• 6 points
• I had an extraordinary rise in politics. Within 2
years and 170 days, I rose from a citizen who
had never held public office to President of
the United States.
4 points
The Federal Reserve Banking system was set
up under my presidency. I worked to end
child labor.
2 points
World War I was fought during my presidency.
Woodrow Wilson
6 points
My son died of blood poisoning that developed
from a blister on his toe. I said “When he
went the glory of the presidency went with
him”. I would answer reporters questions only
in writing.
4 points
I was sworn in as president by a notary public
but later had a second ceremony as some
questioned the legality of the first. One
observer on my becoming president: “it was
as if a bowl of field flowers had replaced an
ashtray full of cigars”.
2 points
My nickname was “Silent”. The decade in which
I was president “roared” in but “crashed” out.
6 points
I called my program the “New Republicanism”. I
stated “…outer space should be used only for
peaceful purposes. We face a decisive
moment in history in relation to this matter.
Both the Soviet Union and the US are now
using outer space for the testing of missiles
designed for military purposes. The time to
stop is now.
4 points
During my 2 terms the laser was invented and
Hawaii and Alaska became the 49th and 50th
states. I enjoyed painting as well as golf.
2 points
Born in the Lone Star State, I died at the Walter
Reed Army Hospital.
6 points
I sent a message that circled the globe and
returned to me in 12 minutes thanks to cables
across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. I also
sent the “White Fleet” of warships around the
world as a show of US Naval strength.
4 points
I helped negotiate the Treaty of Portsmouth.
My home at Saga more Hill featured a den of
trophies. My son Quentin was killed in World
War I.
2 points
I resigned my post as assistant secretary of the
navy to enlist as a soldier in the Spanish
American war.
6 points
During my administration, the US went from a
creditor to a debtor nation, owing more
money than any country in the history of the
world. The country ran up a trillion dollar
Federal debt. During my second term, my
former aide, Michael Deader, was convicted
of lying to Congress.
4 points
For my first election, I defeated the incumbent
President. For my second I defeated the VicePresident of my predecessor. During my
presidency, the Vietnam Memorial was
dedicated in the nation’s capital.
2 points
I wore number 33 when I played guard for my
college’s “Golden Tornadoes”. As President, I
liked to munch on jelly beans.
6 points
When I was still a toddler, my family moved to a
state far away from the state of my birth. My
little sister Robin soon died from childhood
4 points
Following in the footsteps of my father and
grandfather, I attended s prep schools in
several states. I went on to obtain degrees
from 2 different Ivy League colleges.
2 points
I defeated my Democratic opponent for
president in what is probably the most
controversial election in history. It took a 5-4
Supreme Court ruling to finalize the results.
6 points
During my presidency both houses of Congress
investigated the CIA and the FBI. I proposed a
sweeping reform of both agencies. I
appointed as Director of the CIA a man who
would later become president.
4 points
I was born west of the Mississippi. My successor
was from the opposite party.
2 points
Alex Haley published his novel Roots which later
turned into a television miniseries. The
former president of the Teamsters Union,
Jimmy Hoffa, was reported missing. No trace
of him has ever been found.
6 points
The first broadcast from KDKA in Pittsburgh, the
first commercially licensed radio station in the
nation, was an announcement of my election
victory. Both vice presidential candidates in
this election later became presidents.
4 points
I died in a state different from the one in which I
was born and attended college. During WWI I
had an affair with a woman who was a
German sympathizer. I invented the phrase
“The Founding Fathers”.
2 points
Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter visited the
White House and found “a table piled with
cards and rows of poker chips, trays with tall
glasses and every imaginable brand of
whiskey. The air was rancid with cigar
smoke…” I “was not a bad man” she
concluded; I “was just a slob”.
6 points
At age 2 I nearly died of croup. Fortunately my
uncle, a doctor, revived me. I was six when my
father, a blacksmith, died and nine when my
mother passed away. I ended up living with
the uncle who had saved my life.
4 points
My wife formed the women’s Division of the
National Amateur Athletic Federation when I was
secretary of commerce. She opposed
competitive sports as undemocratic and opposed
women’s participation in Olympic Games. While
living in China early in our marriage, she became
proficient in Chinese. In fact, she and I
sometimes conversed in Chinese to foil
2 points
I served as an economic advisor to President
Wilson at the Versailles Peace Conference.
