Advanced Web Technologies MSc. Publishing on WWW Why are they Important ? Originally web pages were static: text and images. Information and data were stable. Changes in data were slow. The advanced technologies allow web pages to be dynamic. XML: What is it? Extensible Markup Language. Language for creating other languages. Uses user defined tags and attributes to format data. XML : An Example <?xml version = "1.0"?> <student> <picture filename="Smith_S.gif" x="100" y="100"/> <LastName>Duck</LastName> <FirstName>Donald</FirstName> <year level="one"> <module> Internet Technologies </module> <progress> Good </progress> </year> </student> XML: Why use it? Many uses: Transfer data from server to server, application to application. Allows use of vocabulary relevant to the users. Allows experts to have a standard to transmit their info e.g. doctor/pharmacy – prescriptions. XML: Why not to use it? Very few browsers can directly view XML pages. No browser currently supports Xlink and Xpointer. Temporary fix: convert XML to HTML or XHTML. XML: How does it work? XML Doc + XML Parser XML Application XML DTD e.g MSXML, W3 parser in Amaya, diy e.g. MathML, TimeMaps XML: Examples MathML Mathematical Markup Language SMIL Synchronised Multimedia Integration Language SpeechML Speech Markup Language ASP: What is it? Active Server Pages. A program that runs within IIS. Microsoft specific technology. Example of server side scripting. ASP: Platforms and Compatibility ASP is a Microsoft based technology. Typically WinNT, WIn95/98 etc. New software allows ASP to run on other platforms: ChilliASP for Unix InstantASP for Unix/Linux, Mac and others ASP: Example <% @LANGUAGE=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <% ' Fig. 26.1 : clock.asp %> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>A Simple ASP Example</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="60; URL=CLOCK.ASP"> </HEAD> <BODY> <FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE = 4><STRONG>Simple ASP Example<STRONG> </FONT><P> <TABLE BORDER="6"> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#000000"> <FONT FACE=Arial COLOR="#00FF00" SIZE=4> <% =Time( ) %> </FONT> </TD> etc… ASP: How does it work? 4 Server Browser (e.g. with IIS) 1 2 3 ASP software (e.g. ASP.dll) ASP: Applications Dynamically change, add, edit web page content. Process data and queries from HTML from HTML forms. Access databases via web pages Security: ASP scripts are not visible in browsers. VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language. Means of creating 3D environments for the WWW. Used for visualisation e.g. artefacts/buildings. 3D interactive environments; simulated environments.