Remedy Application Administration

Remedy Application
An Overview for IT Service
Provided by the State of North Carolina, Information
Technology Services, ITSM & ITAM Services
Course Objectives
Getting Started
Working with Organizations/Agencies, Departments/Divisions,
Sections, and Units
Working with Sites
Working with Support Groups
Working with People
Working with Products, Product Aliases, Product Model/Versions,
Product Associations
Working with Operational Categorizations, Operational
Categorization Associations
Adding Generic Categorizations (Causes, Resolution
Working with Assignment Rules
Working with Incident Management Info (Scripts, Templates,
Decision Trees, etc.)
Getting Started
Application Administration Console can be accessed from the IT Home Page.
Getting Started
Administration Console
has 2 tabs: Standard
and Custom.
Most of the basic tasks
can be completed in
either tab.
Getting Started
Administration Console
has 2 tabs: Standard
and Custom.
Adding an Organization/Agency,
Department/Division, Section, and Unit
To create a new organization/agency, Click on create next
to “Organization” in the Standard Configuration tab of the
Application Administration Console.
Adding an Organization/Agency
Type the new desired Agency (and Division if you choose)
and click Add.
Adding a Department/Division
To add a new Division to an existing Agency, choose the
Agency from the dropdown, then type in the desired new
Adding a Section/Unit
To add a new Section to an new Division, type or select
the Agency and Division from the dropdowns, then click
Create Section/Unit.
Adding a Section/Unit
To add a new Section to an existing Division, do a Crtl-o
to open the form NCC:Site:Section. Choose the existing
Agency and Division from dropdowns, then type in
Section (and Unit, if desired) and click Save.
Editing/Removing an Organization/Agency
From the Custom
tab of the
Console, choose
Companies and
Editing/Removing an Organization/Agency
To search for your company, go to the Organization tab and click
Update Organizations. Choose the Agency/Division, then edit it in
the windows at the top of the update screen, and click the
appropriate Modify button or Delete.
Editing/Removing an Organization/Agency
WARNING: Updating an Agency or Division does not update the
people records associated with that Agency/Division. People
records without a valid Agency/Division must be corrected before
use in tickets.
Editing/Removing a Section/Unit
To edit/remove a Section or Unit, do a Crtl-o to open form
NCC:Site:Section. Do a search to find the existing
Section/Unit. Make the desired changes and click Save.
Adding a Site
To add a Site from the Standard Configuration tab of the Application
Administration Console, click Create next to Location.
Adding a Site
In the resulting dialog,
enter the desired site
Every Site name in the
Remedy system must be
unique. The standard
Remedy has adopted for
Site name is the first 4
letters of the city
followed by the street
address (using postal
If the system says the
site already exists, add
your company’s
association to it instead.
Editing, Removing a Site
You should never edit or remove a site. Sites are
shared information, and you could invalidate people
records and tickets at other companies if you edit or
remove a site. Instead of editing a site, add a new site
with the changes. Instead of removing the site, remove
your company’s association to the site.
Note: You cannot see the associations for other
companies (you may see sights that appear to have no
associations that do have associations to other
Adding/Removing a Site Association or
To add or remove an
association from a site or
to add a site alias, open
the Site form from the
Custom Configuration tab
of the Application
Administration Console.
Adding a Site Alias
You may want to refer to a site by a non-address name, like
NC Museum of Art. This is known as a Site Alias. Search
for the site, go to the Site Alias tab, and click Update.
Adding a Site Alias
Type in your desired
alias and click Add. Be
sure not to edit or
remove anything that is
already there. It may be
in use by another
Removing a Site Association
Search the site names for the desired site, then choose the
Company Relationships tab and click update.
Removing a Site Association
In the resulting dialog, choose the company relationship
you want to remove and click Delete.
Adding a Support Group
To add a Support Group, from the Standard Configuration tab of the
Application Administration Console, click Create next to Support
Adding a Support Group
In the resulting dialog, enter or choose the desired Support
Organization and the desired Support Group Name and choose the
desired Role from the dropdown. Then click Add.