During my victorious run for the presidency, I
refused to make an issue of the fact that my
Democratic opponent was a Roman Catholic.
Round Two
• Presidents 25 - 44
6 Points
Congress created the Tariff Board to investigate
the tariff rates and Postal Savings System and
parcel post during my presidency. I asked my
Cabinet members and their staffs to submit
detailed reports of their financial needs.
4 points
When I became president my administration
took charge of the building of the Panama
Canal. 22 Civil suits and 45 criminal
indictments were brought under the anti trust
2 points
I twice refused an appointment to the Supreme
Court. I was 6 ‘ 2” tall but am not known for
my height.
6 points
Soon after entering office, I had to deal with the
worst crisis in the savings and loan industry since
the Great Depression. More than 1000 savings
and loan institutions had failed, and hundreds
more neared bankruptcy. I proposed legislation
to rescue and restructure the savings and loan
industry, and the US government committed
billions of dollars to fund the bailout.
4 points
When I took office as president, one of my majors
concerns was drug traffic. I presented a Federal
strategy for reducing the use of illegal drugs in
the US. The strategy included a recommendation
for stronger law enforcement efforts against drug
abusers and outlined ways to reduce the
production and trafficking of illegal drugs.
2 points
I took bold military action in Central America by
ordering US troops into Panama to overthrow
the dictatorship of General Manuel Noriega.
6 points
I called my administration a “new covenant”
between citizens and government. I gained
only 43% of the popular vote when I was
elected to the White House.
4 points
Many of my ideas as president were shot down by
Congress. Twice my appointments to the
position of attorney general failed because of a
scandal that became known as “Nanny Gate”. I
was the first president of my party in nearly 50
years who did not have at least one of the two
houses of Congress controlled by his own party.
2 points
I turned down a music scholarship to Louisiana
State University; instead I went to a university
of my native state. I later taught at that
university’s law school.
6 points
I became the youngest Senate Majority Leader
in history. I was awarded the silver star during
WWII for having been a passenger on board a
B-26 hit by Japanese bullets.
4 points
As a young Congressman I idolized Franklin
Roosevelt. When FDR died, I said, “There are
plenty of us left here to try and run
interference, but the man who carried the ball
is gone.” I became the first president to ride
in an armor-plated presidential limousine.
2 points
I won my first term as senator by 87 votes. This
caused the press to nickname me “Landslide”.
6 points
Nine days after becoming president I recommended
the return of beer sales across the country. Much
later I created the secret Map Room on the
ground floor of the White House in what had
been a trophy room, a small area for official gifts
to the First Couple. During my second term
Congress air-conditioned the Capitol Building.
4 points
“This generation of Americans has a rendezvous
with destiny” I said during my first term. I was
often pictured with my outlandish cigarette
holder at a rakish angle, a symbol of my
confidence. I created the modern Federal
Government, big departments in huge gray
buildings sprawled across the capital.
2 points
I did “hydro-gymnastics” at “The Little White
House” in Warm Springs, GA to strengthen
my legs. Due to world conditions and my frail
health, my last inauguration took place on the
South Portico of the White House. I delivered
a 6 minute address and the entire ceremony
was over in 15 minutes.
6 points
There is a town of the US with the same name
as every president except me. I presided at
the ground-breaking ceremonies for the
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New
York City. I clashed with Arkansas Governor
Orville Faubus.
4 points
I am one of two presidents born in my home
state. However I attended college and died in
a different part of the country.
2 points
After my presidency, I spoke of my appointment
of Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court. “That was the biggest damn-fool
mistake I ever made.” My golf shoes made
holes in the cork floor of the Oval Office.
6 points
I served less than two terms as president. I was
of a different party of my successor. I
impressed people as being plain, simple,
unpretentious, and down to earth and they
had no great expectations for my presidency.
4 points
During my presidency the White House architect
reported that the second floor was about to
collapse. Congress appropriated $5,400,000
to renovate the building. Eventually nearly 7
million was spent on the project.
2 points
I was the first president whose State of the
Union address was televised. It was shown on
5 stations in the afternoon. I was also the first
presidential candidate to buy television time
for a campaign speech. I appointed David
Lillianthal as the first chairman of the Atomic
Energy commission.
