video footage gathered in Rome and at sites of Ancient Roman ruins around Europe shows the glory and grandeur that was Rome. 51min. 1 Chapter 14 The Roman Republic Words, Terms and People to Define and Know Consuls Legionaries Veto Senate Dictator Twelve Triumvirate Tribunes Latifundias Publicans patricians Tables Punic Wars Hannibal Gaius Marius Julius Caesar Octavian 2 Chapter 14 The Roman Republic 508 B.C. –30 B. C. 1.I can Compare direct and representative democracy using examples of ancient Athens, the Roman republic and the United States today. 2. I can Describe the essential characteristics of the systems of government found in citystates, kingdoms and empires from ancient times through the Middle Ages. Roman reenactors dressed as Roman soldiers beginning from earliest Republican times in the center, later Republican times c. 100 B.C to the left and Empire times c. 150 A.D. to the right 3 How Rome Grew and changed from 320 B.C. to 530 A.D. Rome; the creator, shaper, and transmitter of culture to the Western World. List of maps of the ancient Roman World 4 Roman Society and Culture “In Greece the measure was the man: in Rome it was Bust of Alexander the Great idealism, Caracalla the LAW! ” Beauty-perfection. In Rome organization, discipline, obedience to ancestral tradition and custom were the most important aspects of communal life. “Mos Maiorum” portraits of grim-faced, middle-aged men Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (r. 211–17 A.D.), nicknamed Obedience to custom, tradition and Rome itself Horatius at the Bridge—story (read) p.470 B.O.V. “Gravitas” The disposition to take things seriously “Dignitas” A dignified manner; an innate right to respect and ethical treatment. The Strength of character to honor your word. The Story of Regulus (read) 617 B.O.V. 5 The Constitution of the Roman Republic was an unwritten set of guidelines and principles passed down mainly through precedent.[2] The Roman constitution was not formal or even official. It was largely unwritten, uncodified and constantly evolving. Laws First written down around 450 B.C. Chart showing checks and balances of government under the Republic Complicated isn’t it? Just remember that in the Republic real power was originally in the hands of the Senate 6 Another Way Of Looking At The Flow of Power In the Republic 7 American System -- based on balance of powers/functions Our system protects the rights of the individual against the power of the state Executive Legislative Judicial President Congress Supreme Court Roman System -- based on balance of interests more concerned with protecting the interests of various societal groups Monarchical Aspects Aristocratic Aspects Democratic Aspects 2 Consuls Senate 300 members Assembly of Tribes Tribune + other magistrates Directed government and army Acted as judges Could issue edicts Acted as chief priest Controlled state budget Could pass laws Approved/rejected laws Decided on War Tribune could veto actions of magistrate Acted as final court Basis of power: Basis of power: members were richest men in Rome. Basis of power: provided most of the soldiers Limits on power: could not control army needed majority as soldiers. Limits on power: Could not suggest laws often paid as clients by the elite 8 possess imperium, the right to rule need for leadership Limits on power: one year term each could veto In the American system of government the powers of government are divided to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. We operate under a system of checks and balances. We also have a written constitution that guarantees individual rights and protects citizens against abuses of the power of government. No one is above the law and there are no distinctions in the law concerning class, or social position. 9 Section One: Summarizes the rise of Roman democracy I. The Government • People to Know: Tarquin • Terms to Learn: • Terms to Learn: • the Proud ( last Etruscan king who was overthrown) Republic Patricians Terms to Learn: Plebeians A. Two consuls headed Roman Republic • 1. Administrators and military leaders: Lucius The CuriaQuinctius Julia in the Roman Forum, the seat the imperial Senate. (44 BC.) Cincinnatus 458ofB.C. Book of Virtue pgs. 671-74 Curia Julia is one of only a handful of Roman structures to survive to the modern a.) each withinto power of veto on the other day intact, due to its conversion the basilica of Sant'Adrianoal Foro in the seventh century. b.) Both had to agree for laws to be passed B. Senate (Senatus is derived from the Latin word senex, meaning old man or elder; Senate is, by etymology, the Council of Elders.) • 1. 