Editing, Removing a Support Group
To edit/remove a support
group, open the Support
Groups form from the
Custom Configuration tab
of the Application
Administration Console
(under Foundation).
Editing or Removing a Support Group
Do a search and change whatever available field you wanted to
update. Changing the status (to offline, archive, or delete) can
remove the group from use. Note: The Support Organization/Group
Name cannot be changed.
Adding a Person
To add a person, open the
People form from the
Custom Configuration tab
of the Application
Administration Console
(under Foundation).
Creating a Person Record
The role of the individual determines which fields will be filled in and
what values will be placed into each person’s record. You may create
and use templates when creating multiple similar records.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Key components of a person record:
 Header
 General
 More Details
 Attributes
 Work Info
 Financials
 Login/Access Details
 Support Groups
 Notifications
 Alternate Approvers
Creating/Editing a Person Record
The header of the Person record contains the name
information, ID numbers, and basic person details. The
Profile Status controls the availability of a person record for
use. To temporarily remove a person from use, set the status
to Offline or Archive. To permanently remove a person, set
the status to Delete. People records with a status of delete
are removed nightly.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
General Tab
The General tab contains Agency/Division information, contact
information, and location information. The Site field isn’t bold, but is
required before saving the person record. Assignment information
would be used if using the auto-assignment tools (see the Incident
Rules section).
Creating/Editing a Person Record
More Details Tab
The More Details tab contains additional address, telephone and email
information. It also contains the system information about the record,
such as when it was created or modified, and by whom.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Attributes Tab
The Attributes tab displays information about skills, education, and other
profile information. This includes HR/Benefits information.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Adding/Updating Attributes:
Select a type of attribute to add/edit
Then choose either
update or create.
The resulting dialog will depend on the attribute type chosen.
Fill out the desired fields and Save.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Work Info Tab
Whenever making a modification to any record, make a note of it in the
Work Info tab. All person record changes should be noted, ex. changes
in Section or Site.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
CIs Tab
“CI” stands for “Configuration Item,” i.e. an asset. Add relationships to
CIs with the Relate button.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Financials Tab
Every person can be associated with cost centers, have an accounting
code, and have an hourly rate indicated in their person record.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Login/Access Details Tab
The Login/Access Details tab contains the user’s Login ID, password, license
information, permissions, and access restrictions. A person will need access to the
tenancy/company and any vendors they may need create vendor tickets for.
The Login ID for support users is always the NCID in lower case. The password is
always blank. Customers must receive a “read” license. Support users receive
either a “fixed” or “floating” license. The Full Text license type is always “None”
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Login/Access Details Tab:
Application Permissions
Permission groups are
described in the window
above the Add/Modify
button. Some permission
groups require a license
some do not. If you are
unsure of what type of
license to use, please
contact ITSM & ITAM
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Login/Access Details Tab:
Access Restrictions
Chose a company from
the dropdown. Each
person needs access to
the tenancy company
and any vendors they
need to create vendor
tickets for.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Support Group Tab
Every support person must be a member of at least one support group.
Someone marked Unavailable in a support group will not appear in the
dropdown list for assignment for that support group.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Support Group Tab
In addition, any support person can have additional functional roles in
any support group they are a member of. These are group-specific
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Support Group Tab:
Update Support Groups and Roles
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Support Group Tab:
Update Support Groups and Roles
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Notifications Tab
The Notification tab allows you to set the user’s Default Notification
Mechanism, the user’s Notification Availability, and allows you update the
user’s notification preferences.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
To update
for a person,
click Update
in that record.
You can view
rules, or
switch into
create mode
to make a
new one.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Alternate Approvers Tab
Alternate approvers used by the Change Management Application.
Usually this is updated by the user, rather than by an administrator.
Creating/Editing a Person Record
Use the
tab to keep
Adding a Product
To add a product, open the
Product Catalog form from
the Custom Configuration tab
of the Application
Administration Console
(under Foundation).
You can also add product
categorizations with or
without a product.
