merit funds will be distributed. Updated Process

Updated Merit Pay Process
for MCC Administrators
Committee of the Whole Meeting
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
 Current Evaluation, Salary Increase and Merit
 Process for Updated Merit-based Structure for
Administrators (effective FY 2015-FY 2018)
 Questions
Merit-Based Pay Team
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Associate Dean of College and Career Readiness
Chief Communications Officer
Director of Infrastructure Operations
Executive Dean of Education, Career and Technical
 Manager of New Student Transitions
 Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Review of Current Evaluation and Merit Process
 Evaluation Process
– 13 Performance Factors
– Ratings (0-4)
– Average Score Tabulated
 Merit Process
– All administrators received a CPI-U increase (FY 2014 –
– Employees not on discipline or performance improvement
plan (PIP) received either a 1% or 1.5% merit increased
(based on the average evaluation score)
Updated Process – Effective FY 2015-FY 2018
 All eligible administrators will receive a CPI-U increase
 All salary ranges will increase yearly based on the CPI-U,
not to exceed 3% per year
 3% of all eligible administrators’ salaries will be used for
merit distribution
 Distribution of merit
 All administrators’ evaluation scores will be summed
 Each administrator’s evaluation score will be divided
by the sum total to determine their percentage of the
available merit funds
Merit Pay Distribution Example
Emp 1
Emp 2
Emp 3
Emp 4
Percentage of Total
Merit Increase
30% $ 600.00
20% $ 400.00
40% $ 800.00
10% $ 200.00
Merit Funds Available
NOTE: All merit funds will be distributed.
Updated Process – continued
 If merit increase moves an employee over the top of
his/her range, the overage becomes a bonus
 No salary increase will be over 5.9% or below the CPI-U
(merit and CPI-U combined)
 Administrators who were hired after March 1 of the
evaluation year will not be eligible for CPI-U or a merit
 Administrators who score below a 2.0 and who have
been on a performance improvement plan, or who have
been on discipline, will not be eligible for a merit
Integration of Goal Attainment
 Each administrator’s goals will be factored in to overall
 Goal attainment will be weighed equally with the
evaluation process (50% goal attainment, 50% overall
 Administrators will be given a rating of 1-4 based on the
work related to their goals
 The rating will be averaged with their score on their
evaluation to give a final score, such as:
John Smith received a 3.12 on his evaluation
John Smith received a 3 on his work related to his goals
Final Score – 3.12 + 3 = 6.12 then divide by 2 to get the average
6.12/2 = 3.06
Future Considerations
 Explore methods for collection of 360-degree and/or
peer evaluations, in partnership with Performance
Evaluation AQIP Team
 Determine who would be part of an individual’s 360degree evaluation feedback group
 Determine how this feedback will be used in an
individual’s performance evaluation process