300 men chosen for life (although the number grew through time.) 10 11 On a piece of paper answer these three questions. • What are the qualities of a good leader? • Should leaders always be measured by the results they achieve? • Have the qualities of good leaders changed over time? 12 I. Cont. 2. Handled daily problems of govt. 3. Advised the counsels Terms to Learn: Consuls C. Tribunes–govt. officials who protected the rights of plebeians Those who held the office of Tribune were granted sacrosanctity the right to be legally protected from any physical harm, the power to rescue any plebeian from the hands of a patrician magistrate, and the right to veto any act or proposal of any magistrate, including another tribune of the people and the consuls. The tribune also had the power to exercise capital punishment against any person who interfered in the performance of his duties. In the case of ancient Rome-the clothes really do make the man! (read Guys in Sheets) 13 Guys Sheets or,… to Tell 1. The wordintoga derives fromHow the Latin word 'tegere' meaning to cover. It was a loose outer One Roman from Another garment without sleeves which was open from the waist upwards, worn by the ancient Romans, consisting of a single broad piece of woolen cloth of a shape approaching a semicircle. 2. The toga was gracefully draped by placing an edge on the left side of the body which extended from the lower legs up over the shoulder, around the back and beneath the right arm. The loose end of cloth which remained was thrown over the left shoulder. 14 3. There were specific laws called Roman Sumptuary Laws which dictated which type of clothing could be worn by Romans. This included the type of material, the style of the clothes and the color that people were allowed to wear. 4. These laws ensured that a specific class structure was maintained in the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. Only Roman citizens were permitted to wear the toga. Emperor Augustus enforced the public wearing of the toga by males in the center of Rome and in the media cave of the theater. Foreigners and banished Romans were banned from wearing the toga. 5. Only the Emperor was allowed to wear a toga which was entirely colored in purple. Statues of gods were also dressed in the purple toga. 6. Only the augurs were allowed to wear a saffron toga. A toga with stripes on the border symbolized the status of the wearer such as senators and magistrates. The toga picta or toga palmata was a toga with a gold border which was only permitted to be worn by generals in their triumphs. The toga symbolized a garment of peace. 15 Guys in Sheets Continued 7. During the early period of the Roman Republic the toga was at first worn by women as well as men. However, a garment called the stola was introduced and worn by married women. 8. Prostitutes and women condemned for adultery, were not permitted to wear the stola and forced to wear a toga. A toga-clad prostitute was called a togatae. 9. The color of the toga worn by men was generally white, that is, the natural colour of white wool. Hence it was called pura or vestimentum purum. 10. The toga was kept white and clean by the fuller. When this was neglected, the toga was called sordida, and those who wore such garments sordidati. 11. A black or dark colored toga was worn as a sign of mourning. The augurs wore a saffron colored toga. The colors of the borders on the toga indicated the status of the wearer. 16 How to wear a sheet-- or,…how I will ensure I’ll never be considered normal by my friends. 12. How to Make a Toga from a Bed Sheet How to make a toga from a bed sheet is easy! The type of sheet should And following preferably be white and the sheet youafter wantcarefully to work with is an unfitted top instructions… sheet. The instructions on how these to make a toga from a bed sheet is as follows it's easier if you have someone to help with the draping: The bed sheet should be draped over a t-shirt and/or shorts Take a corner of theway…you’re bed sheet in one hand hold in front of the top of Either notandsignaling your left shoulder with your chin employers ready forarm Drape theprospective sheet firmly across your chest andyou’re tuck it under the right Wrap the the toga around job! your back Tuck it under the left arm and again around the front of your chest …you lookcorner like and this! Takemight the second bring it across your chest, under your arm and around your back Bring the corner of the bed sheet up over your back But, more likely, you’ll look like this! Secure the two ends with a brooch, a safety pin or a knot 17 basic tunic (tunica) equestrian tunic (tunica angusticlavia) The Tunic: the basic item of dress for men. senatorial tunic (tunica laticlavia) The basic item of male dress was