6 points
At my inauguration, Robert Frost read a poem
he had written for the occasion. The guests at
the Inaugural Ball included Milton Berle, Nat
“King” Cole, Mahalia Jackson, Laurence
Olivier, and Leonard Bernstein. I never lost an
4 points
I attended college in the state in which I was
born but died in a different state. I succeeded
a president of the opposite party.
2 points
My father, while ambassador to Great Britain,
opposed Franklin Roosevelt’s bid for a third
term. I came from a family of nine children.
My older brother, Joe, was killed while flying a
mission in Germany in WWII.
6 points
The first “test-tube” baby, Louise Brown, was
born in England. The program “Dallas” began
its long run on television.
4 points
My wife had regular “working lunches” with me.
In 1991 I visited China to lecture at the
Foreign Affairs College.
2 points
I said in a televised speech that the nation
suffered from a “crisis of confidence that
strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of
our national will.” This lack of confidence was
a leading cause for my defeat for reelection.
25 - 44
6 points
During my second campaign for president, I was
interviewed by Mike Wallace for the “60
Minutes” television program. When elected
President, I offered Mike a job as White House
Press Secretary. He decided to stay with 60
Minutes. My daughter Tricia conducted the first
televised tour of the family quarters upstairs in
the White House for “60 Minutes”.
4 points
The Senate rejected my nomination of G. Harold
Carswell to the Supreme Court. The
Consumer Product Safety Commission was
empowered to ban unsafe products from the
market place.
2 points
Barry Goldwater, a fellow Republican, wrote of
me: “He was the most dishonest individual I
ever met in my life.” Nevertheless, I won
reelection by a vote of 520 – 17.
6 points
I signed the legislation authorizing the raising of
the battleship “Maine” in Havana harbor. I
was chairman of the American Polish Relief
Committee during WWI.
4 points
My wife Helen vetoed cabinet appointments,
attended important meetings, and walked into
private conferences unannounced.
2 points
I did not want to be president. I confessed that,
when anyone said “Mr. President” I looked
around for my predecessor. Caught between
the Old Guard conservatives and the
Progressives in my party, I tended to side with
the Old Guard. This angered my predecessor.
6 point
I hated the name by which I am most often
known to history. No one but a stranger ever
dared to use it to my face. Yet that’s the name
that crowds called out on the campaign trail.
During my presidency, the Boer War in South
Africa was settled and Thomas Edison
patented the motion picture camara.
4 point
My oldest daughter, Alice, married Nicholas
Longworth, a wealthy Republican
Congressman from Ohio. Alice lived a long life
in Washington, she attended the McCarthy
hearings in the 1950s. Alice was my only child
by my first wife.
2 point
When first asked, I insisted I was not interested in
the vice presidency. I had irritated my fellow
Republicans by my actions as governor. For
example, I fired the superintendent of insurance
because he was too connected to the industry he
was supervising. Between the end of my term as
governor and my inauguration as vice president, I
went to the mountains of Colorado to hunt
mountain lion and bear.
• 6 point
I was known for my great speaking abilities. I
worked at several jobs that utilized this and
other talents. Politics was my second career. I
won 489 electoral votes in my first bid for
president against an incumbent president.
4 point
I left office as one of the most popular
presidents in our nation’s history. My
administration was accused of shipping guns
to Iran. My wife was very stylish. She lavishly
decorated and entertained during my two
terms in office.
2 point
After retirement, my wife and I returned to our
ranch where I suffered from Alzheimer’s
disease. My wife Nancy became active in
raising funds for research for a cure.
6 point
Prior to the presidency, I had been my party’s
“Whip” in the Senate. While I was in the
White House, the Beatles first appeared on
the Ed Sullivan Show. My favorite dishes were
tapioca and chili. No matter how old you
were, I liked to call you “boy” just to upset
4 point
A great mimic, I was especially good at imitating
Bobby Kennedy. My daughter Lynda dated
the actor, George Hamilton. I was often naked
around the White House, even in the presence
of women. Hubert Humphrey and I
celebrated our landslide election victory at a
barbeque at my ranch. I won with 61.1% of
the popular vote, the largest in history.
