functional writing, creative writing and argumentative writing Etter 10: Sjangerkompetanse • bruke språkets grunnleggende formverk og tekststrukturer muntlig og skriftlig • uttrykke seg skriftlig med en del presisjon, flyt og sammenheng • tilpasse muntlig og skriftlig språkbruk til sjanger og situasjon • skrive tekster som forteller, beskriver, argumenterer eller formidler beskjed, med passende grunnstruktur og hensiktsmessig bruk av avsnitt • bruke innhold fra ulike kilder på en selvstendig og kritisk måte VG1: • uttrykke seg skriftlig og muntlig på en nyansert og presis måte, med flyt og sammenheng • velge og bruke egnede skrive- og talestrategier tilpasset formål, situasjon og sjanger • skrive formelle og uformelle tekster med god struktur og sammenheng om personlige og samfunnsmessige temaer • velge og bruke innhold fra ulike kilder på en selvstendig, kritisk og ansvarlig måte VG 1 • beskrive og vurdere effekten av ulike språklige uttrykksmåter Eksamen ENG0012, vår 2010 Task 3B Focus on Famous People The next issue of Focus Magazine will have a section on the consequences of being famous. Write a factual text/article about a famous person for this next issue of the magazine. • Explain why this person is important • Persuade the readers of his/her importance • Include at least three significant facts • End your article by giving your considered opinion about the consequences of being famous SENSORVEILEDNING, VÅR 2010 Oppgavespesifikke krav: • Eleven har skrevet en faktatekst/artikkel om en berømt person som skal plasseres under fokusområdet: Konsekvensene av å være berømt. Teksten er planlagt utgitt i neste utgave av Focus Magazine. • Eleven har forklart hvorfor personen som eleven har valgt å skrive om er en viktig person. • Eleven har skrevet en tekst der hun/han prøver å overbevise leseren om at personen som er presentert er viktig. • Eleven har tatt med minst tre sentrale faktaopplysninger i teksten. • Eleven avslutter teksten med å gi en begrunnet oppfatning angående konsekvensene av å være berømt. • Eleven kan avgrense hvert avsnitt til et tema. • Eleven har delt teksten inn i passende avsnitt med hensyn til innhold og tekststruktur. • Eleven kan bruke kilder på en kritisk og selvstendig måte. Tony arrived a few minutes late. Apparently he hadn’t checked what part of the building we’re in. He seemed totally relaxed, though. Baseball cap on back to front and scruffy jeans and t-shirt. Didn’t have a clue about what we do, but knew his job would be something to do with computers. He tackled my questions OK, but I sometimes didn’t catch everything he said, because he was chewing gum and mumbled a bit. I had to ask him to repeat his answers a couple of times. Anyway, on paper he is more than qualified for the job. He won’t be meeting our customers, which may be just as well. At the end of the interview he asked me if I wanted to "grab a pizza" after work. He was wearing a t-shirt with a lot of text, and I’d been staring at it trying to make out what it said. That’s why I think he may have got the wrong idea. I just gave him a black look and shook my head and that was that. (ENG 1002/1003 Engelsk fellesfag, mai 20011) ENG 1002/1003 Engelsk fellesfag, mai 20011 OPPGAVE: b) Explain what makes Janice’s style informal. Give examples of at least three different types of informal language that she uses. SENSORVEILEDNING: Janice bruker noen uformelle ord og uttrykk: guy, OK, have a clue, a bit, anyway. Hun bruker noen ufullstendige setninger: Baseball cap on back to front and scruffy jeans and t-shirt. Didn’t have a clue… Hun bruker noen sammentrukne former: hadn’t, I’d, didn’t Sensorveileding, vår 2011 Eksamen ENG 1002/3, vår 2008 Kids, don’t give out private info to anyone and Mom and Dad, you’d better teach your dear ones not to send their full name and email address all over the world to be read by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Who knows what that might lead to? Of course it’s ok not to tell things to people on the net. Style & level of formality 1. One of the paragraphs …. is written in a style which is different from the others. Explain what paragraph it is, and describe three different ways in which the language and tone in this paragraph differ from the others. Remember to use correct terminology. 2. Rewrite this paragraph in a style that matches the other three. Teenagers should not give out private information to anyone. Parents should see to it that their children do not send their full name and address all over the world so that everybody can read it. That might have unfortunate consequences. It is perfectly all right not to convey information to people over the internet. TASK 2b: suggested answer The third paragraph is written in a style which is different from the others. It is addressed directly to the reader in a somewhat informal, non-objective, threatening style. In the paragraph there are: • several contracted forms: don’t, you’d and it’s • The short and informal forms ok and info • The informal direct address (vocative) Kids, Mom, Dad • non-objective threatening style: don’t you give • Sarcastic style, condescending: your dear ones • Rhetorical questions: Who knows what that might lead to? • Negative connotations: every Tom, Dick and Harry (any idiot) (Sensorveiledning, 2008) Per Lysvåg: Language and Communication: A Guide to better Writing Text design • Coherence • Cohesion (lexical connectors) • Paragraphs: topic sentence, supporting sentences Connectives: Eksempel UDIR: artikkel Skriving 10.trinn: kompetansemål, læringsmål, skriverammer, stilnivå Writing frames BBC ideas: glish/writing/ For more advanced learners: essay_template.htm Media transfer • From one genre to another • From informal to formal contexts • From fiction to non-fiction Media transfer Diary entry: “My 35th birthday. Actually I have lied so much about my age that I forgot how old I really am. I think I look 28, and I know I feel 19.” (Alan Maley: short and sweet: Short texts and how to use them) Transfer this diary entry into • a dialogue • a poem • a doctor’s report n-letter-template.html Authentic documents as writing frames • Missing person poster • Birthday/party invitation • An affidavit (voluntary testimony out of court) or deposition (written testimony from crossexamination) • An arrest warrant • A criminal complaint • A plea for the defendant by a friend, relative etc • news story about an event in the text • Defense/prosecution closing argument • Social media texts UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Criminal complaint /Forms/AO091.pdf Arrest warrant /Forms/AO442.pdf Search and seizure warrant /Forms/AO093.pdf Search and seizure warrant on oral testimony /Forms/AO093A.pdf Eyewitness Letters: Letters from eyewitnesses should first state who the witness is and then establish how, where, and when she saw (heard, smelled, or touched) important events or evidence. Here is a sample. Presiding Judge Small Claims Court Kansas City, Kansas Re: John Swift vs. Peter Petrakos Small Claims Case No. 11478 Your Honor: My name is Victor Van Cleve. I work at Racafrax Engineering in Kansas City, Kansas, as a mechanical engineer, and I am 43 years old. On September 15, 20xx, I witnessed an auto accident a little after 7:30 a.m., involving John Swift and Peter Petrakos. I was about 50 feet away from the accident, standing at the intersection where the accident occurred, and I could see what happened clearly. I did not know either Mr. Swift or Mr. Petrakos before the accident. I saw Mr. Petrakos' Toyota, which was heading north on South Dora, go through a red light and hit Mr. Swift's blue van, which was proceeding east on West 7th, well inside the 25 MPH speed limit. I assume the light was green facing Mr. Swift on West 7th because I was watching the red light on South Dora, waiting for it to change to green so that I could cross the street. Sincerely, Victor Van Cleve