Don’t be shy! Follow up and make contact!
• Call HR if you have a question!
• Create a portfolio
• Did you create a poster that was accepted for a poster presentation?
• Shrink it down and include it in a folder with your resume, cover letter and
letters of rec.
• Tailor your resume for the institution or the position
• Research and include relevant key words from the job description or
the institution’s website
RESUMES – Red Flags
• Too many jobs for short durations
• Address in the cover letter
• Gaps in employment and/or education
• Address this in the cover letter
• Multiple errors
• Have many people review your resume
• Discrepancies between online application and resume
• Give yourself plenty of time to complete the application to avoid
• A cover letter should accomplish these three basic objectives:
1.Introduce yourself and express your interest in the job
2. Describe your qualifications and how they will benefit the company
• Research the institution in order to align your goals with theirs
3. Request an interview and suggest follow-up
• In addition it’s an opportunity to…
• Mention things you’re not able to include on resume
• Address any red flags in your job history
Letters of Recommendation
• How many?
• You will need to get at least 2-3 letters of rec
• Stanford requires 3 letters from clinical instructors
• From who?
• Clinical Instructors, Preceptors and Theory Instructors
• How do I get them?
• SF Learning Center process for full time faculty
• Respectful/Professional email or phone to Adjunct faculty
• Letters are a privilege not a right…
• One on One appointments
• Need to complete first draft of resume
• Email to make an appointment
• Books in the library
• You’re Hired by Brenda Brozek, MAOL, RN