Creating/Editing a Product
Choose the
(or part thereof)
from the
dropdowns in
the search
criteria section
at the top, then
click search.
Results will
show in the two
windows below.
Creating a Product
To create a product, click create. Note: Do not delete products,
even if they appear to have no associations. You will not be
able to see associations to other companies.
It is also possible that the product you want to add is actually
already there, but you don’t see any associations to it in the
Company and Modules Relationship window below. In this
case you will need to add an association, not a product. This
will be reviewed after the product create.
Creating a Product
Choose a CI Type
from the dropdown.
You can choose
categorizations from
the dropdown or type
in a new
categorization. Then
type in a Product
name and choose a
Manufacturer from the
dropdown. Click Add.
Click OK to the
message, then click
When creating a product, be sure the associated assignment rules are in
Creating a Product Alias
To create Product Aliases, search for the Product, choose the
Product in the Product Category tab, switch to the Product
Alias tab, and click Create.
Note: Do not delete Product Aliases: they may be in use by
another company.
Creating a Product Alias
Enter the desired Product Aliases. Click Save.
Creating a Product Model/Version
To create a product Model/Version, search for the Product,
choose the Product in the Product Category tab, switch to the
Model/Version tab, and click Create.
Note: Do not edit or delete product Model/Versions: they may
be in use by another company.
Creating a Product Model/Version
Enter the desired product Model/Version details. Click Save.
Removing a Product-Company Association
Choose the
from the
dropdowns in
the Search
Criteria section
at the top, then
click Search.
Results will
show in the two
windows below.
Removing a Product-Company Association
To delete a Company Association, select it in the Company
and Module Relationship Window and then chose Delete.
Creating/Editing a Product-Company
You may want to create or edit an association to control which
modules (incident, change, or problem) the product will appear
in. Choose the association and click View to edit. Click Create
to make a new association.
Creating/Editing a Product-Company
Choose the desired modules and click Save.
Adding a Cause/Resolution
In the resolution tab of
Incident, there is a field
called “Cause”. This field is
populated from the Generic
Catalog Structures along
with the Operational
Categorizations that show up
on the resolution tab.
Adding a
The Operational
Categorizations are defined
in the Operational Catalog.
Adding an Operational Categorization
The Operational Catalog Setup screen appears in three parts, Search,
List (Category), and Associations. To see or add causes, choose options
from the dropdowns and click Search.
Adding an Operational Categorization
The Operational Catalog Setup screen appears in three parts: Search,
List, and Associations. Existing categorizations cannot be edited, but they
can be viewed. To create a new one, click Create. If the new one exists
already, you may only need to create an association to your company.
Please do not delete causes or set them offline. They may be in use by
other companies. Remove the association to your company instead.
Adding an Operational Categorization
To add a categorization choose from the dropdowns and/or type in
the categorization fields and click Save.
Adding an Operational Categorization
When a new categorization is created, it will automatically have a global
association. Highlight this association and delete it. Re-highlight the new
categorization, then click Create to add an association to your company.
Adding an Operational Categorization
Associations control what modules the reason/cause will show up for.
Adding a Cause/Resolution
In the resolution tab of
Incident, there is a field
called “Cause”. This field is
populated from the Generic
Catalog Structures along
with the Operational
Categorizations that show up
on the resolution tab.
Adding a Cause
The Generic Catalog Setup screen appears in three parts: Search, List
(Category), and Associations. To see or add causes, choose the category
type “Reason” and click Search.
Adding a Cause
The Generic Catalog Setup screen appears in three parts: Search, List,
and Associations. Existing Reasons cannot be edited, but they can be
viewed. To create a new one, click Create. If the new one exists already,
you may only need to create an association to your company. Please do
not delete causes or set them offline. They may be in use by other
companies. Remove the association to your company instead.
Adding a Cause
Reasons/Causes can be set
up to apply only to certain
Operational and/or Product
Categorization. If these
fields are left blank, it will
show up for any
categorization combination.
