Agenda 1) Entrance Ticket 2) Current Events: Charlie Hebdo 3) Go Over Documentary 4) Intro to Tokugawa Japan 5) Exit Ticket Entrance Ticket Draw what a samurai looks like Describe their lifestyle. Current Events: Charlie Hebdo lie-hebdo-attack-summary/ Attack on Charlie Hebdo 12 were killed at a political newspaper in Paris, France The attackers were two Young Muslim Men It is suspected that they attacked because of the newspaper’s insensitive religious jokes Go Over Documentary Film: The Way of the Samurai What did you learn about the Samurai? What did you learn about Japan? Intro to Tokugawa Japan Comparing the three governments Government Type Ming China Chosŏn Korea Tokugawa Japan Monarchy Monarchy Feudal System/ Weak Monarchy In Ming China, the Chinese Emperor was the most powerful figure and he ruled with absolute power In Chosŏn Korea, the Korean King had absolute authority, but other government officials were able to influence him In Tokugawa Japan, the Japanese Emperor was more celebrity than ruler Instead, powerful military families fought for control of the land and government Comparing it to the Hunger Games Like the Hunger Games, Japan was divided into different factions or districts that competed with one another for power and influence Women in Tokugawa Japan Women could lead a household in some cases when there was no man available Samurai women were mainly used as “borrowed wombs” that would give birth to the next generation of male samurai Exit Ticket Now having learned a bit about all three East Asian countries, which would you rather make your home and why?