Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution, 1700–1775

Chapter 5
Colonial Society on
the Eve of Revolution,
All of the following were true of the Scots-Irish who
spearheaded the Regulator Movement EXCEPT
a) they “kept the Sabbath—and all else they could lay their hands
b) they tended to fail as organized leaders, and few rose to
prominence in American governments as a result.
c) pugnacious, lawless, and individualistic, they dotted the
Appalachian hills and hollows with their stills.
d) they cherished no love for the British government that had
uprooted them and still lorded over them—or for any other
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All of the following were true of the Scots-Irish who
spearheaded the Regulator Movement EXCEPT
a) they “kept the Sabbath—and all else they could lay their hands
b) they tended to fail as organized leaders, and few rose to
prominence in American governments as a result. (correct)
c) pugnacious, lawless, and individualistic, they dotted the
Appalachian hills and hollows with their stills.
d) they cherished no love for the British government that had
uprooted them and still lorded over them—or for any other
Hint: See page 90.
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All of the following were true of triangular trade EXCEPT
a) it supported the mercantile policies in vogue throughout the
burgeoning British Empire.
b) it was infamously profitable, though small in relation to total
colonial commerce.
c) the most famous example was trading rum for slaves in West
Africa, slaves for molasses in the West Indies, and molasses
for rum in New England.
d) it openly flouted the British Navigation Laws, which mandated
that all American commerce be directed through the Mother
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All of the following were true of triangular trade EXCEPT
a) it supported the mercantile policies in vogue throughout the
burgeoning British Empire. (correct)
b) it was infamously profitable, though small in relation to total
colonial commerce.
c) the most famous example was trading rum for slaves in West
Africa, slaves for molasses in the West Indies, and molasses
for rum in New England.
d) it openly flouted the British Navigation Laws, which mandated
that all American commerce be directed through the Mother
Hint: See page 94.
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All of the following were true of the root of the Great
Awakening EXCEPT
a) it arose in part because religion was less fervid in the early
eighteenth century than it had been a century earlier, when the
colonies were first planted.
b) churchgoers increasingly complained about the “dead dogs”
who droned out tedious, over-erudite sermons from Puritan
c) some ministers worried that many of their parishioners had
gone soft and that their souls were no longer kindled by the
hellfire of orthodox Calvinism.
d) it embraced the beliefs of some worshipers now that human
beings might save themselves by good works.
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All of the following were true of the root of the Great
Awakening EXCEPT
a) it arose in part because religion was less fervid in the early
eighteenth century than it had been a century earlier, when the
colonies were first planted.
b) churchgoers increasingly complained about the “dead dogs”
who droned out tedious, over-erudite sermons from Puritan
c) some ministers worried that many of their parishioners had
gone soft and that their souls were no longer kindled by the
hellfire of orthodox Calvinism.
d) it embraced the beliefs of some worshipers now that human
beings might save themselves by good works. (correct)
Hint: See page 98.
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All of the following were true of the Molasses Act
a) Parliament bowed to pressure from influential British
West Indian planters.
b) it was aimed at squelching North American trade
with the French West Indies.
c) it struck a crippling blow to American international
trade and to the colonists’
standard of living.
d) American merchants responded to the act by bribing
and smuggling their way around the law.
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All of the following were true of the Molasses Act
a) Parliament bowed to pressure from influential British
West Indian planters.
b) it was aimed at squelching North American trade
with the French West Indies.
c) it struck a crippling blow to American international
trade and to the colonists’
standard of living. (correct)
d) American merchants responded to the act by bribing
and smuggling their way around the law.
Hint: See page 96.
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All of the following represent sentiments expressed
in Poor Richard’s Almanack EXCEPT
a) “A good example is the best sermon.”
b) “Many have quarreled about religion that never
practiced it.”
c) “There is that of God in every man.”
d) “Serving God is doing good to man, but praying is
thought an easier service, and therefore more
generally chosen.”
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All of the following represent sentiments expressed
in Poor Richard’s Almanack EXCEPT
a) “A good example is the best sermon.”
b) “Many have quarreled about religion that never
practiced it.”
c) “There is that of God in every man.” (correct)
d) “Serving God is doing good to man, but praying is
thought an easier service, and therefore more
generally chosen.”
Hint: See page 98.
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All of the following were Proprietary Colonies
a) Maryland.
b) Pennsylvania.
c) Delaware.
d) Connecticut.
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All of the following were Proprietary Colonies
a) Maryland.
b) Pennsylvania.
c) Delaware.
d) Connecticut. (correct)
Hint: See page 104.
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All of the following were true of the Zenger trial
a) Zenger’s newspaper had assailed the corrupt royal
b) charged with seditious libel, Zenger was hauled into
c) he was defended by a former indentured servant,
now a distinguished Philadelphia lawyer, Andrew
d) the jurors followed the judges’ instructions and
returned a verdict of guilty.
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All of the following were true of the Zenger trial
a) Zenger’s newspaper had assailed the corrupt royal
b) charged with seditious libel, Zenger was hauled into
c) he was defended by a former indentured servant,
now a distinguished Philadelphia lawyer, Andrew
d) the jurors followed the judges’ instructions and
returned a verdict of guilty. (correct)
Hint: See pages 103–104.
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Jacobus Arminius was
a) the first Armenian Apostolic priest in the American
b) a Dutch theologian who preached that individual free
will, not divine decree, determined a person’s eternal
c) a Roman Catholic priest who introduced the Latin
mass in Maryland.
d) a Jacobite follower of French revolutionaries during
the infamous Frondes of 1689.
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Jacobus Arminius was
a) the first Armenian Apostolic priest in the American
b) a Dutch theologian who preached that individual free
will, not divine decree, determined a person’s eternal
fate. (correct)
c) a Roman Catholic priest who introduced the Latin
mass in Maryland.
d) a Jacobite follower of French revolutionaries during
the infamous Frondes of 1689.
Hint: See page 98.
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All of the following were Royal Colonies EXCEPT
a) Rhode Island.
b) New Jersey.
c) New York.
d) North Carolina.
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All of the following were Royal Colonies EXCEPT
a) Rhode Island. (correct)
b) New Jersey.
c) New York.
d) North Carolina.
Hint: See page 104.
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All of the following were true of Jonathan Edwards
a) the Awakening was first ignited in Northampton,
Massachusetts, by this tall, delicate, and intellectual
b) he was the deepest theological mind ever nurtured
in America.
c) he rejected the belief that hell was “paved with the
skulls of unbaptized children.”
d) “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was the title
of one of his most famous sermons.
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All of the following were true of Jonathan Edwards
a) the Awakening was first ignited in Northampton,
Massachusetts, by this tall, delicate, and intellectual
b) he was the deepest theological mind ever nurtured
in America.
c) he rejected the belief that hell was “paved with the
skulls of unbaptized children.” (correct)
d) “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was the title
of one of his most famous sermons.
Hint: See page 99.
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