Adding a Cause
When a new reason/cause is created, it will automatically have a global
association. Highlight this association and delete it. Re-highlight the new
reason, then click create to add an association to your company.
Adding a Cause
Associations control what modules the reason/cause will show up for.
Adding a Resolution Categorization
The Generic Catalog Setup screen appears in three parts: Search, List
(Category), and Associations. To see or add causes, choose the category
type “Resolution Category” and click Search.
Adding a Resolution Categorization
The Generic Catalog Setup screen appears in three parts: Search, List,
and Associations. Existing Categorizations cannot be edited, but they can
be viewed. To create a new one, click Create. If the new one exists
already, you may only need to create an association to your company.
Please do not delete causes or set them offline. They may be in use by
other companies. Remove the association to your company instead.
Adding a
Resolution Categorizations
can be set up to apply only
to certain Operational and/or
Product Categorization. If
these fields are left blank, it
will show up for any
categorization combination.
Adding a Resolution Categorization
When a new resolution categorization is created, it will automatically have
a global association. Highlight this association and delete it. Re-highlight
the new reason, then click create to add an association to your company.
Adding a Resolution Categorization
Associations control what modules the resolution categorization will
show up for.
Adding, Editing, Removing Assignment Rules
To add or edit
assignment rules, open
the Application
Assignment form from
the Custom
Configuration tab of the
Administration Console
(under Foundation).
Adding, Editing, Removing Assignment Rules
Assignment Rules
Assignment is defined in 4 sections: the first is Event Details, which
includes the type of event the assignment is for, e.g. Incident Owner or
Change Assignee. The status and sort order are defined here.
Changing the status to offline turns it off and removes it from use. The
higher the sort order number, the higher it will appear on the
assignment list. The highest number will also be the default chosen if
the user doesn’t pull up a list to choose from.
Assignment Rules
The second is Assignment Rule section is where the support group for
the assignment rule is chosen.
Assignment Rules
The third Assignment Rule section is Routing Order. This section
determines the Organization, Location, Operational Categorization,
and Product Categorization that apply. These items are ANDed
together and when left blank, mean “any”. Be sure to choose a
company for both company fields so as not to create a global rule.
Assignment Rules
The fourth Assignment Rule
section determines which
applications the rule applies
Incident Management Info
Incident Management is aided
by the use of decision trees,
scripts, and templates. These
are configured in the Custom
Configuration tab of the
Application Administration
Each company can also
configure its own priority and
weight rules, core incident
rules, and work info types if not
wanting to use the globally
available values.
Incident Management Info
The Incident Rules allow an administrator to control whether some of the
incident dates are modifiable, whether the Auto-Assignment Engine is to be
used to assign tickets automatically to individuals, and whether incident
records can be resolved if they still have open tasks.
Incident Management Info
Priority and Weight Ranges
The Impact Values option allows an administrator to set how much weight
each Impact option has for their company.
Incident Management Info
Priority and Weight Ranges
The Urgency Values option allows an administrator to set how much weight
each Urgency option has for their company.
Incident Management Info
Priority and Weight Ranges
The Weight Ranges option allows an administrator to set the weight ranges
for each priority for their company.
Incident Management Info
Priority and Weight Ranges
The Prioritization option allows an administrator to set what combinations
of impact and urgency create what priorities for their company.
Incident Management Info
The Work Info entries are configurable according to the following criteria:
 Work Log Module (Remedy Module)
 Work Info Type (type of information)
 Communication Type (inbound or outbound)
 Status (enabled or disabled)
Decision Trees
Decision trees allow the system to take the user step-by-step through
questions and use the answers to these questions to fill out parts of the
Decision trees are comprised of main branches, branches, and branch
items. Main branches are initial questions used to group other branches
and cannot have a related action. All other branches and branch items can
have a related action, one of:
Applying a template
Applying a script
Applying Service Type, Operational, and/or Product Categorization
Populating Summary and Notes fields
Relating the incident to a selected solution
Relating the incident to a known error
Decision Trees
Decision trees in Remedy are displayed with four main sections. The first
of these is Status and Identification. This section indicates what company
the decision tree is for, the status, and the description. You must enter
these fields first and save the record before you can begin adding a tree
Decision Trees
Decision trees in Remedy are displayed with four main sections. The
second of these is the branches.
