4 Project template

Attachment 2
DESIS Project 4 slides presentation
Present your project in 4 slides using this template. Follow the instructions on each slides:
-Insert images minimum 1024x756 pix.
- Fill in the text box respecting type, size and maximum length.
(you can take a look at the samples in the same attachment)
Template index
Slide 1 – “Cover”: a large picture (emblematic of the project) with texts:
title and subtitle
main promoters (names and logo).
2-4 keywords
A link to the project website or to any other source of information:
Slide 2 – Context : large picture or pictures composition (of the context, with people and
places) with texts to characterize the context and present the main problem(s)
Slide 3 – Project : large picture or pictures composition (of people, objects and places) with
texts to describe projects' main idea and enhancement strategy.
Slide 4 – Design role : large picture or pictures composition presenting project elements
where the design role is more evident, with short texts outlining designers' main interventions
and design tools they have adopted.
Click on the icon below to insert a key image
showing the project as a whole...
Choose the most characteristic, recognisable
image to make the cover of the
Main parter (s) - with logo(s)
Key words: 2-4 keywords (from the list)
Insert here a title (max. 80 c.)
and subtitle of the project... (max. 100 c.)
insert the of
the project
the logos/names
the main
involved inwebsite
the project...
Click on the icon below to insert one or more
images showing the context...
Where the project is starting from, what the
situation or problem that triggered its
Insert here a short caption presenting the context... (max. 200 c.)
Click on the icon below to insert one or
more images showing the project...
What are the starting concept, strategies,
what are the development in-progress, the
results achieved?
Insert here a short caption presenting the project... (max. 200 c.)
Click on the icon below to insert one or more
images showing the design role...
What are the tools and process and how did
it support the local project development?
Insert here a short caption explaining the design role... (max. 200 c.)
DESIS Project / 4 slides presentation
Politecnico di Milano, DIS-Indaco
Cohousing Venture
Key words: households, housing
Cohousing.it An enhabling platform
for cohousing communites
more on: www.cohousing.it
Context: many people would like to live nearby with
neighborhoods sharing practical services, exchanging
mutual help and having friendly relationships. But, for
several reasons, this is very difficult to be done.
Project: a digital
platform and a supporting
team to make community
building easier, co-design
more effective and the
whole process more
Design role: to
facilitate the community
building, to find suitable
places, to co-design the
shared services and to
better communicate the
cohousing idea.