Adjectives { Pages 358-363 Is a word that MODIFIES, or DESCRIBES, a noun or a pronoun. An adjective… Adjectives answer these questions: What kind? Which One? stone house tired dog eager students next customer that outfit first day How Much / How Many? five books more money some water What are the adjectives? What about here? Adjective? Articles { a, an, the Indefinite Articles Refers to a general group, not specific a an Definite Article Refers to something / someone specific the 1. 2. 3. A cracked mirror may reflect distorted images. Raffi feeds his pet snake daily. Don’t let that vicious dog get out of the yard! Let’s make it more challenging…Find ALL the adjectives! 1. 2. 3. (A) (cracked) mirror may reflect (distorted) images. Raffi feeds (his) (pet) snake daily. Don’t let (that) (vicious) dog get out of (the) yard! Let’s make it more challenging…(Answers) Demonstrative { Adjective: Did Stella when this part or that one? Pronoun: Did Stella when this or that? See how part and one were COMPLETELY replaced? Can be a pronoun OR adjective! Just like proper nouns, these adjectives are ALWAYS capitalized! Examples: Proper Nouns Proper Adjectives Canada Canadian citizen Mexico Mexican laws China Chinese calendar Obama Obama administration Indiana Indiana coast Proper Adjectives 1. 2. 3. Marian McPartland, a jazz pianist from New York City, played several Scott Joplin songs. The program about the Egyptian ruins was narrated by a British scientist and a French anthropologist. Early Spanish explorers built forts along the Florida coast. Let’s Try Some! 1. 2. 3. Marian McPartland, a jazz pianist from New York City, played several (Scott Joplin) songs. The program about the (Egyptian) ruins was narrated by a (British) scientist and a (French) anthropologist. Early (Spanish) explorers built forts along the (Florida) coast. Let’s Try Some! (Answers) Homework { Exercise 9, pg. 361, #1-10 Do NOT write the sentence! Identify the adjectives and the word it modifies! Example: blue – coat noisy - bird