Exactness and Vividness

Section 29
• I want you to get an
appreciation for what
words can actually do to
your brain
• Read the following to
• Avoid improprieties when writing or speaking
• Improprieties are standard words used incorrectly
• For example:
• They were mighty proud of their trophy.
• Mighty is an adj used as an adv—the word should be especially
• The blockers defensed well on that last play.
• Defensed is a noun used as a verb—the word should be defended
• The mayor met with some members of the city counsel.
• Counsel is the wrong word—it should be council
• Improprieties often occur when a word is confused with another word
similar to it
• Here are some words often
confused for each other:
Advice, advise
Altar, alter
Alumnus, alumna
Alumni, alumnae
Capital, capitol
Cite, site
Compliment, complement
Dyeing, dying
Emigrate, immigrate
Hoard, horde
Illusion, allusion
Imminent, eminent
Loose, lose
Principal, principle
Role, roll
• The denotation of a word is its strict dictionary definition
• The connotation of a word goes beyond its strict meaning to the
feelings and images the word suggests
• For example:
• Think of the word democracy, socialism, communism, Christian,
Pentecostal, etc.
• Properly using the connotations of a word can have a powerful
effect on your audience
• However, be careful that you don’t used words with undesirable
• Mr. Parks is a timid man.
• Mr. Parks is a pusillanimous man.
• Choose exact and vivid verbs and nouns to make your writing
interesting and forceful
• Choose verbs with action and color to create mental pictures in the
reader’s mind
• For example:
• The stream flowed.
• The verb flowed doesn’t show specific action. Observe how the mental images
change with different, more exact verbs
The stream gushed.
The stream swirled.
The stream splashed.
The stream gurgled.
The stream meandered.
The stream trickled.
• Whenever possible, use exact and vivid verbs instead of verbadverb combinations
• For example:
• The dog lay carelessly on the floor. (v-adv combo)
• The dog sprawled on the floor. (exact and vivid verb)
• How about these:
• He ran quickly from the room.
• It’s a verb-adverb combination
• He dashed from the room.
• It now contains an exact and vivid verb
• Learn how to select specific nouns rather than general nouns
• Notice the progression from general to specific in the following:
• Food, meat, beef, sirloin
• Lumber, hardwood, tropical hardwood, mahogany
• School, private school, Lighthouse Christian Academy
• The thesaurus is your friend
• Learn to look up synonyms for nouns
• Make sure the synonym expresses your meaning exactly
• Don’t write haze if you mean smog, dream if you mean nightmare, etc.
• Use exact and vivid modifiers to enhance the nouns and verbs
you have chosen
• Carefully select the exact adjective needed to express your idea
• Synonyms generally have slightly differing meanings
• Make good use of participles…they make colorful adjectives
• Ex: the sound of the crackling fire and the smell of the bubbling stew
lifted the spirits of the cold and weary hunters.
• But, be sparing in the use of adjectives because too many makes for poor
• We listened with delight to the sweet, pleasant, agreeable tones of the
harp. (poor)
• We listened with delight to the dulcet tones of the harp. (better)
• Use the most vivid adverbs you can find
• Adverbs that end in –ly are usually the most vivid
• Foolishly, benignly, menacingly, agilely, fastidiously, jealously, etc.
• Carefully select the exfact adverb needed to express your idea
• For example: Slowly is a general word. Notice the following synonyms that
express the idea more exactly:
• Leisurely, deliberately, gradually, reluctantly, hesitantly, sluggishly
• The adverbs very and really are greatly overused
• As often as possible, substitute such with the following:
• Decidedly, extremely, exceedingly, incomparably, indeed, actually,
especially, actually, particularly, notably, strikingly…