2 point
When I became Senate majority leader, my wife
Lady Bird said she “got really annoyed with
myself for being so shy and quiet.” So she
took speech lessons. When asked why I
couldn’t pull out of Vietnam, I replied, “I’m
not going to be the first American president to
lose a war.”
6 point
I had solar panels installed on the White House
roof to save energy by heating hot water. I
also got rid of the Sequoia, the presidential
yacht that had been used by presidents since
the 1920s. I also took 180 television sets out
of the White House. My wife’s first name was
Eleanor, but she preferred and used her
middle name.
4 point
My effort to show I was a man of the people
extended to carrying my own luggage when
traveling. My daughter Amy was allowed to
come to state dinner; however, she brought a
book to read to get through the boring
conversation and speeches. My wife wore the
same dress at the presidential inauguration
that she wore at my inauguration as governor.
2 point
For dessert, my wife and I liked peach cobbler,
fitting for people from the “Peach State.” Just
before the Gulf War, years after leaving the
White House, I wrote letters to the heads of
state of the United Nations Security Council
members and to Arab heads of state pleading
with them to abandon Bush’s coalition against
Hussein. Later on, I admitted my tactics were
“not appropriate”.
6 point
I spent much of a year traveling abroad to
solidify my foreign policy credentials prior to
running for the presidency. My only crisis
during my campaign involved the pastor of my
4 point
Among my promises if elected was to “end
dependency on oil from the Middle East, cut
taxes for 95% of working families, and put
through a health care plan”.
2 points
My nickname is “Barry”. My parents had a interracial marriage and I was born in Hawaii. I
earned degrees from Columbia University and
Harvard Law School.
6 point
During my presidency, Russian Foreign Minister
Molotov spoke against American foreign
policy before the United Nations. After
leaving office, I made an appearance on
Edward R. Murrow’s “See It Now” television
program. This was the first time a former
president had spoken informally and at length
before a large audience.
4 point
As an ex-president, I was subpoenaed by the House
Un-American Activities Committee to testify
about the promotion of an alleged Communist in
my administration. I claimed I could not be
forced to testify under the dostrine of “Executive
Privilege.” Although Constitutional authorities
differed, public sympathy for my claim of
Republican harassment led the Committee to
drop the matter.
2 point
During WWII, I headed the Senate War
Investigating Committee checking into waste
and corruption. My efforts saved the
government millions of dollars and were a
factor in my nomination as vice president.
6 point
My first vice president had the nickname
“Cactus Jack.” Fiorello LaGuardia served as
Mayor of New York City, and the airport
named after him was built. I appointed
LaGuardia head of Civil Defense with my wife
as co-director.
4 point
Race riots broke out in Beaumont, Mobile, Los
Angeles, and Detroit, with 34 deaths in
Detroit. I threw a switch in Washington that
turned on the lights at Crosley Field in
Cincinnati for the first night baseball game in
major league history.
2 point
Eight days after my inauguration, I gave my first
radio address, which was primarily intended
to restore confidence in the banking system.
6 point
My father was the first chairman of the
Securities Exchange Commission. My fatherin-law was nicknamed “Black Jack”. My wife
won horsemanship trophies as a child and
4 point
I was from a different political party than my
predecessor but the same party as my
2 point
The singer, Frank Sinatra, produced my inaugural
ball. Actor Peter Lawford was my brother-inlaw. My administration was referred to as
6 point
My opponents referred to me as “Peck’s Bad
Boy, “ the name of a cartoon character of the
time. This was because of three trips I made
to Bermuda to stay at the home of Mrs.
Thomas Peck. There were also letters I wrote
to Mrs. Peck, who was divorced. Both my wife
and I swore that Mrs. Peck was only a friend
and the trips to Bermuda were advised by a
4 point
During my second term, I had to deal with
“unrestricted submarine warfare”. Some have
called my second wife the first woman
2 point
I asked Congress to declare war on Germany so
the US could help make the world “safe for
6 point
I was the only live president to have my image
on a coin. I was president during most of the
decade known as the “Jazz Age.”
4 point
I took my first oath as president on my mother’s
2 point
Gene Tunney defeated Jack Dempsey for the
heavyweight boxing championship. Amelia
Earhart became the first woman to fly across
the Atlantic.