Decision Trees
Creating or updating a main branch consists only of the branch text, status
and sort order. Items with a higher sort order will show up at the top when
the items are displayed.
Decision Trees
Creating or updating a branches or branch items also includes action. Any
Categorization, Template, Solution, or Known Error must already exist in
the system to be used by a decision tree.
Decision Trees
Decision trees in Remedy are displayed with four main sections. The third
of these is the Authoring Information. This indicates who created/wrote the
decision tree.
Decision Trees
Decision trees in Remedy are displayed with four main sections. The
fourth of these is the Auditing Information. Added the decision tree to the
system, when, and the last time it was updated.
Scripts are more basic than decision trees. They simply place the text of
the script, and anything the user types in that window when using the
script, in a field in the incident (Notes, Work Info, or Resolution). There are
two types of scripts: Initiator Scripts and Assignment Scripts.
To use an Initiator Script, the incident must have an assigned number and
the user must be a member of the mapped support group. These are
meant to contain instructions or questions that can be used to classify or
assign an incident.
To use an Assignment Script, the incident must have an assigned number
and the mapped support group must be selected as the Assigned Group.
These may contain questions more specific to the assigned group, such as
default questions that assigned group always wants answered before a
ticket is transferred to them.
Scripts are set up in two parts. First the script is created.
Scripts are set up in two parts. Once a script is created, it must be mapped
The incident module
The support group who can use it (initiator script)
The assigned support group (assignment script)
Organizations and Locations (optional)
Operational and/or Product Categorizations (optional)
To create a new mapping or edit an existing mapping, click on Manage Mappings.
Then click new or select the existing record and fill out each tab. Note the
instructions on the General tab.
As with assignment rules, blank mappings mean “any”.
Scripts can be mapped to any selection of Service Types for incident.
Once the mapping is created, you must select the script in the stop list, and
choose Search from the Script Association Mappings to select the mapping
for that script.
Incident Templates
Templates are a way to simplify and standardize the creation of certain
incidents. The should be used for recurring, routine, or possibly high
impact incidents. An example of when it would be helpful to create a
template is ‘NCID password reset’ tickets.
Creating a template is just like creating an incident, but without certain
fields. The tabs of a template are:
 Categorization
 Assignment
 Relationships
 Resolution
 Authored for Groups
Choosing a template for an incident is not final. Once a template is applied
the fields that were set can be changed and/or another template can be
Incident Templates
This section of the template contains the template name, status, and sort
order. The template name is used by the user to select the template and
does not appear in the resulting incident anywhere.
Incident Templates
Classification tab:
This tab contains any information in the incident header, plus the Reported
Source and Service Type.
Incident Templates
Categorization tab:
This tab contains information from the Classification tab of the incident.
You can also specify here if you want the customer’s CIs, if any, to be
automatically related to the ticket.
Incident Templates
Assignment tab:
This tab contains assignment information. You can choose a group, a
specific assignee, or to assign it to the current user (applying the template).
You can also specify here basic vendor information.
Incident Templates
Relationships tab:
This tab contains a relationship to a CI. The template must be saved once
before a relationship can be added.
Incident Templates
Resolution tab:
This tab contains information that will go on the resolution tab of the
Incident Templates
Authored For Groups tab:
This tab contains which group created the template (and has rights to edit
it) and all of the groups that can use it. Each group that needs to use the
template must be specified.
Incident Permissions
The ability to create templates is controlled by a role, not a permission
group, so it is specific to group(s). To give someone the right to create
templates for their group, provide the “Support Group Admin” role.
The other discussed incident configuration described is given with
permission “Incident Config”. This is not group specific and allows the user
with this permission to configure priority and weight rules, core incident
rules, work info types, decision trees, and scripts.