the tunic, made of two pieces of undyed wool sewn together at the sides and shoulders and belted in such a way that the garment just covered the knees. Openings for the arms were left at the top of the garment, creating an effect of short sleeves when the tunic was belted; since tunics were usually not cut in a T-shape, this left extra material to drape under the arm. Men of the equestrian class were entitled to wear a tunic with narrow stripes, in the color the Romans called purple but was more like a deep crimson, extending from shoulder to hem, while broad stripes distinguished the tunics of men of the senatorial class. Most ancient statues do not show these stripes Working men and slaves wore the same type of tunic, usually made of a coarser, darker wool, and they frequently hitched the tunic higher over their belts for freer movement. Sometimes their tunics also left one shoulder uncovered. The basic female garment was the stola. It was essentially a long tunic reaching to the ground. It could have long or short sleeves, or be entirely sleeveless. The stola was generally worn over another long tunic, the tunica interior. 18 I. Continued D. All Roman citizens belonged to the assemblies E. 450 B.C. Roman laws written down on the Twelve Tablets 1. 12 Tablets posted in the Forum and were important because they made laws pubic for all citizens to read. 2. Laws expand and by 250 B.C. no one could be sold into slavery And Plebeians could hold public office 19 Section Two: describes the army’s role in the Roman Republic II. Roman Expansion A. Romans cross the Tiber River Aerial view and of the Tiber Island and bridges several Etruscan conquered cities B. Either conquered neighbors or made alliances C. By 146 B.C. Rome ruled most of the Mediterranean world. 20 Roman Federation Several Degrees of Privileges Full Roman Citizenship—full protection of the law “Sine Suffragio”—Citizens without the vote “ Socii” (allies) –Roman protection, but liable for troops 21 Rome’s Conquest of Italy 22 As time passed, the number of legions grew; but for many centuries each legion remained the same size. Legions of 4,200 fought against Hannibal in the Second Punic War (218–201 BC); but by the time of Julius Caesar, in the first century BC, a legion could contain as many as 6,000. The critical difference between the phalanx formation and the flexible legion was initiative. The Greek phalanx was a frontal attack that used all the soldiers of the army and, once it was set in motion, could not deviate from its path, while the Roman legion's use of smaller flexible groups made it possible for some groups to fight in one place while other groups could fight elsewhere, including the rear where the phalanx had no protection. 6:02 run time Roman general Flamininus defeats Philip V at Battle of Cynoscephalae In 197 B.C. Demonstrating the superiority of the maniple system (video clip 8:19 23 The soldiers of the Roman army would daily practice their combat skills. For this they would use shields made from wickerwork and wooden swords in order not to injure each other. Replica gladius. Note: the triangular ricasso or unsharpened portion of the blade just below the hilt is a historical inaccuracy as no historical gladii have been shown to possess this feature. The Testudo (Tortoise) The orb was a defensive formation in the shape of a complete circle which could be taken by a unit which had either become detached from the army's main body and had become encircled by the enemy, or a formation which might be taken by any number of units if the greater army had fallen into disorder during a battle. It can hence be seen as a formation representing a desperate 'last stand' by units of a collapsing army. But also it A perfect illustration of the repel cavalry formation. can be seen as a disciplined holding position by a unit which has been divided from the army's main body in battle bethe a main brave horse which would try ittois barge its way this. and whichItiswould waiting for force to rejoin them. In either case, not a formation onethrough would like to find oneself in, as it obviously indicates that they are surrounded by the enemy. Naturally any officers or archers would be positioned in the centre of the orb, as can be seen in the example above. 24 Pilum, 'Marius' Mules' So weighed down were the soldiers by all their stuff, that they were nicknamed 'Marius' mules' (after the famous Roman general Gaius Marius (157 BC–January 13, 86 BC) ). 