main idea - Petal School District

Evaluating Texts
summary . . . précis . . . explication . . .
Main Idea and Details
Main idea: the topic and controlling
point of a paragraph; what the
paragraph is about.
If it is the main idea, the majority of
the details will support it!
Main Idea and Details
Stated Main Idea: look for a
sentence in the paragraph
Usually the first or last sentence
Purple book page 59
Implied Main Idea: is suggested by
the details
Purple book page 60
Main Idea and Details
Details: descriptions, reasons,
examples, etc., that support the main
Details will support the main idea but
read carefully: stick to the facts of
the paragraph!
Purple book page 61
Analyzing and Evaluating
Summary: a shorter version of a text
that gives only the main points
Précis: another word for summary
Rules for summary/précis
Written in your own words
About ¼ the length of the original
Contains only main points: don’t leave any
important points out!
Follows the same order of the original
Retains the author’s meaning and opinion
NO personal interpretation: keep YOUR
opinion to yourself!
Purple book page 66 for practice
Analyzing and Evaluating
Explication: a type of explanation
that interprets; an explication will
NEVER contain figurative language
Sometimes longer than the original, but usually
shorter on multiple choice tests
Will only contain information that can be literally
interpreted—always uses concise, plain language
Avoids making a commentary or giving an
opinion about the original text
May simply state in one sentence the main idea
of the passage
Analyzing and Evaluating
What if you must pick an explication of
TWO passages?
 Simply decide what the main idea is of
each passage, then pick an answer
that combines BOTH main ideas!
Purple book pages 70-72 for practice
Possible test questions
Which is an appropriate and accurate
explication of this paragraph?
Which of the following is an accurate
and appropriate summary of this
Which of the following is an accurate
explication of both the statement and
the excerpt?
Possible test questions
Which paragraph is an accurate and
appropriate précis of the excerpts?
Which is an accurate and appropriate
explication of the two excerpts?
Which paragraph is an accurate and
appropriate summary of the two
Possible test questions
Justify the accuracy of the précis by
selecting the statement below that is a
correct evaluation of the précis.
Terms to know
Mississippi SATP English II
Revised: Multiple Choice
Student Review Guide for