Nouns Practice

Noun Practice- English 8
Big idea nouns—concrete vs. abstract:
Some nouns are concrete, that is you can touch them and see them, while others are abstract,
“big idea” nouns that cannot actually be touched.
Determine whether each word is a concrete (C) noun or an abstract (A) noun.
1. ___quality
2. ___annoyance
3. ___flower
4. ___height
5. ___peacefulness
6. ___quarter
7. ___ justice
___ jar
Identify the noun in the sentence. Write the letter of the noun in front of the sentence.
1. ____It will take all of your energy and will to be
able to walk again.
a. take
b. all
c. yours
d. energy
2. ____The works of many great poets have been
placed on reserve.
a. many
b. great
c. placed
d. reserve
6. ____Joe, have you met your new boss?
a. have
b. met
c. your
d. boss
7. ____Sue's parents tried living in the North, but
they could not adapt to the cold.
a. north
b. but
c. not
d. adapt
3. ____The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883.
a. bridge
b. was
c. opened
d. in
8. ____Mastering basic mathematics is an important
goal for younger students.
a. mastering
b. important
c. younger
d. students
4. ____Sparta and Athens were enemies during the
Peloponnesian War.
a. and
b. were
c. during
d. war
9. ____To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants
is flagrant disregard for diplomatic neutrality.
a. seize
b. its
c. flagrant
d. neutrality
5. ____Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because
their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone.
a. true
b. because
c. there
d. bone
10. ____The Trojans' rash decision, to accept the
wooden horse, led to their destruction.
a. their
b. led
c. accept
d. destruction
Find the Nouns. Write down the nouns in the following sentences. The
number in parenthesis after the sentence indicates the number of nouns
found in that sentence.
1. Chris, close the door and window. (3)
2. Joe will give Bill the key to the room. (4)
3. Send the letter to Jim. (2)
4. Chris and Jeff are going to Florida. (3)
5. Maria, a girl in Room 20, is a good student. (4) ____________________________
6. She is my daughter. (1)
7. Honesty is a good virtue to practice. (2)
8. Is Brian playing basketball? (2)
9. Come into the room, Jim, and sit down. (2)
10. Mrs. Smith is our teacher. (2)
Answer questions about nouns. Write the letter of the answer in front of the sentence.
1. ___ Which is not a noun?
a. yellow
b. dog
c. notebook
d. Colorado
2. ___ Which is not a noun?
a. homework
b. day
c. Sunday
d. said
3. ___ Which is not a noun?
a. computer
b. under
c. pencil
d. dream
4. ___ Which is not a noun?
a. was
b. mother
c. July
d. money
c. blue
d. TV
5. ___ Which is a noun?
a. carry
b. send
6. ___ Which is not a proper noun?
a. Sunday
b. World Cup c. president
d. USA
7. ___ Which is a proper noun?
a. beans
b. flower
c. Pizza Hut
d. brother
8. ___ Which is a noun?
a. wanted
c. and
d. grammar
b. the