25 The pugio or dagger was worn on the left, and a gladius, or short sword, on the right. Both were Spansih types copied by the Romans. The sword was a terrible stabbing weapon, short enough to wield easily in the crush of battle. It was horribly effective against the most un armoured Gauls. Military sandals (caligae) were as important as armour, because the legions won wars by fast marches as much as by battle. These boots were strong and well-ventilated. with patterns of iron hobnails especially designed to take weight and withstand miles of marching. 26 Aosta This whole city is a treasure trove of II. Cont. D. Roman legions Roman remains, having been built in 25 BC as a strategic outpost defending the (Northern Italy) northeastern alpine border. The well-preserved walls, Porta Pretoria, Arch of Augustus and ancient theatre (open 9:30-12 and 2:30-6:30 [2:30-4:30 in winter]) are made even more picturesque by the mountainous surroundings, and OFfull A COHORT FORT there's a goodRECONSTRUCTION provincial museum of artifacts. A typical1st or 2nd century turf walled small fort capable of 1. 5000 soldiers divided into groups of 60120 soldiers. 2. Each legionary depended upon his own fighting ability 3. Built fortified towns fort and roads holding a quingenaria cohort (480 infantry men). Barracks blocks for the six centuries (1) Workshops or stores (2) The granaries (3) Headquarters building (4) Commander's house (5) More stores or workshops at the rear of the fort (6) Run Time: [06:53] The Legions included surveyors, architects, engineers, and craftsmen who rebuilt the empire when not in battle. 4. Mild rulers, let conquered people keep own governments. 5. Conquered people expected to serve in the Roman army 27 Carthaginian Empire 28 Punic Wars: The Playing Field Rome Battle of Cannae Sagantum Messina Carthage Battle of Zama 29 Section Three: discusses Rome’s rise to power in the Mediterranean region III. The Punic Wars People to Know: Hannibal Barca A. 264 B.C. Rome comes into conflict with Phoenicians city of Carthage map Kothoa video on Carthage 45 minutes (child sacrifice) Carthage’s fleet B. Carthage ruled western half of Sicily C. First Punic War 1. 264 B.C. War breaks out and lasts for 23 years 2. Carthage was a naval power Rome was a land power. 3. Rome builds navy using Carthaginian warship as model • (a.) Romans add a corvus • (b.) defeat the Carthagians in 241 B. D. Hannibal and the Second Punic war Scipio Africanus Places to Locate: Carthage Places to Locate: Sicily Places to Locate: Gaul E. Rome attacks Carthage and Hannibal is defeated at the Battle of Zama 30 III. Cont. "Delenda est Carthago!" Carthage must be destroyed! 1. 201 B.C. Carthage pays Rome a huge sum on money and gives up all Spain including resources of copper, gold, lead and iron F. The Third Punic War Cato the Elder 1. Following 2nd war there was peace for 50 years 2. 149 B.C. Rome burned Carthage and plowed salt into its fields and killed or sold its inhabitants into slavery 3. 146 B.C. Greek city-state of Corinthmap refused to obey an order and the Romans burned it to the ground–this added Greece to those areas under their rule Places to Locate: Corinth 31 32 Section Four: Analyzes the effects of foreign conquests IV. Effects of Conquest A. Agricultural Changes • 1. Small farms were replaced by latifundias (large estates ) • 2. Romans begin to import wheat from conquered areas • 3. Hannibal’s invasion led to the change in agriculture • 4. By By 146 B.C. Rome begins enslaving people, most of whom worked on the latifundias shown Germany between Stuttgart and Lake Constance at the end of the 1st century AD B. From Farm to City 33 IV. Cont. 1. Small farmers who sold their land moved to the city–Rome 2. Crowded into wooden apartment buildings 3. Aquaducts that bought water into the Baths of Caracalla, Rome, Italy In 354 there were cityinand 952 public baths Romethe sewer that carried waste away were not connected to the apartments more Roman brick is a type of brick with 4. Fire and disease common dimensions of 12" x 4" x 2" (30 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm), making it longer and narrower 5. Farmers sell their votes to politicians to (6:2:1 ratio) than most types of brick made in the U.S. make 8 × 4 × 2¼ a inches. livingRoman photo photo brick was spread by the Romans to the lands they conquered. 34 IV. Cont. C. Decline of the Roman Republic 1. Rome demands taxes and slaves from conquered areas 2. Tax contracts collected by publicans • (a.) tax contract was to be no more than 10 % above the tax 3. By 135 B.C. Rome was in economic trouble due to the loss of independent farmers and Romans buying luxury goods from elsewhere 4. Rich and poor fear and distrust each other and Rome becomes politically unstable 35 Section five: examines the attempts to solve the Republic’s problems V. 100 years of attempted reforms A. The Reformers Tiberius and Caius st reformer 1. