Creative Writing with Abstract Nouns

Creative Writing with
Abstract Nouns
Three – Lined Poetry
Create Three (3)
Three-Lined Poems
1. Choose one abstract noun from the list. If you have a
question about the meaning of a word that intrigues you,
2. In this exercise, you are going to personify your abstract
Basic Requirements:
- Three Lines (No More, No Less)
- Be Appropriate, Be Unique, Be Creative
4. These poems will be our first drafts today. We will do
more with them later.
The First Line
 Your abstract noun must a complete an action
fitting to its meaning.
 Example: Meanness recklessly tromps through the park
The Second Line
 Your abstract noun should wear an item(s) of
clothing that defines it.
 Example: in tattered jeans and steal-toed boots
The Third Line
 Complete another action by choosing a transitive
verb with an abstract nouns as its direct object.
 Example: but REALIZES the FUTILITY at his attempt
for destruction.
 REALIZES is transitive because FUTILITY is its
direct object.
Poem Example
Meanness recklessly tromps through the park
in tattered jeans and steal-toed boots
but realizes the futility at his attempt for destruction.
 First Line: Your abstract noun must complete an
action fitting to its meaning
 Second Line: Your abstract noun should wear an
item(s) of clothing that defines it.
 Third Line: Complete another action by choosing a
transitive verb with an abstract nouns as its direct