bold - York St John University

Harvard referencing
Guide to citing and referencing resources
Referencing sources
Why do we provide references?
Acknowledge sources
Demonstrate breadth of reading
Avoid plagiarism
References in bibliography should be consistent
Use a particular style
York St John has adopted the ‘Harvard’ style
Guidance on plagiarism from tutors and programme
Turnitin software to check your assignments can be
made available via Moodle by your tutors
You quote it, you note it!
Vaughan Memorial library, Nova Scotia – light hearted tutorial about the
importance of avoiding plagiarism
Links to the Harvard guide
Library guide available from the Library Homepage:
Referencing and citing sources in my work
Direct URL is:
Citing in the text
Harvard uses the author date method.
Refer to the first part of YSJ guide
Written material which isn't your own can be included in
your work in three ways:
Whichever one of these you choose to do, for each source
you will need to provide both an in text citation and a
corresponding entry in your reference list.
In-text citation: Layout and
1. Paraphrase or summary:
Include the surname and date in brackets
This concept has been explored in detail (Argyle, 2006).
Or within the sentence only the date is in brackets:
Argyle (2006) has explored this concept in detail.
2. Direct quotation:
Include the surname, date and page number also
Cottrell (2008, p.147) describes the Internet as 'a wide
interconnecting set of computers'.
Reference lists: Book
Author(s), editor(s) (up to three with surname and
initials only). If it’s an editor, must include ed. /eds.
Year of publication
Title and subtitle (if any) - underlined , in bold , or
in italics
Edition if not the first, for example 2nd ed.
Series and individual volume number (if any)
Place of publication if known
R. et al (2001) Working with texts: a core introduction to language
analysis. 2nd ed. Intertext. London, Routledge.
What’s wrong with these?
Grundy, P. Doing pragmatics. 2nd ed. London,
Jaworski, A. & Coupland, N. eds. (1999) The
discourse reader. Routledge.
Goddard, Angela. & Mean, L.J. (2009) Language
and gender. 2nd ed. Intertext. London, Routledge.
The Oxford English dictionary. (1989) Vol. 5, 2nd
ed. Oxford.
Chapter in edited book
Author of chapter/section
Year of publication
Title of chapter/section
The word In:
Author/editors of collected work (up to three)
Title of collected work – underlined, in bold, or in
Edition and series if applicable
Place of publication
Page numbers of section referred to
Chapter in book
Yallop, C. (2004) Words and meaning. In: Halliday, M. A. K. et al. Lexicology
and corpus linguistics: an introduction. Open linguistics series. London,
Continuum, pp. 23-71.
Secondary reference (book cited in another book)
If the source is cited in another book but you have not actually seen the original, you
should cite both the original source and the secondary source where you found it.
In text citation: Copeau (quoted in Gordon, 2006, p.122) declares that 'new
dramatic forms will come from new ways of living, thinking and feeling'.
Full reference: In the reference list at the end of the assignment you need only
include a reference for Gordon, as you have not looked at the original source by
Copeau, but have read about it in Gordon's work.
Gordon, L. (2006) Drama in the 20th century. Routledge, London.
Journal article
Author/s of the article (up to three, with surname
and initials only)
Year of publication
Title of the article
Title of the journal – underlined, in bold, or in
Volume and part number, or if no part number the
month or season of the year
Page numbers of article
Cappelle, B. & Declerck, R. (2005) Spatial and temporal
boundedness in English motion events. Journal of
pragmatics, 37 (6), pp. 889-917.
Horn, G. M. (2003) Idioms, metaphors and syntactic mobility.
Journal of linguistics, 39 (2), pp. 245-273.
Jaspaert, K. & Kroon, S. (1991) Social determinants of
language shift by Italians in the Netherlands and Flanders.
International journal of the sociology of language, 90, pp.
Electronic journal article
Year – in brackets
Title of article
Title of journal – underlined, in bold, or in italics
The word Internet – in square brackets
Volume number
Issue number
Pagination or online equivalent
The words Available from
The Internet address – in chevrons
The word Accessed and date you viewed the web page – in
square brackets
Vilppula, M. (1995) The sun and the definition of day.
International journal of lexicography [Internet], 8
(1), pp. 29-38. Available from:
<>[Accessed 21 August
A journal which is only accessible via the Internet
may not have pagination, so this would be omitted or
where applicable, the number of pages substituted.
Year – in brackets
Title – underlined, in bold, or in italics
The word Internet – in square brackets
Version if available (for example, update 2 or version 4.1)
Place of publication
Publisher (if ascertainable)
The words Available from
The Internet address
The word Accessed and the date you viewed the web page
– in square brackets
Website – document accessible via a website.
Anderson, A. H. (2002) Psychology and linguistics: what
do we need to teach each other? [Internet]
Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics
and Area Studies Good Practice Guide. Available from:
<> [Accessed 24
October 2009].