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus 1 Sempronius Gracchus 2. 123 B.C. Tiberius Gracchus’s brother Gaius Sempronius Gracchus elected tribune (a.) made limited amount of land a person could own (b.) ran for a second illegal term and was killed along with his followers during a staged riot (a.) moved poor from city back to countryside (b.) had govt. take over sale of wheat and sell it to poor below market price (c.) In 121 B.C. the Senate had him killed B. The Generals Terms to Learn: Dictator Terms to Learn: Triumvirate 36 V. cont. • 1. 107 B.C. General Gaius Marius becomes consul (a.) first lower class Roman elected to the office • 2. Established professional army paid for by the state-opened to anyone • 3. Offered pay, land pensions and booty Mithridates VI • 4. Transfers loyalty from the Republic to the generals • 4:44 min. allegiance to Rome was diluted by foreign recruits. • • • • 5. Gaius Marius opposed by Lucius Cornelius Sulla 6. Sulla marches his army on Rome and seized the city 7. Civil war breaks out and Sulla makes himself dictator 8. Sulla doubles the size of the Senate and weakened the power of the tribunes • 9. Stopped generals from holding the same army for more than one year C. Julius Caesar 1. Sulla retires and fighting ensues for control of Rome Imperator and Dictator 61 - 44 B. C. "I came, I saw, I conquered!" These words express the incredibly strong will and nononsense attitude of one of history's most famous men. Julius Caesar was courageous and YIKES! quick-witted. He was also very good with people. But… (actual scary story read in class—you should have been there!) 38 V. Cont. 2. 60 B.C. power passes to a triumvirate ( three person group of rulers) a.) Marcus Licinius Crassus b.) Gnaeus Pompeius c.) Julius Caesar 3. Crassus dies (while on campaign in Syria against Parthia. defeated at the Battle of Carrhae in June 53 B.C.) and Pompey and Caesar fight for power 39 4. In 50 B.C. Caesar marches his army into Rome (crosses the Rubicon BOV p. 477) by 46 B.C. he was dictator or Rome 7 22 min. 5. Pompey defeated at Farsala (see Hail Caesar! Video) 4. Pompey murdered in 48 B.C. 5. Caesar’s reforms a.) redistributed lands b.) gave land to ex-soldiers c.) Build roads and buildings, drained swamps 2:48 Fire in the Museum 40 Run Time: [05:07] Julius Caesar's First Triumvirate led to his control the Republic, but in 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated by senators who opposed his absolute power. 41 V. Cont. • • • • (d.) est. gladiatorial games (e.) doubled size of Senate and lessened their power f.) gave citizenship to Greeks, Spaniards and Gauls and adopted a new calendar based on Egyptian calendar– Julian Calendar. • (g.) Caesar killed on the Ides of March (March 15th ) 44 B.C. by senators who feared he would become king. D. End of the Republic 1. Power passes to another triumvirate • a.) Mark Antony–East • b.) Octavian, Caesar’s grand-nephew and adopted son-West • c.) Marcus Aemilius Lepidus–Africa 2. The civil war that followed Caesar’s death ended with total victory for Octavian 42 Causes of Political Decline of the Roman Republic Booty and Profits of War Too much wealth too quickly Wealthier elements benefits, lower classes do not. Profits from war leads to competition for high office and extensive bribery Heightened Status of Roman Senators Emergence of Slave Agricultural Economy Shift from small farms to Latifundia No sufficient police force to watch slaves Slave revolts in 136-130 B.C. 105 B.C. slaves revolt in Southern Italy 72-70 B.C. Sparticus’ Revolt The Servile Wars were a series of three slave revolts between 13571 B.C. In 73 B.C. one of every 3 people living in Italy were slaves. The Third Servile War: 73 BC – 71 BC in mainland Italy, led by Spartacus 22 minutes Emergence of Rome as an Imperial Capital rapid growth, surplus population under employed, squalid living conditions, people could not return to the land Changes in the Military from citizen soldiers to professional army 43 44 Rome Gives Us Our Concepts of Government and Citizenship: Romans developed written laws and the 1st representative republic based on elected officials; it later became an empire. SPQR is an initialism from a Latin phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus ("The Senate and the People of Rome" or "The Senate and Roman People"), Scientific and Cultural Advances: Est. concepts of law, engineering (arches and Concrete) and Latin Languages. 45 Possible Essay Questions for Test Chapter 14 Compare the system of government in the United States to that of the Roman Republic. What are some similarities and differences? In essay form briefly outline the reasons for and the results of the three Punic wars. 46